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Law Man

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Posts posted by Law Man

  1. 13 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

    The statement wasn’t lame sensei. You don’t know what I am or my experience including military and martial arts. I’m just not into telling everyone about all of my Cub Scout badges. You made an absolute statement that was false. Although I do have expertise in construction, it doesn’t end there. I make one hell of a vodka martini. You asked me an open ended question about my experience solely for the opportunity to tell everyone about yours. I’m sorry your feelings of inadequacy and lack of hugs as a junior lawman have given you the need to tout your accomplishments to, well, anyone that will listen. But please, throw some more acronyms my way, so you can brag to your cat how you told me how life works...

    I’ve seen this before. You will be ok.

  2. 8 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

    No doubt about it. I never quoted otherwise. Lawman simply said you can talk without breathing. I correctly called him on it. Then he went on to change his criteria for his comments and now he wants to know my experience with being choked out! Lol. But if you let him, he will give you step by step instructions on how to perform CPR on a German Shepherd while simultaneously cleaning out its anal gland. He’s a helluva guy. Just ask him...

    In BJJ  the move is Called a blood choke. You did not correctly call me out.  You spoke on something you had no knowledge of.
    If the subject was about construction which is your field of expertise I would gladly listen.
    I have 24 yrs experience as a Federal Law Enforcement Officer. GS-12 step 6. My collateral duties are Lead Self Defense Instructor and Lead CPR Instructor. I certify every two years at FLETC at Brunswick Ga. I simply asked of your experience when you gave that lame statement. I never asked if you have been choked out. You are a lay person so of course you wouldn’t understand. 

  3. 1 hour ago, SmashMouth said:

    “If you can talk for more than what your last breath gives you, then you can breathe, albeit on possibly a limited basis.“ is what I said. I guess you are agreeing with me based on your quote above. I simply stated that breathing was involved. Not as to the quality of breathing. 

    Are you speaking from experience? 

  4. 9 hours ago, SmashMouth said:

    If you can talk for more than what your last breath gives you, then you can breathe, albeit on possibly a limited basis. 

    Agonal breathing is not enough to support life. Rescue breaths should be administered. 1 breath every three seconds. 

  5. 8 hours ago, SmashMouth said:

    If you can talk for more than what your last breath gives you, then you can breathe, albeit on possibly a limited basis. 

    Are you speaking from experience? Do you or have you experience in the medical field? Please share your knowledge.

  6. 1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Okay... I just watched the video from MN and that’s rough stuff. 
    I’m a jerk, but I’ll give my opinion. 
    The knee on the neck didn’t kill that dude. If you can talk/scream, your airway isn’t obstructed. If pressure is being applied to BOTH of your carotid arteries, you’re going to slip into unconsciousness in a matter of seconds. Mr Floyd appears to be suffering from neither an obstructed airway or loss of blood flow to his brain. My suspicion is that when the medical examiner’s report comes back, we’ll find the cause of death to an overdose or a medical condition such as the one that killed Eric Garner (acute asthma attack).  The police believed that he was having a medical episode, and that’s why they called the ambulance. 

    None of that changes the fact that this officer showed a depraved indifference for the life of Mr Floyd. I believe that the knew that the passive force he was using was not causing any grave injury or threat of death to Mr Floyd. But by staying there, ignoring the distressed and deteriorating condition of the detainee, he failed us all. The officer enjoyed what he was doing based on his comments and actions while physically detaining Mr Floyd. He long since should have switched from detaining to life-saving measures. Ease up pressure after the man is subdued, check the man’s pulse, start CPR if necessary. Don’t sit up there and make smart comments to onlookers while the guy is literally dying beneath you. 
    This scenario should be displayed to all young recruits as a display of how NOT to act. 

    It you can talk doesn’t mean that you can breath. I am a Lead CPR instructor.  The American Heart Association talks about a partial airway obstruction that can become a complete airway obstruction if not addressed. It only takes takes the brain four minutes to go without oxygen. With a partial airway obstruction you can talk. When the person can no longer talk or lips turn blue you begin CPR starting with chest compressions 30 compressions to 2  breaths for 5 cycles. If a person is standing, coughing and able to talk you encourage the individual to continue coughing because he has a partial airway obstruction. Once the cough becomes faint or weak you begin by placing your hand around his waist enter locking you hands making a fist. Placing you fists two inches above the navel but below the sternum. Press inward and upward until the individual ex spells the object or goes unconscious. Then you begin CPR. 
    starting with chest compressions. Before you administer breaths look for the object and never do a blind finger sweep.

    i can’t say if the knee did or did not contribute to his death. The autopsy will shed some light.

  7. 7 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    If you get tested today and test negative, what assurance do you have that tomorrow you will not have contracted the virus?

    Ther is no assurance. I believe that if you  or a family member has a conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes and or heart condition you need to always be on guard. Wash your hands, wear a mask and practice safe distance. Treat everyone as if they have it. I am diabetic and I am on medication for high blood pressure. I wear a N95 and I avoid grouping. This will be the norm for me until a vaccine is developed.

  8. 3 hours ago, stevenash said:

    I will try once more hoping you will answer instead of avoiding.   What is being done in South Carolina and do you approve?  Additionally, do you believe that it is better to let individual states make the decisions rather than having a national policy?  ( If you don't want to answer the questions, just ignore rather than sending the conversation in another direction)

    You never answered Mr. Baddog question. I guess you chose to ignore.

    I would like to see everyone tested In South Carolina.  Anybody who wanted to be tested. This is not being done in South Carolina. The test are not free. I have no problem with a National policy doing a world wide epidemic.

     If me praying for you is sending this conversation in the wrong direction than so be it.

  9. 34 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    The fact that you live in South Carolina precludes an opinion on Texas?  Ok  What are they doing in South Carolina and do you approve?

    Each state has different circumstances and different situations that are unique to each individual state.

  10. 9 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    The fact that you live in South Carolina precludes an opinion on Texas?  Ok  What are they doing in South Carolina and do you approve?


    If you believe it is as bad as has been reported on the news, you won’t die of Covid-19?

  11. 13 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    Lawman, do you believe that Governor Abbots approach to reopening the state of Texas is prudent?

    I live in South Carolina, I really can’t speak on the state of Texas. I  truly just want people to be careful. Life is to precious.

  12. 22 hours ago, baddog said:

    Lmao. Have it your way, but we both know that if I said anything like that, the “associates” would be all over me. 

    To all of you. Please be safe as you go about your day. This virus has respect of no person, black, white, red, or yellow. I have high blood pressure, diabetic and I have to have surgery on my urethra due to trauma from a physical altercation with a thug. If you are like me and have health issues please be safe. Be mindful of the elderly and wash your hands. 


  13. 2 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    I think his foreign policy has been spot on so far.  He has leveraged the US into a positive position on trade, strength with our adversaries, and with our allies in the case of NATO.  I was no Trump fan at the start, but he has done a great job at home and abroad. 

    I am not sure what you are talking about when you say the divide of the USA unless you are talking about the unhinged Democrats...that is not his doing, there is no repairing a divide with Socialists.


    I can somewhat agree to your point. I can never agree to same sex marriage, No praying in schools or putting a new born fetal to death. I believe if child is born a boy then that is his true identity a male. The same for a girl. I also wish they would go back to don’t ask don’t tell. What ever you do in the confines of your home is your business. I don’t want to see this in public or on the helivision. The same as I don’t wish to see you underwear when your pants are sagging off your tale bone. I believe policeman and politicians are not above the law. 
    I strongly disagree with his Foreign policies and we do not have a off ramp. Our soldiers will not be coming home and just today we lost to American heroes in Afghanistan. This hasn’t happened in quiet some time.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Law Man said:

    I have never agreed with his Foreign polices and I have always hoped he would  have appointed  someone who was actually qualified to make sound decisions. Someone like a General and not a Boeing  CEO or Banker. 

    I can also tell you that my TSP and bank accounts have never been this rewarding in all of my law enforcement career. We also just received a 3.1% pay increase, by the way is the largest of any president.

    His strength is the economy, his weakness is his Twitter account, Foreign policies, model's and his divide of the USA.

    This is my opinion not actual facts.

  15. On 1/6/2020 at 10:36 PM, LumRaiderFan said:

    I doubt the Trump administration has let stevenash in on the strategy they have in place and I haven’t heard from them either,  but I am quite sure they have one in place.

    I have never agreed with his Foreign polices and I have always hoped he would  have appointed  someone who was actually qualified to make sound decisions. Someone like a General and not a Boeing  CEO or Banker. 

  16. 22 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Correct...and the Bible says to just be ready.

    Some folks seem to think they know specifics...they don't.

    The end has been proclaimed to be coming since Paul walked the earth.

    My understanding and opinion to “be ready” is to have your house in order. The Bible also says HE is coming back for a true church without spot blemish or wrinkle. In a another chapter it says, For many are called but few are chosen. 
    We are in a time where the winter and summer months are no longer  seasonal. For example, the weather here  in South Carolina was 77 degrees In January.

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