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Posts posted by marshman

  1. 14 hours ago, WOS1986 said:

    WOW! I am shock that WOS fans have no faith in boys. How sad! What a shame!

    We should focus one time a game and support Mustang boys no matter what!

    It’s not that we don’t have faith in them or that we don’t support them because we do, but we also realize that for whatever reason this years team is one of the most undisciplined teams we’ve ever seen. Every game tons and tons of penalties, and many are personal fouls. I realize many of those are in response to other teams actions but do better. Your the Mustangs, don’t let the other teams get into your head. Run the play and when the play is over move on to the next one. If WOS is the cream of the crop around here then cream always rises to the top. Don’t settle to the bottom by letting other teams drag you there. Be classy. Do better. 

    That and the fact we have no real effective passing game leads us realistic fans to believe the 3rd round will be it for us. Sooner or later we’ll face a team that will shut Gales and the running game down. We do hope we’re wrong though. I sure want to be. 

  2. 11 hours ago, LCMAlumtiger32 said:

    Yea I hope that weather starts going north east and we don’t get to much of it. With this being LCM last home game of the year I hope it’s a good one. 

    Doesn’t LCM have a home game against Livingston on Oct 29?

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