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Setx fan

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Posts posted by Setx fan

  1. 7 hours ago, SportsJunkie32 said:

    The legal guardian indicated that the two players, one is a junior and the other is a senior were home schooled and lived in the Yates School Zone for 2 Years.  The legal guardian have legal guardianship of those young men.  The guardian stated that the young men were taken in because they came from a trouble environment.  The two players did not play local summer ball in Houston.  The guardian stated that Coach Wise was not aware that the young men plans of enrolling at Yates until they enrolled at Yates.  HCYA is the home school the young men was enrolled in last year.  AGAIN the young men had been living in the Yates School Zone for 2 Years.  It's no one's business regarding where the young men came from before arriving to Houston.  The legal guardian had the necessary paperwork required by UIL.  Coach Wise reputation is on the line with the comments made by the head coach at HJ.    


    7 hours ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    Attorney Benard Pink, who starred at Yates HS 82-84 and now the legal guardian of 2 big men at Yates HS.


    7 hours ago, JayBilas said:

    Not surprised one bit. Its NOT Greg Wise doing any recruiting, its these street agents and former players.

  2. 1 hour ago, oldschool2 said:

    No.. but the point is that the kids living inside that boundary HAVE to be provided an education by Houston Yates and ARE eligible for UIL competition.  Kids living outside of it ARE NOT able to just enroll in school at Houston Yates and start playing basketball.  Those are transfer students and are ineligible for UIL competition for one calendar year from their enrollment date.  The school does not have access to the whole city.  NO SCHOOL can stop or deny who lives in their attendance zone.  

    Sounds like your saying there are no other options for schooling in that area other than Yates. If so how do all the other kids living in that area get around attending Yates? Because I know it’s more than 8 or 900 living in the area. Also what schools did these 5 mysterious “move ins”(or whatever you wanna call em) play at last year? And are you suggesting that all 5 6’8 seniors “moved in” the same year by coincidence and this wasn’t orchestrated somehow? 

  3. 32 minutes ago, oldschool2 said:

    There is a certain amount of ignorance apparent in this thread.  Many have no idea how the UIL guidelines are enforced.  This word.. “transfer”... keeps getting thrown around.  

    Transfer refers to a student that DOES NOT LIVE in a school’s attendance zone.  In that case, they are not eligible for UIL competition for one calendar year from the day they enroll.  If these 6’8 kids MOVED into Yates’ attendance zone then they are legally eligible.  It is against the law to deny an education to any student that lives in your attendance zone.

    THEY DO NOT HAVE ACCESS to every high school kid in the city or Houston.

    One last point lol. The population for the zone of kids able to enroll at Yates and participate in UIL competition is probably at least 2 or 3 times the population for the district/ zones for these 4A schools in rural areas. The population in these towns is normally around 15 to 25 thousand. Being that Houston’s population has millions I’m guessing that the population within Yates zone/district is anywhere from 60 to 100 thousand. Seems like the best young b-ball players out that district/zone are probably gonna attend Yates even if they wait till their senior year to do so lol. Not to mention the fact that a kid that doesn’t stay in that zone/district can use a fake address. The UIL should take this into consideration and Yates should not be competing against schools that don’t have these privilages 

  4. One last comment and I’m done with this topic. Yates is a school with rich tradition that has always been a basketball dynasty. This I know. They would probably still be a good team even without the transfers but idk if they would still be state contenders. Maybe so. But I don’t think anyone in their right mind would truly believe 5 6’8 seniors decided to transfer to Yates the same year by coincidence. Those type of things just don’t normally happen. But even if that is the case I still don’t think it’s fair for rural area 4A schools to have to compete against schools like Yates. Yea they might only have 8 or 900 kids at their school currently but you never know what type of athletes or how many athletes are gonna pop up at the school the next year by “coincidence”. If that’s the case and the UIL is going to continue to let that happen they should take that into consideration when classifying them. You can’t classify them as 4A because of their enrollment when there’s at least another 5 or 10 thousand kids living within the school district but not currently enrolled at Yates of whom the best athletes in that group might just decide to transfer to Yates. That’s just not fair. Yates player pool is just way too big regardless of their school enrollment 

  5. 22 minutes ago, Magic Johnson said:

    So basically if you only kill 1 person (1 transfer basketball player) that don't make you a murderer (HJ)...Compared to killing 4(Yates)...No matter how you look at it's still murder...

    1 transfer isn’t murder. However 1 recruit is murder. Multiple recruits is like being a serial killer with no regard for human life. People are always going to find loop holes to get away with murder but when it becomes too easy to get away with murder people will become unconscious and it’s like there’s no law. If there’s no law you may now have a purge. UIL needs to get a hold on this before it gets out of hand. I don’t want to see high school sports go all the way in that direction 

  6. 8 minutes ago, bayou city 713 said:

    A lot of those kids have ties to yates .. great grandparents, grandparents , or parents went there ..yates is a very old school ...with yates basketball  ur argument goes both ways ... they lose kids to the ft bend schools which are always exceptional in basketball , they lose kids to Prep and private schools ... this balances out.. yates does not have to recruit any players ...players already want to go there .. 

    If that’s the case then so be it. But I think the UIL needs to pay close attention to make sure there is no foul play. 4 6’8 transfers all senior in one year? Goodness!   


  7. 1 minute ago, bayou city 713 said:

    So it’s justified for HJ to  benefit from a marginal .transfer as long as it’s only one super star ... ...sounds   Either hypocritical.or sounds like moving the goal post to me ...Is it fair that everytime that yates play In Huntsville it’s 5 vs 8 ? When they lost to silsbee in 2018 was anybody saying that ? Stop with the excuseS where I’m from life is uneven for most people 

    If it’s a legit transfer (meaning no recruitment was involved) it’s fine with me. I have no reason to favor any one of these programs over the other. I support all SETX programs. I’m just giving my opinion from the outside looking in. I have no clue who’s actually recruiting who’s not but certain things look more suspicious than others. Transfers happen all the time. Kids go to different programs for different reasons. Not every time do these reasons involve recruiting. In fact I believe my hometown, Woodville lost a good 2 sport athlete to Silsbee a couple years back. We don’t get a whole lot of great athletes in Woodville so that hurt us I think. But I don’t think any recruiting was involved. I believe he had family ties in Silsbee or may have lived there before at one point and it didn’t hurt that Silsbee has a great athletic program which I think had something to do with him and his family’s decision also. I think that transfer hurt Woodville a lot more than it helped Silsbee which is the killer part lol. But I don’t think there was any recruiting involved. I think that was a decision he and his family made on their own. Now those type of things happen all the time but when 4 or 5 good athletes transfer to a program at one time with no ties to the community that raises eyebrows. If you can prove a coach is recruiting players on a small or large scale than I am all the way with you but if your just going to throw allegations out there because a program has had a transfer or 2 over the years sounds like your reaching 

  8. 6 minutes ago, Mamba said:

    "People were asking me [before a fight], 'What’s going to happen?,' " Tyson said. "They were talking about his style. 'He's going to give you a lot of lateral movement. He's going to move, he's going to  dance. He's going to do this, do that.' I said, "Everybody has a plan until they get hit. Then, like a rat, they stop in fear and freeze.' "

    The Great Mike Tyson

    What does this have to do with the topic? Lol 

  9. 48 minutes ago, idiotproof1981 said:

    Why have u note mentioned the HJ “Recruit” that played all season long? 

    I don’t know much about that situation. But from what I hear HJ may have one transfer playing on the team. Just because you get a transfer does not mean you’ve been actively recruiting. But when you get multiple transfers that definitely raises a red flag. 4 or 5 transfers is definitely worth a conversation and since we’ve been having the conversation the people who call themselves defending these recruiters haven’t really claimed they’re not recruiting. In fact they have said things like “this coach has been knowing these players for years” and “they’d rather play for this coach than anyone else” which sounds like recruitment to me lol. Then they try to defend it by saying other coaches have done it also which verry well may be true but if so it’s done on a smaller scale and less obvious. That’s why those situations don’t get discussed much. They’re normal and may be innocent transfers. Even if they aren’t they’re less obvious 

  10. 2 minutes ago, oldschool2 said:

    How about this.. unless moving in as a junior high student, ALL TRANSFERS sit one calendar year.  No matter the reason.  If it's because of education (which is apparently the case), then sitting a year in varsity sports won't have any affect on the schooling.

    It's broken.  But nobody is offering a better solution.  You can't just punish one school.  What is a fair solution that will be a rule across the board?

    I actually thought this rule was allready in place but either I was wrong or people are finding loop holes 

  11. 11 minutes ago, Mamba said:

    Coaches don’t recruit players ..Players recruit players . Like i said you may not have gotten the better players but you have gotten players that help you win nothing gets said about the SETX schools that have done it and won. 

    Everyone gets transfers from time to time. Sometimes those transfers happen to really benefit athletic clubs. And yes everyone knows that sometimes those transfers have been recruited. I wish that never happened but that’s less obvious and more manageable to deal with. But when teams start bringing in 4 and 5 recruits in the same year ( not in the course of 5 or 10 years) it becomes more obvious what’s going on and it’s a real blow to the integrity of the game. You being on this site I would guess you are a fan of the game. You having that great man on your profile I would think you valued integrity. If those things were true of you, why would you be supporting recruitment of HS players in public schools? 

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