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Ty Cobb

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Posts posted by Ty Cobb

  1. 33 minutes ago, Mr. Buddy Garrity said:

    They need to learn how not to leave RISP, it's been killing them the past 3 series, hopefully they correct that on this upcoming homestand versus the White Sox and Marlins. 

    I was trying to find something positive out of this game, so I’m going with at least we didn’t  lose another 1 run game.🫤

  2. 1 minute ago, Mr. Buddy Garrity said:

    6-5 Powder Blue Sunday dub over Cleveland and completes the sweep 💪🏾 Big series up next versus Tampa Bay. 

    Got a, few and far between, 1 run win today!!!

    Bats came alive in the 8th. Had to get get 4 outs in the 9th. Not sure what the replay guys in new york saw to call that play at 1st safe. 

  3. 1 hour ago, DCT said:

    I believe you are a great parent.
    I have seen the movie.  I wouldn’t take my 12 yr. old to see this movie to educate her.  The part of you that says not yet in my opinion is a good choice.

    Thank you for taking the time to give your opinion. I really appreciate it.

  4. 3 hours ago, Eagle11 said:

    I will agree with this..........it doesn't "show" anything but it is good for young teenagers to see the lengths this scum will go through to kidnap kids. Anyone one or any news outlet that would say do not see this is part of the problem in my eyes. 

    Thanks for the information and for giving your opinion. I’m trying to decide if I want my 12 year old to see this. Part of me says yes but another part says not yet. 

  5. 33 minutes ago, Eagle11 said:

    My wife and I just saw this movie today. One of the best I have seen. 

    Even as the credits rolled I have never been in a theater that was that quiet.

    Jim Caviezel is amazing in this movie.

    Highly recommend 

    What is this movie rated? Is it appropriate for a Jr high student?

  6. 1 hour ago, Unwoke said:

    Thousands of J6ers were hunted down like dogs and arrested for trespassing. 

    The federal government surveillance apparatus flexed every muscle imaginable to find every single person that ever dared to share a meme about, or even look at the Capitol on J6. 

    They went thru your private cell phone conversations. They went thru your bank records. 

    The only person the federal government surveillance apparatus’s couldn’t seem to find is the Pipe Bomber. 

    And now there is a second person they can’t find— the person who brought cocaine into the most secure location on earth: the White House.

    DEMONcrats at their finest. 

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