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Law Man

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Posts posted by Law Man

  1. On 10/17/2019 at 8:05 PM, Law Man said:

    This is good news.  However, there are other players involved besides the Kurds and Turkey.  The Syrian regime, and Russia, which supports it.  After the U.S. withdrew completely from the region and left the Syrian Kurds without a partner. Syrian Kurds made a pact with Russia and Assad. This gave Assad permission to move into parts of the territory that the Kurds with American help, retook from ISIS.  I pray it all works out and that ISIS doesn't regroup. Russia is not to be trusted and at this point no one knows the end game. I commend the administration for stopping the blood shed.

    Russia has accomplished its mission in Syria. Turkey and Russia have become ally’s. Russia is THE super power in the Middle East. 

  2. 4 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    This is the hidden content, please

    This is good news.  However, there are other players involved besides the Kurds and Turkey.  The Syrian regime, and Russia, which supports it.  After the U.S. withdrew completely from the region and left the Syrian Kurds without a partner. Syrian Kurds made a pact with Russia and Assad. This gave Assad permission to move into parts of the territory that the Kurds with American help, retook from ISIS.  I pray it all works out and that ISIS doesn't regroup. Russia is not to be trusted and at this point no one knows the end game. I commend the administration for stopping the blood shed.

  3. 8 hours ago, Law Man said:

    U.S. backed Kurds now seek alliance with Syria and Russia. Mr. Hagar, this is what Senator Lindsey Graham and others did not want to see. If you do a little research you will see and understand.

    859 suspected affiliates of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) overtook and fled a detention facility on Sunday after attacking guards. The Kurdish administration Syria said in a statement. 


  4. 1 hour ago, Hagar said:

    But my point, Law Man, Turkey invading Syria in no way, that I can see, aids Rusdia.  Russia has been there, and they’re still there, so the title of your thread doesn’t appear correct or pertinent.   Feel free to correct me if you disagree.

    U.S. backed Kurds now seek alliance with Syria and Russia. Mr. Hagar, this is what Senator Lindsey Graham and others did not want to see. If you do a little research you will see and understand.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Hagar said:

    So let me see if I understand.  Turkey is taking over part of Syria, whose leader is Assad and the Russians, and this is helping Russia how?   Looks like it’s possible that Turkey May take over the whole country and dispose of Assad and the Russians.  Do you think they want to take on the Turks?   Sorry, but I don’t see where this aids Russia whatsoever.

    Me. Hagar, military involvement in Syria is a test for Russia’s ties in the region. The decision to intervene in Syria allows us to make several conclusions about Russian Foreign policy in the Middle East. Moscow is not afraid of making bold decisions. It is not clear what Moscow is trying to achieve and how it’s decision to intervene in Syria. By demonstrating this boldness Moscow forces other players in the Middle East to react whether or not they are ready. The first thing to note is more consistent effort by Russia to make the operation in Syria transparent. 

  6. Russia has troops on the ground in Syria. Russian air strikes are primarily directed against non-IS rebel fighting the Assad government. The Kremlin had accused the U.S. of using our campaign against IS as a way to slow Russian and Syrian military advances. Moscow wants to keep Assad who is Russia’s  closest ally in the Middle East in power. Russia will now be able to secure its military influence in the region. Russia also supports Hezbollah who opposes Israel. This should concern us all. 

  7. On 4/24/2019 at 2:30 PM, LumRaiderFan said:

    This is the hidden content, please

    News flash...Jesus isn't Jewish.

    Luke 3:33 

    acts 2:30

    2 Timothy 2:8

    Our Lord arose from the tribe of Judah. Those descended from Judah are known by the abbreviated term jews. The Roman governor Pontius Pilate clearly recognized that Jesus was Jewish John 4:39 John 18:35.

    Although his farther was God , his mother was a Jewish woman named mary. 

    something about that name Jesus. There is POWER in that name.


  8. On 2/28/2019 at 7:25 PM, UT alum said:

    Abortion is legal. A lot about it I don’t like, but it’s legal. I support a party that cares about healthcare, childcare, and education for those who are born. Sometimes it seems the Republican Party cares more for the unborn than the born. Show me some legislative compassion for the living and I might consider things differently. I’ve seen nothing on here but scorn for the homeless, blame for the poor placed on the poor, and strong dislike bordering on hatred for the immigrant. I think all of these were addressed in the New Testament. Scorn, blame, and hatred were not the answers.

    Abortion is wrong in the eyesight of God. Jeremiah 1v5  Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the wound I sanctified thee. Job 31 v 15 Did not he that made me in the womb make him? and did not one fashion us in the womb?Psalms 22v 10 I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mothers belly.

    I speak life and life abundantly.

  9. 12 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    I agree to a point with Mat...if they pay their debt to society, I lean towards return all their rights.

    The violent offender is a tough one.  If they get out after a lengthy sentence and they want a gun they’ll get one.  

    I would have a hard time not enabling someone to protect themselves but I can certainly understand someones point that feels they lose these rights.

    Violent offenders do not receive the right to vote. They will receive a mandatory 5 years federal sentence if they are in possession of a firearm are a single bullet. There are strict guidelines for a violent offender even after he or she is nolonger on paper. They will always be labeled as a ex-felon.

    I support the Second Chance Act for non-violent offenders.


  10. 8 minutes ago, Law Man said:

    Private prison stock has soared. Investors are not complaining, they are capitalizing on the free press. Politicians will continue to request more beds. Core civics and GEO, has cashed in on incarcerated immigrants. We will continue to build and the private sector stock will continue to rise. 

    Shut down the private prisons and turn the immigrants over to the Bureau of Prisons. This would be to much like right. People’s true colors would be revealed.

  11. 12 hours ago, PhatMack19 said:

    Walls are immoral!!!

    As of March 3, 237,327 migrants had been apprehended along the southwest border since the fiscal year began in October, a 97 percent increase from the previous year, according to government figures

    Private prison stock has soared. Investors are not complaining, they are capitalizing on the free press. Politicians will continue to request more beds. Core civics and GEO, has cashed in on incarcerated immigrants. We will continue to build and the private sector stock will continue to rise. 

  12. 2 hours ago, UT alum said:

    I don’t engage in physical violence or verbal abuse. I just know people who aren’t as reserved as me and would not take kindly to being called a schoolgirl or pathetic or childish or on the mental level of a kindergartner to their face. I’m guessing you don’t have the guts to be so sanctimoniously insulting in face to face situations.  I’m glad to be a source of motivation for you. That’s a positive thing.

    UT alum,

    I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and views. Truth be told, the board is ment for a healthy debate. You have good people on hear who really enjoy a good healthy debate.  Some do not see the error of their ways but they too mean well. I may not agree with all of your political views but we can agree to disagree. Thanks for adding more to the political forum.

  13. 11 hours ago, Hagar said:

    Praise the Lord she didn’t get hit.  And kudos for her ripping into him repeatedly.  Great reaction to a situation that would have most pooping their pants.  She’s a great cop.

    So important to never loose sight of hands. Teaching tool for officers. I am glad she survived. He clearly positions his hand to reach under seat. The walk around the vehicle was the turning point.

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