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    Englebert reacted to PN-G bamatex in George bush and the border   
    Although I suspect I know what several of the answers to this question will be, I can't speak for anyone but myself, and no, I'm not okay with it. In fact, I think the only reason Rick Perry got behind that bill was to have something on his record that appeals to Hispanic voters in the event of a presidential campaign.
    But that's not really the point here, is it? You're trying to make some bogus point about Rick Perry being similar to Barack Obama in how he deals with illegal immigrants, and I suspect that you erroneously believe and would then ignorantly try to point out that the only reason we hold differing views of the two of them is either race or partisan affiliation.
    Well, as usual, you're wrong. They don't hold the same views on illegal immigration and border security, and Rick Perry doesn't speak out against Barack Obama's policies regarding those issues in public just to quietly go along with them in private. Don't believe me? Rick Perry deployed 1,000 troops to the border. Barack Obama ordered ICE to turn loose any illegal immigrant they took into custody, including suspected criminals, unless they were being held on felony charges.
    I rest my case.
  2. Like
    Englebert reacted to thetragichippy in Calvin Walker indicted - Someone is NOT playing.....   
    My cell will be THIS big :D
  3. Like
    Englebert reacted to PNGFan in 642,000 Crimes...   
    Illegal is Illegal....Period..... Ship them back!!! All 20 million!! Let their own government take care of them. If they want to live here, then apply for citizenship and do it legally.
  4. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Thomas Sowell -- Dismantling America   
    I find if curious (not disputing the fact) that crime rates have gone down, but I now have to lock my house, car and every other thing. I have a lock on my trailer hitch. Twenty years ago I would never lock my house. I left my keys in the car ignition most of the time. House alarm systems were for paranoid rich people.
    But to answer the question, the sanctity of marriage has been dismantled. Instilling discipline in a child/juvenile is considered abusive. The idea of self-reliance is a thing of the past. Taking responsibility for one's own actions is out the window. Modesty and courtesy in public has evaporated. For way way too many people, taking care of your family is considered the job of the government. Reliance on government assistance is now considered normal. These are few things off the top of my head.
    Many things have changed for the better, and many things have changed for the worse. I would love to be able to keep all of the electronic gadgets, appliances, medical advancements, etc. that we have today, but live in Mayberry (I still watch old episodes of Andy Griffith). Does a town like that exist anywhere today?
  5. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in Thomas Sowell -- Dismantling America   
    I find if curious (not disputing the fact) that crime rates have gone down, but I now have to lock my house, car and every other thing. I have a lock on my trailer hitch. Twenty years ago I would never lock my house. I left my keys in the car ignition most of the time. House alarm systems were for paranoid rich people.
    But to answer the question, the sanctity of marriage has been dismantled. Instilling discipline in a child/juvenile is considered abusive. The idea of self-reliance is a thing of the past. Taking responsibility for one's own actions is out the window. Modesty and courtesy in public has evaporated. For way way too many people, taking care of your family is considered the job of the government. Reliance on government assistance is now considered normal. These are few things off the top of my head.
    Many things have changed for the better, and many things have changed for the worse. I would love to be able to keep all of the electronic gadgets, appliances, medical advancements, etc. that we have today, but live in Mayberry (I still watch old episodes of Andy Griffith). Does a town like that exist anywhere today?
  6. Like
    Englebert reacted to westend1 in Perry Deploys National Guard...   
    I'm all for the national guard.   Border Patrol can use the help.
  7. Like
    Englebert reacted to stevenash in please explain why it is Obama's fault when......   
    Translation:  What I said sounded good but I cant prove it
  8. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from Ty Cobb in Spanking of 8-year-old boy for cursing was not excessive, court rules   
    Me too. The worst was a section of Hot Wheels race car track. Or a balloon stick. The belt was the usual method of choice...well, not my choice.
    Most of our principals, teachers and coaches in school would give us the option (if the offense wasn't too bad) of taking the paddling at school from them or a call to our parents. We all took the paddling at school 100% of the time. My dad's belt was way worse than that big ol' wooden paddle (although the paddle did have a biting sting to it). Cursing at a teacher would probably have gotten you both, a paddling at school and a phone call, which would lead to major whooping when you got home. Waiting for my dad to get home from work was agonizing.
    The freshman woodshop class would make the paddles for the teachers. It was not mandatory, but everybody thought it was due to the woodshop teacher kinda implying that it was. The seniors would make their own paddles for freshman initiation.
  9. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from baddog in Spanking of 8-year-old boy for cursing was not excessive, court rules   
    Every time I hear about anything to do with child abuse I can't help but reflect on an example one of my professors used as to how statistics can sometimes be very misleading. (It was a statistics class.)
    The number of child abuse cases is higher today than it was in the 1970s, and dramatically higher than in the 1950s. One would conclude that child abuse is on the rise. And that conclusion would be false, and in fact the opposite is true. What has led to the rise in child abuse cases is the definition of child abuse, and the number of cases reported. In the 1950s, a complete stranger could swat the backside of a misbehaving child without fear of any type of prosecution, much less any reporting. Leaving a child in car while going into a convience store was standard practice for many. Now-a-days, both can get you thrown in jail. For this particular topic, in the 1950s this trial would have never seen the light of day even if the kid had huge welps from being spanked. In fact, the person who reported the abuse would probably be more liable to being charged with submitting a false report than the parent facing abuse charges.
  10. Like
    Englebert reacted to thetragichippy in Spanking of 8-year-old boy for cursing was not excessive, court rules   
    My Dad used a belt (and not very often because I was a pretty smart kid and it only took one time to realize that sucked!)......
    My Grandmother would use a metal fly swatter.......holy crap that stung!! I remember my cousin being chased up a tree with my grandma following her.....She wouldn't come down, so my Gandma went and got a lawn chair and waited for her :D
  11. Like
    Englebert reacted to thetragichippy in what about iran flight 655   
    Hey big girl......you do realize the Senate is majority Democrats....The republicans could not do it without some Democratic support.....
  12. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from thetragichippy in what about iran flight 655   
    When did the Republicans cut funding for veterans. No link? Just made it up. Heard/read it on some Left Wing "news" sight. Let me help you out:
    From the article:
    "It's an outrage," vanden Heuvel said. "Those who are involved in these longer wait times must be held accountable, prosecuted to the full extent of the law. But I think we need to step back." She continued, "I mean, Congress has cut funding, has slashed funding, for veterans' benefits over these last years. If anyone should be offering their resignation, maybe the Congress should."
    Vanden Heuvel's claim is problematic for a pair of reasons.
    First, she said "veterans' benefits" -- which include disability payments, pensions, survivor benefits and programs like the G.I. Bill and vocational rehabilitation. Those programs are considered "mandatory spending," which means they’re paid by a statutory formula and are not subject to annual budgetary tinkering by Congress.
    What vanden Heuvel meant to refer to -- based on what she told us and the context of her comments -- was spending for the VA health system. Health system spending is considered "discretionary" spending and under the purview of Congress.
    But Congress hasn’t "cut" or "slashed funding to the VA health care system. This VA budget summary sheet shows that, far from being "slashed," discretionary spending on the VA has risen each year over the last decade. In fact, on Obama’s watch, the VA’s discretionary budget has risen from $47.8 billion in 2009 to $63.4 in 2014 -- a one-third increase over five years.
  13. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Spanking of 8-year-old boy for cursing was not excessive, court rules   
    Me too. The worst was a section of Hot Wheels race car track. Or a balloon stick. The belt was the usual method of choice...well, not my choice.
    Most of our principals, teachers and coaches in school would give us the option (if the offense wasn't too bad) of taking the paddling at school from them or a call to our parents. We all took the paddling at school 100% of the time. My dad's belt was way worse than that big ol' wooden paddle (although the paddle did have a biting sting to it). Cursing at a teacher would probably have gotten you both, a paddling at school and a phone call, which would lead to major whooping when you got home. Waiting for my dad to get home from work was agonizing.
    The freshman woodshop class would make the paddles for the teachers. It was not mandatory, but everybody thought it was due to the woodshop teacher kinda implying that it was. The seniors would make their own paddles for freshman initiation.
  14. Like
    Englebert reacted to jv_coach in Spanking of 8-year-old boy for cursing was not excessive, court rules   
    It's all about children's rights, because if they have rights then the parents can not discipline them. Thus the children are not infected with the parents morals or convictions and then the children are primed to bring about hope and change.  
  15. Like
    Englebert reacted to LumRaiderFan in Spanking of 8-year-old boy for cursing was not excessive, court rules   
    I got spanked with whatever was handy.
  16. Like
    Englebert reacted to Peppermint Patty in YESSIR!!   
    I agree in principle, but you may need to see a doctor if your poop looks maroon.
  17. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from 77 in Thomas Sowell -- Dismantling America   
    But not one rebuttal to anything that was said in the video.
    I think that falls under page 1 of the leftist handbook...if you can't refute the messege, you must attack the messenger.
  18. Like
    Englebert reacted to NorthoftheBorder in A new era for BISD   
    There is going to have to be a further "cleaining of the house" in key administratve positions and even on the campuses in order to get people in place who's absolute purpose is to educate kids and do things ethically and morally right!!!
  19. Like
    Englebert reacted to tvc184 in Ruling set, BISD takeover will be next Monday   
    Corruption is interesting and when many people see what they feel is corruption, it is great to see the monster fall. 
    Why were so many people hung up on a jury trial with millions of people being ecstatic at the outcome for a local crime that didn't happen in 49 states? Many felt that Zimmerman was being railroaded and it was great to see the verdict. On the opposite side, many felt that he was guilty of murder and would have jumped with joy with a conviction..... and again, for something that had nothing to do with this most places in this country. 
    When we see corrupt public officials (or anyone we think is corrupt) being held accountable, it is awesome. Look at the councilman being arrested in Kountze for felony theft a couple of days ago. There were plenty of comments on the various news sites and Facebook and none seemed favorable to the councilman and said how great it was that he was caught. Most of those comments came from communities that are bigger than Kountze and not even in the same county, so why should we even care?
    What all of these have in common is a vindication of people's feelings. It has nothing to do with Beaumont (as much as many Beaumont people want it to be) but the feeling that corrupt people are actually about to pay the piper. 
    In my opinion.
  20. Like
    Englebert reacted to CraigS in Idea Of Helping The Needy?   
    LIAR - I pick to not have to pay for birth control, child birth, mental care, along with several other "coverage's" that I can't opt out of....but I don't have that choice due to Obamacare which DOES in fact decide the minimum coverage in which I carry.
  21. Like
    Englebert reacted to TROJANSWIN in Illegals Flying Commercial...   
    Am I wrong in thinking each of these countries the illegal immigrants are coming from have an embassy or consulate somewhere in Texas or the southwestern U.S.?
    I can solve most of our problems with immigration for little cost to the U.S. When we catch illegal immigrants in the U.S., regardless of their home country, take them to their embassy and place them inside. These embassies are considered part of their country, so we are returning them to their country. Put the national guard, border patrol, whoever, outside the embassy to keep the illegals from leaving. After a few thousand are in place, the diplomats from these countries will figure out how to get them back to their homes, and their governments will stop the problem, because they will be the one paying for it, instead of us. Doesn't matter then if they come from Mexico, El Salvadore, Guatemala, or Iran, it is a short ride back home that we are paying for!
  22. Like
    Englebert reacted to bullets13 in New York Yankees fan caught sleeping during game sues ESPN announcers for $10M for mocking him   
    It's alright buddy. Keep your chins up.
  23. Like
    Englebert reacted to thetragichippy in republican lie dies   
    But the Democrats were?   LOL
  24. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Bam!!   
    Yes it did...I thought that was a given. And when you have conservatives and liberals voting unanimously the same way, you can deduce that your position wasn't even close to the same interpretation...which is remarkable considering that the wrong side came from a supposedly constitutional scholar.
    So what do you conclude from this...Obama knew he was wrong but tried to slide it through anyway, or was his interpretation shot down 9-0 by fellow constitutional scholars?
  25. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in To those who brag about their "laughter" the last election   
    As opposed to listening to Chris Matthews, Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert, and all the ladies on The View. Seriously?
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