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Setx fan

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Posts posted by Setx fan

  1. 2 minutes ago, NetCat said:

    Are you arguing that Atlanta is OK because of this incident? 

    Both are wrong, no one should drink and drive period. I have no tolerance for it. 

    Two wrongs do not make a right. 

    I never said drunk driving was cool. I never said the cops were legally wrong for attempting to arrest him. I definitely never said they were wrong for shooting him after he resisted, took a taser and tried to run. I said the situation could have probably been avoided with a little more understanding. You think the cops should just go strictly by the guidelines and “do their jobs”. Get the drunk sleeper from under the wheel and throw him in the jail. You also alluded that drunk drivers never get to go home. I shared a personal experience I know of that proves to me that’s not true 

  2. 1 minute ago, NetCat said:

    You've brought that up twice. 

    Who gets to walk home when they get caught behind the wheel drunk and asleep? 

    If he was sleeping it off in the back seat of the car...outside the bar or something, then I'd be with you. 

    But that's not the case is it? 

    I have personally witnessed a group of drunk white teenagers get to “drive home” after my white friend called the cops on them because he was upset about them yelling racial slurs through a megaphone at a Taco Bell drive through. He called the cops, we ordered food, posted in a parking lot near the Taco Bell and watched the officer pull them over, help them clear their vehicle of beer cans and then we watched the officer let them drive off. Real life 

  3. 5 minutes ago, NetCat said:

    He was in the drive through! He obviously had been driving and was blocking traffic. 

    I can't believe I'm having to argue against drunk driving, I thought that was something everyone could get behind. 

    How messed up do you have to be to fall asleep in the drive through??? 

    You are LEGALLY correct sir. 

  4. 39 minutes ago, NetCat said:

    Yes. Yes they do have to arrest him. No one needs to be driving around drunk. 

    I've had 3 relatives killed by drunk drivers. 

    They didn’t catch him in the act of driving. They caught him sleep in the parking lot. He offered to walk home. I think they could have made sure he walked home and held his key till the next day or even better offered him a ride home. But I understand there are not a lot of cops who want to go above and beyond to “protect and serve”. Most just want to “do their job” and “reach their quotas”. So I understand they probably legally had a right to arrest him and he made a costly mistake by resisting. They did what they had to do at that point. After trial they will probably be acquitted because they were “legally” in the right. 

  5. 14 minutes ago, baddog said:

    Does anyone remember Justine Damond? She was an Australian white woman murder by a black cop from this same police department. He was convicted of her murder. This is justice for her murder, so I don’t understand what other justice people are seeking. Did white people revolt and burn stuff to the ground? No, we let the courts handle the “bad” cops. 
    The only one I wish white people would have taken to the streets in protest was the skate Steinle case. That pos got off scott free. Talk about injustice. 

    That was one instance and the cop was handled correctly as he should be. Blacks are murdered by police all the time and it seems to be picking up as of late. The Floyd situation was just the last straw after several murders on video. Several where the killer wasn’t convicted properly 

  6. 25 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    1.  Lol.  If you think that the system is racist towards blacks when I just gave you three instances of what appears to be misconduct by black prosecutors in all three current racially-based cases...... you need some reality, my friend.  Which I'm pretty sure you're going to get when those cases go to trial.  But of course, you won't care about the fact that the actions didn't warrant the charges... You'll burn stuff down and yell "racism."

    2.  If you choose to attend a college in 2020 which is purely populated by blacks, embrace that "40 acres and a mule" mentality that is considered gospel in those institutions, then find out that nobody wants to hire you, it's not racism.  

    HBCUs have an average 35% graduation rate...some were less than 20%, and the very best (Howard) is marginal at 65% graduation rate.  The national average among ALL colleges (including HBCUs) is 60%.  And HBCUs are dragging that number down. 


    This is the hidden content, please

    But you're over here re-arguing Plessy v. Ferguson and trying to convince us that "Separate but Equal" is actually possible.  The people that fought for rights for you would be ashamed of what you're arguing. 

    2. Graduate percentage has nothing to do with an actual graduates degree being looked upon as lesser 

  7. 9 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    1.  Lol.  If you think that the system is racist towards blacks when I just gave you three instances of what appears to be misconduct by black prosecutors in all three current racially-based cases...... you need some reality, my friend.  Which I'm pretty sure you're going to get when those cases go to trial.  But of course, you won't care about the fact that the actions didn't warrant the charges... You'll burn stuff down and yell "racism."

    2.  If you choose to attend a college in 2020 which is purely populated by blacks, embrace that "40 acres and a mule" mentality that is considered gospel in those institutions, then find out that nobody wants to hire you, it's not racism.  

    HBCUs have an average 35% graduation rate...some were less than 20%, and the very best (Howard) is marginal at 65% graduation rate.  The national average among ALL colleges (including HBCUs) is 60%.  And HBCUs are dragging that number down. 


    This is the hidden content, please

    But you're over here re-arguing Plessy v. Ferguson and trying to convince us that "Separate but Equal" is actually possible.  The people that fought for rights for you would be ashamed of what you're arguing. 

    1. The 3 instances you mentioned have been handled correctly so far and will go to trial. Were the teenage protesters being violent or vandalizing? The video I saw they were actually i their car. I didn’t even know they were protesting. The 2 policeman who killed the guy fleeing from them legally had the right I believe. They weren’t really in danger at the point of the shooting but they couldn’t just let him get away. He put his own life in danger with his actions. Now did they really have to try and arrest a guy for being sleep in a parking lot under the influence? I don’t think so being that he offered to walk home. But in the end they decided to arrest, he resisted, he got shot. I think the charges will be dropped after trial. As far as the 4 policemen in Minnesota, trainees or not, they took the job. Don’t take much training to know not to sit there and watch a guy murder a guy in handcuffs. They’ve obviously been trained wrong. If that’s the case they can plead their case in court. I’m all for it. Bring light to the whole crooked system 

  8. 3 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    1. I’m not sure how much “systemic racism” had to do with Ahmaud Arbery’s killing. It’s a hotly debated issue and  not everyone was happy that they were arrested and not everyone will be happy if they are acquitted. Some people watch that fight and see murder and others see “self defense.” Just because people don’t agree with your opinion on the subject doesn’t equal “racism.” I’m not convinced that the old man’s LEO background didn’t have a lot to do with their lack of arrest. Some people would also point out that the arrest wasn’t made until the fourth DA (first black one, btw) was appointed. 

    2. HBCUs.... I think we both agree that their origination was needed because of blatant racism in regards to college admissions, particularly in the South. HOWEVER, if the institution requires lower (if any) admissions standards, has educators that are hired for their skin color instead of their abilities, has historically bad graduation rates, and creates graduates that are indoctrinated with ideas that make them a bad fit for just about any business.... it becomes a second class institution that exists in a state of segregation simply because it’s “ours”... you still blame racism. 
    Literally .... those are black peoples’ institutions. They did exactly what they wanted with them. The fact that they are now a joke isn’t the fault of the people who ran them into the ground, it’s Whitey.  

    Is it racism when the black DA in Atlanta charges police officers with a deadly conduct charge for using a taser on black protestors, then charges police officers with murder two weeks later, saying that the police were not in danger when being shot with tasers?

    Is it racism when a devoted follower of Louis Farrakhan who is also the Attorney General of Minnesota charges every cop on the scene with murder (or accessory to murder) when two of them are on their fourth day on the job. Trainees? I’m not surprised. That’s what a racist would do. 
    And your response would be something about a rabbit having a gun. So don’t bother.  

    1. Aubury’s case was clearly a murder. Nothing was stolen from that house. The 2 killers were not officers at the time of the killing. They had no real reason to try and arrest him because they had no proof of their suspicions. They chased him all around the neighborhood before the portion of the video that was leaked. He changed directions several times trying to escape them. If not before then I’m pretty sure by that time he has a right to “stand his ground”. That “attack” perceived by people like you who want to see it that way was last minute survival instincts after being chased around the block and not being able to escape. The guy who recorded later stated that the shooter uttered “f*****g n****r” after shooting the victim. That proves the killing was racially motivated although they don’t have a hate crime law in Georgia. But that’s not what makes it “systemic racism”. Systemic racism is the fact that they would have never even been arrested and tried if the video had not been leaked 2 months later. This is the one time this type of thing came to the light. It has happened on other occasions and was never uncovered,

    2. You just stated all lies about HBCUs. They have the same standards of other schools. They hire teachers of all races. Students are well equipped for whatever field they want to go into. Their considered second class institutions because blacks are considered second class human beings. It’s always been that way in America. At one point we were considered 2/3 of a human. Not sure that way of thinking is completely gone

  9. On 6/24/2020 at 1:51 PM, ECBucFan said:

    We have a SPIRTIUAL problem.

    One race in particular has made their race their "God". They are obsessed with their race 24/7/365. They excuse away any and all violent destructive behavior as OK, as long as it is done in the name of their race. They do not care anything about any other race, only their race matters. They do not know the word "forgiveness:", it is not in their vocabulary unless they want debt forgiveness or to get money out of some other "give me" program. No, just the opposite. They want to play the eternal victim, justifying their hate towards one other race in particular, and wanting to mindlessly punish innocent people of that other race for things done 100-200 years ago that their own ancestors on another continent comitted.

    They get into a rage when one bad apple commits a crime, and instead of putting the blame on that one perpertrator, they want to burn the entire country down. Meanwhile, a hundred of their own kill another hundred of their own in a major city over a weekend, and they don't even blink. Why? Because those murderers are of their same race. So, enjoy whats left of this nation, before it completely burns down to the ground. As these racial supremacists celebrate and dance in the street as cities burn and blood flows, keep in mind one "tiny" detail. you will stand before a judge one day. The real Judge. At that point, your race that you are so in love with today won't even matter, but your heart and actions will. Get ready! You WILL have to give an account!

    This is a big load of crap btw. God bless you. Smh 

  10. On 6/26/2020 at 10:22 AM, CardinalBacker said:

    Racism in America is all about perceived slights and imagined offenses. 
    You can’t identify actual instances of white on black racism anymore, so we have to protest “systemic” (another word for “we just can’t prove it) racism, privilege, micro-aggressions, and dog-whistle racism. 
    If you live in crappy section 8 housing, that’s racism. It’s not that you’re four generations deep of single moms and absent dads. It’s whitey. It’s not that you’d rather pop out kids for bigger benefit checks.... it’s racism.  If you never scrape up the closing costs and take advantage of the multitude of programs for first time buyers because you’d rather live in a rent-subsidized apartment... racism. 
    If you catch a couple of felonies, get some neck tats, quit high school, and then Valero won’t hire you..... absolutely racism. 
    If you are born poor in America, live poor, and die broke... you don’t make good decisions. That’s a fact. My standard of living is a result of my hard work and solid decision making. I’ve never once sat around and wondered whose to blame for my lot in life. 

    “Systemic racism” Mr Cardinal is when the  killing of Aubury happened in Georgia and the killers weren’t even arrested although all the evidence was there. The killers were protected by the system. “Systemic racism” is what you mentioned on another thread about HBCU degrees being looked at as lesser. I feel like you are allready aware that this exist but you are trying to downplay it. But just in case you needed help figuring out what it is those are 2 of many examples. Nobody has time to sit around and make shit up. These are real life situations blacks have to deal with. Are we completely hopeless? No. Do we sometimes make it harder on ourselves with our own decisions? Yes. Does pouting and being angry help? Hell no. Does all these sentimental changes they have going on help our cause? No. But systemic racism very much exist and people like you are very much a part of it because you pretend it’s not there while defending it 

  11. 2 hours ago, Chuckwagon said:

    Can we end all this talk on haynes? He is down the road and surely happy. Lets see what Barrier can do. I feel they are gonna whip EC and put Anahuac back in there place. We all know this team should be 8-3.. anything less is unacceptable with the talent level of these Hornets

    So excited for change and some real coaching! Time to get the boys program back on track!


    He’s gonna take them from being 1-7 in district to whipping up on EC? He that good or was Haynes that bad? 

  12. 2 minutes ago, WOSgrad said:

    Wow.  My disagreement over the district changing a name of a team is interpreted as support for the Confederate flag (which I don't).

    Folks, Exhibit 1 as to why nothing regarding race will ever be solved has just been submitted.

    That part of the comment wasn’t toward you Grad. I completely understand your concern. The first part was directed to you. The last part was directed to the people not directly connected to the WOS program that seem so awfully triggered by thIs small change. (And I know it may not be a small change to people directly connected to the program) 

  13. 16 hours ago, WOSgrad said:

    It is a little more than that. 

    I had a chance to get this from a friend.  It is the poem that gave rise to the Chain Gang:


    "I wear a link around my neck

    A simple reminder to me

    Of the fact that I am a team member

    No matter where I may be.


    That small link is not magic

    Nor is it a good luck charm

    It isn't meant to protect me

    From every physical harm.

    It's simply an understanding

    Between my teammates and me.


    When I look down at my chest

    And the silver oval I do see

    I know it's there to remind me

    Of what team member should be.


    It links me to the team.

    It links me to the school.

    It is a constant reminder

    That there is no place for a fool.


    So I wear this link around my neck

    To remind me many a time

    That a man without conviction

    Isn't worth a simple dime."


    The Chain Gang, as it was used in the defensive unit at West Orange-Stark High School, was a phrase of brotherhood and unity. 

    I have seen several on social media during this time of strife indicate that the best solution of unity can be found in a high school football locker room.  Rather than doing that, the WO-C CISD decided to toss a hand grenade in it.  That is what bothers me most of all.

    Although, as I stated previously, I remain confident that Mustang defense will be the same whether you call them the Chain Gang, the Blue Link or the Pink Vaginas, a very small part of me wonders what effect this episode will have when the Mustangs hit the field.

    This is good info. It’s an inspiring poem and I could see how that mindset instilled in a team could get more effort and focus out of players. But as a casual fan with no direct connection to the team or school the nickname doesn’t phase me one way or another and I don’t see how it effects anyone else other than homers. If your upset because they’re attempting to ban confederate flags JUST SAY THAT

  14. 20 minutes ago, wo-s#1 said:

    It would be a big deal if you’ve been a WOS supporter or player or anything close to the program....oh and hate politics too I guess 

    I understand it being meaningful to WOS homers and players. Just wondering why everyone else is so triggered about the nickname of a portion of WOS team. It’s not even the actual name, mascot, or logo. And I am a casual fan of WOS by the way although I’m a Woodville homer 


  15. 7 hours ago, myrecordwashorrible said:

    This is a sports sociology topic.  Yes, it is. Thus, it is political.  Like it or not, when the leading sports sociology text in America promotes Marxism on its 3rd page, all sport topics can turn political. Shut up and go elsewhere is a wonderful tool of the left.  That is exactly what is being done here in asking(or telling) me or others to take it to the political forum. 

    If politics and sports don't intersect now, someone please tell ESPN.  

    Your right it’s a sports sociology topic. That really all we have right now because there’s not much sports going on. And politics has always seemed to make its way into sports discussion every now and then. Me my self I don’t mind discussing sociology and world views but I don’t respect “political talk”. People who do a lot of political talk usually don’t use their own brain. They let their political party do all the thinking for them. I have my own opinion on different issues and I don’t mind other people having theirs. But it is verry foolish to use terms like “fake virus” concerning covid 19 and I’d rather not do the “left and right” talk 

  16. 37 minutes ago, ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING said:

    You have never seen the tv show monk, the world's greatest detective but is scare to death of everything, even milk he doesn't shake hands without a wipe, cod real bad etc. The theme song is called it's a jungle out there.

    Ok that makes sense lol 

  17. We are going to have to move forward at some point but there has to be a plan put together for that motion. I think we should probably focus on more strict quarantine of the people who test positive. Not to make them feel like they’re being punished or ostracized but just for the general well being of the public. Instead they they send the people who have tested positive home without notifying us who they are while telling them to “self quarantine”. They don’t always follow those instructions and that’s what makes the virus hard to contain in my opinion 

  18. 6 hours ago, Hagar said:

    Imo, it all depends on whether you open schools or not.  If you open schools, you should play sports.   There’s more contact in the halls when the bell rings than any football field.   

    So if you open schools, & one kid catches it, do you quarantine everyone in every class that kids in?   Don’t think that’ll work.   So again, imo, it all depends on whether we open schools.   Some experts claim heat & humidty will kill much of the Virus.   Can’t see a decision being made until mid July.  I’m in the high risk group, so I should take precautions.   Young folks, not so much.   As I heard one reporter say, we can open things, then if necessary, close again, but the one thing we can’t do is open to late.

    It’ll be a tough call, and I’m glad I’m not the one making it.  But do we, not just school kids, cower in our homes forever?

    You may have a point but I kind of think sweaty athletes may spread it faster than normal contact between students in hallways and such. Not to mention there may be new provisions to limit such contact


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