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Everything posted by bulldog16

  1. Supposedly for not talking to a parent about playing time. What a crock of bullmess!!!!!! Coach Hooten has done a great job over there and to be reassigned because of this is not a good thing.  Shows how much backing or lack of backing the administration gives him.  If the job remains open, which it seems to be, how many quality applicants are going to apply knowing the circumstances behind the opening. 
  2. Ok, I have been reading each post about why Josh is or is not the right guy for OF.  I remember about this time 3 years ago, when OF hired coach Huck, the same things were being posted about him.  Mainly because you posters felt that this coach or that coach didn't get a second interview or was told one thing and something else happened.  Bottom line was Coach Huck was hired and implemented his system, it worked and everyone loved him.  Why don't we give Josh a chance and let him put his system in and go from there.  I know that he is a players coach and when he was there before the kids loved him and they played hard for him.  I think he is for all sports and will treat each sport that is in season with the highest priority, both boys and girls.
  3. Yes. Coach Washington will be the new DC. Not sure where he is from.  Good coach and simple scheme.  That's what these kids need.  There was too much confusion last year.
  4. [quote name="Rake1" post="1215752" timestamp="1335588817"] [quote author=chevy link=topic=99456.msg1215644#msg1215644 date=1335578125] You think with all that talent at WOS they could win more games, Is it the kids or the COACH ? [/quote] I can't believe I'm going to fall for this blatantly obvious troll but here goes.... First off let me qualify my statements before I start. Absolutely no disrespect meant in any way,shape, form or fashion to any WOS players. WOS for lack of a better analogy showed up to every game like a guy who brought a spoon to a knife fight. They have some very good "athletes" who have not had the opportunity to play on high end travel teams or have the luxury of training all year like other schools. Most of their players don't train all year like the guys from "baseball schools" such as PNG, LCM, BC etc. When you have to start 4 or sometimes 5 freshmen you know you are outmanned from the word "go". Those freshmen that started on the varsity more than likely never see the field for another team as a varsity player for most of the other schools in the district this season. They went through some serious growing pains and matured rapidly to become competitive and give the WOS faithful something to look forward to.  Coach Landry did an outstanding job getting the most he could with the players he had. Those guys made great strides from where they began the year. Most folks on this board had them picked last in the district. Had anyone made the statement that WOS would be in the hunt for a playoff spot with 2 games left in the district they would have been laughed out of town. To even remotely imply that "coaching" was the problem or the reason they didn't win more games is so delusional it's not even funny. There are a few "professional second guessers" out there spouting non-sense about how "they should be the next coach" or how they "could coach better" but those folks are dumber than the village idiot. If they could coach then they would be coaching somewhere instead of buying a ticket to watch the show. Chevy, if that's you, it may be wise to shut your pie-hole and be thankful you have a coach who does it right. Shae Landry is exactly what that program needs, a guy who teaches and motivates. If your "little johnny" gets his feelings hurt because he can't handle a dose of reality or some discipline you need to head down to the dollar store and pick up a jump rope, some sidewalk chalk, and a hand full of jacks for him and tell him to have fun with that. If he wants to learn the game and learn it right he will be glad he has a coach like Shae Landry because he's certainly one of the good ones. Let all the pot stirring by the haters take place somewhere else because I'm done with this foolishness. Rake 1 [/quote] Ha ha ha.....Well said Rake!!!!
  5. Game scheduled to resume Monday at 4:30 with Huntington up 2-0 and Kirbyville at bat in the bottom of the 4th.
  6. The Kirbyville at HF game on Friday has been changed to a 5:30 start time.
  7. [quote author=liftedpowerstroke link=topic=97287.msg1194656#msg1194656 date=1331265472] Kirbyville falls short oh this one. Both teams were very impressive. HF's pitcher #11 (i believe) had around 140 pitches and still going strong, was relieved by a 1 pitch save. Kirbyville's pitcher #14 Ryan Montgomery had 115 pitches. I wish every have was like this one..... Great game to both teams. [/quote This was a great game by both teams, but more impressive was the pitching....Ryan Montgomery had a no hitter threw 7 and ended up allowing only 1 hit, triple by Blake Jannise. Tommy Wendling allowed 2 hits, 2 bunt singles in the first inning.
  8. Yes, you are correct. The remainder of the tournament has been cancelled.
  9. Yes we are young....Entire starting infield was freshmen, Starting outfield was all juniors, senior pitcher and senior catcher. Other than a botched attempted pickoff, the infield missed 1 ground ball and 1 fly ball. Not great, but not bad for their first time out. Our youth showed at the plate. These kids are working hard everyday.  HJ is much improved.  The kid that started for HJ was Taylor Reynolds, moved from Kirbyville. Only had a fastball and change up; threw strikes and did a good job.
  10. You can't base anything on scrimmages but from what I was told, they did not look very good against Orangefield last Saturday. But again, your top 3 pitchers may only throw an inning or 2 at the most, so it's hard to base it on that.....Only time will tell with this group, they are inexperienced in some positions, but those kids will pull it together and get it right before the district.
  11. [quote name="Tideman99" post="1154505" timestamp="1325722117"] [b]I predict Vidor to win the first round of playoffs[/b], maybe even two rounds deep. Their defense will take them there. This team is young but polished. As far as district goes, it all depends on the schedule. Whatever happens, its gonna be fun. [/quote] Bold prediction....They haven't won a first round playoff series in a long time...
  12. [quote name="FB-Fanatic" post="1131021" timestamp="1322325508"] Thanks for the compliments from everyone. Credit goes to the AD, Coach Ray Biles. Coach Biles is very well known in central Texas for running a class program. He is a Christian man and a great teacher of young men. I am proud to have a second son going through his program. Good luck to CS through the rest of the playoffs. We will be rooting for your team. [/quote] Coach Biles was the O-Line coach and our assistant baseball coach my senior year in high school at Katy.  He left for Lorena a short time afterward.  He learned under one of the best, Mike Johnston, in how to build and run a program.
  13. I had the priviledge of coaching those 3 all 4 of their years at Ozen, but more so working closely with Caleb and Freddie.  If Caleb had not gotten hurt, you may see him playing on Sunday's, he was that special.  "Fast Freddie" was amazing when he got his hands on the football and on the defensive side he could be a lock down corner.  "Big Ed" was a force on the O-Line...... I'm so very proud of each of these young men, as is Coach Louis, who often told them that there was a need for African American role models in the coaching profession.  That's what each of these young men are....Role Models...Good luck to each of them, Coach Nelson and the whole Ozen coaching staff this week.
  14. With the style of offenses these 2 teams run, both out of the run oriented slot t, you better get there early because the game may be over with by 8:30  :) Look for a very quick game time wise....
  15. As long as he and his parent(s) move into the school district where they will be attending and a PAP form is on file, then yes this person will be eligible.....You have to sit out for 15 school days from time of enrollment, but since games don't start til the end of Feb. he should be good....
  16. Then you should be set come the end of February........
  17. [quote name="teeboan" post="1032822" timestamp="1312891754"] [quote author=MrUmp1 link=topic=86253.msg1032662#msg1032662 date=1312840143] Better hope it does not rain a bunch between May 19 and May26th. 2 rounds in 6 days could get hairy if weather is a prob. And before anybody says that is 7 days, I am not counting Sunday which you can not play a UIL contest. This also just lets you know that for some schools and people baseball is one of those Oh Yeah sports, Oh Yeah we have a baseball team too. [/quote] How's the knee? [/quote] Knee??????? Along with the eyesight......Man you're falling apart  ;D
  18. This must be a New Waverly thing.....Was at a baseball game last May in Bryan where the entire New Waverly side of the stadium was asked to leave the park because of their constant bad mouthing and berading of the umpires.....Hate to lump everyone in the same group, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it ain't a turkey.....
  19. [quote name="shake and bake" post="925771" timestamp="1291476013"] Coach Trawhon helped bring lots of improvements to the Silsbee BB program. However if you look back at last years team he was lucky to get them where they finished. Between youth and injuries he did a remarkable job. Last years district was setup for WOS,OF, and BC and everyone else was shooting for the leftover spots. The AD and admin's at Silsbee have NO control of DISIPLINE at the school and within the program and have not for several years. Thats a fact. Lots of talent but it only gets you so far. The new Coach should do fine this year if they will let him alone and let him coach.JMO [/quote] That's ok, cause he's in Bobcat land now.....eventhough he's not involved with baseball, don't think Coach Bennett won't be picking his brain on some issues.
  20. [quote name="mstngfan07" post="909744" timestamp="1289841849"] just heard some squads are falling apart. not good but good luck to everyone in district 21-3A [/quote] By some squads you mean WOS?  I heard that too.....Gotta do what each individual feels like is best for them....
  21. [quote name="BCgrad05" post="807642" timestamp="1275197691"] Is Bennett trying to say BC wasn't good when he got here? [/quote] BC being good is a given, them along with Jasper are the standard for SE Texas baseball....He was talking about the district they were in those 2 years and how tough it was.  You had a quality team in Silsbee that didn't go to the playoffs those 2 years...
  22. [quote name="KFDM COOP" post="799823" timestamp="1273422693"] Dont think so, not 100% sure. [/quote] Yes warm up games count...they are 27-2...Lost to Prosper and Kennedale...
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