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Posts posted by Rake1

  1. Hate??

    Another :rolleyes:

    Saying AAW has "hate" for BC is a little much, you must remember that he wears maroon to everything and the "envy" reflex is very strong for that reason so his remarks tend to be a slanted.

    I'm actually just poking fun at AAW! He's really a good dude and does a fantastic job promoting sports in our area. He was always beyond nice to me and my son at any event we saw him at and for the most part complimentary of other schools when they played Silsbee. We had some great conversations during our 4 years of BC vs Silsbee baseball/football and I consider him a friend and a friend of high school sports in our part of the world.

    Just my humble opinion.


    P.S. One day I will be deemed worthy enough to be able to use emoji's too. Until then I will remain a lowly poster with "text only" replies.
  2. Impossible to say without knowing who all agreed to play if chosen. Many play travel ball as well and decide to play those events instead of All Stars. Just to help open your eyes on the subject more than half the roster of the 17-18 year old All Stars were from outside of Mid County. In fact 4 were from BC. Unless you know that everyone in the league said they would play if chosen your argument holds no merit.

  3. sounds like someone is concerned about port neches starting up their senior league program again.


    loosing PN and GROVES kids will hurt NBR in a big way.


    if you are concerned with your kid transition to a bigger field PONY is always and option. they don't jump from 44/60 to 60/90 like at NBR does . they transition to 54/80 before jumping to 60/90 field  


    be careful at NBR if you are not from nederland.................

    Ridiculous statement!! Nederland Babe Ruth is unmatched in 13-18 year old baseball for overall competition, atmosphere and talent level. Nederland Babe Ruth routinely draws some of the best talent in the triangle in all age groups. I know plenty of boys who came from other towns besides Nederland that would gladly tell you the Babe Ruth experience was some of the most fun and competitive baseball they play. The opportunity to play competitive baseball with your friends is a welcome break from travel ball for many players. The quality of players that show up maintain a high level of baseball while the social aspect of playing against others who do not play travel ball is a perfect combination that is not duplicated anywhere locally. When a league has the year in year out success that Nederland Babe Ruth has and draws as many players from all across the triangle as it does it's awful hard to argue with their level of success. One more thing for you to think about, if "your Pony league" was such a great option why would you need to "re-start" it? Seems like if it was that good it never would have stopped in the first place.




  4. Look at their program! Im not a bit surprised!

    You may want to be a little more specific and say "football program" rather than paint the entire athletic program with one broad stroke. That's not entirely fair to the other sports. BC boys and girls compete and do well in other sports. Baseball, track, cross country, golf, powerlifting etc. For whatever reason football has definitely seen more prosperous times.

  5. Blah, blah,blah.....continue to point the finger at 1 guy without addressing the other issues. This is beyond old and tired. Your fixation and agenda has gone from zero to near stalker in about a page and a half here. Kinda sad and a little creepy yet increasingly pathetic. Continue to deny the other variables and try to place blame in areas where is doesn't belong. Same song, different verse.




  6. I love it when people make my case for me! Thanks for continuing to show you have a personal agenda Hondo21, great job!! You focus one 1 player in your ridiculous rant rather than the entire performance of a TEAM. How about give us some of the other stats to go along with your pitiful attempt to prove a point. Give us some info on dropped passes, busted blocking assignments, and so on. You know you won't do it because it doesn't fit your agenda. Please continue to prove your foolishness by posting 1 sided and uninformed trash. You make life so easy.




    Oh and let's not forget One4All and his conspiracy theory that he continues to allude to. Absolute joke!! 

  7. It's beyond laughable that folks like Hondo21 (with a grand total of 12 posts) make such wild accusations as they continue to grind their axe. The notion that any player is on the field because he is a "good kid" or as Hondo21 puts it "polite and well mannered" instead of another player who is better at the position is so disrespectful to the entire coaching staff it's not even comprehensible. I'm sure somewhere folks like Hondo21 were on the "fire Cornel bus" in 2011 when WO-S started the season 1-3 and then they fell by the wayside as the Mustangs reeled off 9 straight wins en route to the 4th round of the playoffs. Here is a newsflash for all the haters out there........




    It's just absolutely incredible that this many people are so up in arms over this situation after 1 loss to a quality program, talk about fair weather fans. And for all the folks screaming for a change at the QB position I invite you to take a look at the tape because 1 guy does not lose a game by himself. Plenty of blame to go around that's for sure. Were there some passes overthrown, yes. Were there some good passes dropped, yes. Were there other variables that contributed to the loss, absolutely. Please do us all a favor and either get over it, get out, or get on board and support the team. There are plenty of people who would trade places with some of the "ultra complacent" WOS fans. It's obvious that success has spoiled some folks while others remain grateful to be part of such a good program. Think about it......



  8. It's awful hard to believe that 4 years of Babe Ruth baseball has come and gone for our family. The Mid County Babe Ruth league has been one of the best things we ever did as far as baseball is concerned, hands down. The overall atmosphere and camaraderie that is shared in every game is like no other place. The quality of the league and the opportunity for kids from all over the triangle to get to see some top end pitching, get quality AB's, play new positions, and do it in a relaxed atmosphere is what summer baseball is all about. We have been fortunate enough to gain many great friends during our time in the league and it still hasn't quite sunk in that we won't be able play anymore as we move on to college ball. The coaches and full time fans who support this league are in a class by themselves and have my utmost respect for the dedication they show year after year. Very rarely do you get the opportunity to look forward to a weekday summer league game, but that's exactly what happened to us once we joined the league. The atmosphere is second to none and the baseball is really good. I want to personally thank all those folks who make this league what it is and for giving so much of themselves in order to provide a great place for our baseball players to continue to grow and more importantly have fun. Also a huge thank you to "AdminBabeRuth" and all the other baseball junkies who have been coaching in that league for so many years for allowing me to be a part of the league as well, it is very much appreciated. I want to encourage any and all local baseball players to give Mid County Babe Ruth a try, it's easily the best game in town. 


    With much respect and thanks,



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