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Posts posted by Rake1

  1. @Rake1-Sorry you misconstrued this as me "patting myself on the back" as that was NEVER my intent. Was merely pointing out the difficulty in getting umpires to work games in hostile environments and/or when guys know they will be ripped by coaches, fans or on posts such as has happened here. There are tons of other opportunities to call games. Only point I was attempting to make. Sorry if it came off any way other than that.As for checking social media, I will leave that to my children. Have to assume from your comment this umpire posted on his performance or something similar. I am hopeful you are not of the belief umpires walk off the field thinking they got every call right or that every game is their best? Not even close. We do our best to get every pitch or call correct but it rarely occurs. We discuss each game in detail to help each other improve. It is not as easy as it appears. I can tell you this....every umpire has walked off a field believing he has called a consistent game only to hear grumbles from coaches and fans and have threads like this shred them which makes a guy doubt himself. Again, another in the long list of reasons it is difficult to recruit and retain umpires. The fact that we are umpires should tell you something about us being a tad "off our rockers" :). Tough to hear the stinging criticism and want to continue doing something you love to do. Since we are speaking about REALITIES...That's another hurdle our Chapter faces each year :(Final TASO meeting is tonight, 7:00PM should you be interested in simply listening (as a guest) to some very decent guys working hard at a craft that is more often thankless than rewarding. You may even get to hear me berated by the Board for posting my opinions here :(

    No harm no foul as far as I'm concerned. I know it's a thankless job and without umps we can't play. There are some really good ones out there. As far as signing up, I've been a coach too long and could never switch to the "DARK SIDE". LOL!

  2. It is very difficult to read this thread without responding when it is quite obvious some are wearing their rose-colored glasses as they evaluate and shred the umpiring. Leave age out of this. Your plate umpire for the HF game last week is 24 but you won so nothing was said of his ability (or lack of). WOS earned a win last night and no other explanation is necessary. WOS was better than BC last night...PERIOD! However, let's see if I understand what I have read (If I am to believe the comments, in combination with the stats from this post)POST: KOGT states the umpire is a "hitters" ump.REALITY: BC-2 hits, WOS 5!POST: I've seen better umps in LL.REALITY: Many of us TASO umpires are volunteer LL umpires and perform very well at high levels of both (thank you for noticing)POST: Coaches can scratch umps followed by this guy will never call for BC and WOS.REALITY: Umpires can scratch schools as well and many of us have scratched BC for the very reason you can read throughout this post.REALITY: I called the BC/HF game last week (after having scratched BC) simply because no other umpires were available due to the high number of scratches and I was basically begged to take the game.REALITY: The only other BC game I called this year was similar to last night: Livingston had more hits, pitcher threw well and BC made 4 or more errors. As a result, Livingston beat BC because they were the better team that day.Winning is great. Losing is tough. Some times you play well, other times you just don't but to take away a solid performance by your opponent without acknowledging your teams poor performance AND then turn on the umpires is demeaning to your opponent(s) and....Well, you understand why the top umpires in the Chapter will exercise their right to scratch these type schools (irrational fans don't help either).PS-I have called WOS 3 times this season and they are a solid team. Lack the pitching depth they'd like to have but 1-9 hits well and they play solid defense much like BC.Best of luck to both teams in the playoffs as you represent SE TX and will do so very well!!

    Be careful, you may break your arm patting yourself on the back. You
    May also want to check out last nights ump on social media before you come running in here like the cavalry to save the day. You can thank me later. That, as you so like to put it, is REALITY.

  3.  It's not where they catch it. It's where it crosses the plate. I have seen lots of curve balls caught where you state that cross the plate too high. Yet the 3rd row ump always calls them strikes.


    I'm speechless....Thank you for the nugget of knowledge Capt. Obvious.


    Both of the guys catching last night are well aware of what a strike is and they both were well aware that the guy behind the dish had no clue.


    Regards from the "3rd row".



  4. Also every January there's meetings to go over new rule changes and mechanics. Email the rules committee that the third row is the best way to see the outside corner. Consistent was used a lot so on a tough night he was able to keep it relatively ok.

    When a catcher lines up over the plate, catches a pitch in between his shin guards and below his mask it doesn't take the guys in the "3rd row" to figure out if it was a strike or not. Both catchers last night are about as good as you can find around here and routinely they both showed frustration with the guy. Email that to your committee Callaway 7.

  5. Hats off to WOS for pulling out the victory tonite. Good teams take advantage of every opportunity (strategy, other teams miscues, beneficial calls, heads up baseball) and that's exactly what they did tonight. BC leaving a ton of guys on base is a big part of the story, just couldn't get the timely hit. WOS played very well tonite and should be congratulated on the win.

    As far the umpiring crew goes it's an embarrassment to TASO that they send guys like this to call a high profile game. Both coaches should be insulted that a guy who was playing Babe Ruth 2 years ago was put in charge of such an important district game. Both of these guys were in way over their head and it showed. Both schools deserve better in my opinion. It's a shame to do what they did to any team. Certainly took away from the contest for all involved. I can guarantee neither of these guys will ever work a BC game again and I'd be shocked if they ever call one for WOS either.

  6. I watched this game last night with mixed emotions, happy for the victory but sad to realize this will probably be the last time these guys will all be on the field together. This group of Seniors from both schools have been playing ball together since they were 7 years old. Some years they were separated and competed against one another while other years they played on the same team. It has been a great ride to say the least and a lot of fun seeing these young men grow up and succeed not only in baseball but life in general. For me personally I gained a lot of really good friends throughout this time and I consider myself fortunate for that every day. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for these young men. To all my friends from Silsbee, it's been a blast and I wish you nothing but the best down the road. To Tyler Powell, Colby Leblanc, Jordan Gore, Brayden Griffin, and Matthew Hartman I hope you guys have another great run in the playoffs and continue your success in everything you do. To my Senior guys from BC that played with us (Blaine Mcelduff, Keaton Langston and Hunter Uzzle) I hope for a long playoff run as well and a great life after baseball. Time sure flies and it seems like we just got started.

    Lots of good baseball played right here..

    Southeast Texas Tigers, Stripecats, Dirty Dozen, Johnny's Drakes, Gladiators, BlueClaw Baseball, Mid County Babe Ruth, Bridge City Little League, Silsbee Little League, Bridge City High School, Silsbee High School, Panola, Northeast Oklahoma.

    With much respect,


    I just realized we may possibly get 1 more game........

    3A Region Finals!! Good Luck Fellas!!
  7. Fantastic game tonite! 9 innings....WOW! Hats off to Brayden Griffin (Silsbee) and JM Kelly(Buna) for going the distance for their teams and throwing 9 innings each. Great performance by each of these guys. In a situation like this it's almost not fair that 1 guy has to lose, both were very good tonite. Congrats to Silsbee on the win. Buna is the best 2-6 team you'll ever see! 3 or 4 of those losses were by 1 run each time. Some really good baseball is being played in 21-3A, no doubt about it!

  8. Pretty straight forward to me...but I will put it right between the eyes...Buna wins they are gonna put a wrench in the works for a smooth trip to the #1 playoff seed and Buna has the ability to do it and BC in no way should take this game lightly...BC will get beat. I think this will be a very fun game to watch.

    Dang! And to think I wasted some perfectly good sarcasm only to get a reply from Capt. Obvious.


    BC knows Buna is better than their record thus far. Nobody is taking the Cougars lightly. Anyone who thinks differently needs to have their head examined. Predictions of scores serve no purpose, predicting a good game is a much better option. First time around these 2 played a very entertaining game, no reason to think the game Friday will be any different.
  9. Both teams seem to bring out the best of each other, hopefully this game will do the same.  BC is clearly the favorite and has all the pressure on them.  Buna has nothing to lose and a lot to prove to themselves and the district.  BC is playing for the first seed in district and Buna the fourth, it is more of a must win for BC to maintain their objective.  I want Buna to win of course but want see good baseball more.

    The only way to get any more subliminal messages out of this quote is to read it backwards.

  10. Its because there is no testing after that day just on that day and those Monday games are early because of testing on Tuesday.

    Huh? SMH......?

    I must be missing something. By this explanation all the games should be able to be played on
    Tuesday, correct? If I'm not following I apologize, just understand the explanation.

  11. The rule clearly states that district rules supercede. Since you know everything about baseball, you are probably the only one who knows what the district policy is, so please enlighten us oh mighty one.

    What else do you need me to do "slappy" ? I just typed in word for word what the district rule states. Consider yourself enlightened. If I could post a pic I'd show the document that coaches use. When I do I'll be glad to accept your humble apology.

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