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    Hagar reacted to PAMFAM10 in Interesting article about the KKK   
    I tell you my generation with all it's problems racism will not be one of em. 
  2. Like
    Hagar reacted to TxHoops in Interesting article about the KKK   
    I truly believe we are getting there.  My kids and most of their friends (black and white) are truly color blind.  I don't know that racism will ever be truly eradicated, but with the next generation, I think we will be even closer. 
  3. Like
    Hagar got a reaction from thetragichippy in Interesting article about the KKK   
    I like good people, I don't care what color they are.  Before downsizing got me, we had a black contractor just put in our warehouse. He had got cut from another Co. Under dubious circumstances.  Was Nam vet. Helped get him hired.  Helped him & his family until he did.  Good man!  We use to talk about race relations.  I told him we all need to forget race, and the Good people, white & black, need to be against the Bad people, white & black.   He agreed. 
    That was about 26 years ago.  He called me about 4 months ago to meet him.  He gave me a $100 gift card for all I'd done for him so long ago.  This old man had tears in his eyes.  
  4. Like
    Hagar got a reaction from new tobie in Interesting article about the KKK   
    I like good people, I don't care what color they are.  Before downsizing got me, we had a black contractor just put in our warehouse. He had got cut from another Co. Under dubious circumstances.  Was Nam vet. Helped get him hired.  Helped him & his family until he did.  Good man!  We use to talk about race relations.  I told him we all need to forget race, and the Good people, white & black, need to be against the Bad people, white & black.   He agreed. 
    That was about 26 years ago.  He called me about 4 months ago to meet him.  He gave me a $100 gift card for all I'd done for him so long ago.  This old man had tears in his eyes.  
  5. Like
    Hagar got a reaction from BS Wildcats in Interesting article about the KKK   
    I like good people, I don't care what color they are.  Before downsizing got me, we had a black contractor just put in our warehouse. He had got cut from another Co. Under dubious circumstances.  Was Nam vet. Helped get him hired.  Helped him & his family until he did.  Good man!  We use to talk about race relations.  I told him we all need to forget race, and the Good people, white & black, need to be against the Bad people, white & black.   He agreed. 
    That was about 26 years ago.  He called me about 4 months ago to meet him.  He gave me a $100 gift card for all I'd done for him so long ago.  This old man had tears in his eyes.  
  6. Like
    Hagar got a reaction from new tobie in Interesting article about the KKK   
    Growing up in Vidor (don't think less of me Hoop) when I was young @ 1955, I ask my dad if he ever thought about joining the Klan. He told me, "Hell no!  If I want to whip somebodies a$$, white or black, I want them to know who's doing it, not hiding under a sheet".  Here ends the lesson.    
    I guess the Klan is alive & well, as are the Black Panthers, & no telling how many other racial/religious groups that I'm not aware of.  Again, Cest La Vie (such is life - for those of you who flunked French like I did).  
  7. Like
    Hagar got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Interesting article about the KKK   
    Growing up in Vidor (don't think less of me Hoop) when I was young @ 1955, I ask my dad if he ever thought about joining the Klan. He told me, "Hell no!  If I want to whip somebodies a$$, white or black, I want them to know who's doing it, not hiding under a sheet".  Here ends the lesson.    
    I guess the Klan is alive & well, as are the Black Panthers, & no telling how many other racial/religious groups that I'm not aware of.  Again, Cest La Vie (such is life - for those of you who flunked French like I did).  
  8. Like
    Hagar got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in FBI Data: Trump's Right!   
    If someone could arrange for the two of them to meet with the intention of cutting high card, winner take all, I'd almost bet a nice sum Trump would be there.  Don't know El Chapo as well, but I doubt he'd show.  
  9. Like
    Hagar reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in Transgender and transracial   
    ​BG loves the animals.
  10. Like
    Hagar reacted to PN-G bamatex in Sanctuary Cities Map...   
    There are some serious contradictions inherent in this whole "sanctuary city" concept.
    First off, isn't this a watered down form of nullification? Nullification was a somewhat popular theory in the nineteenth century that the states, being the sovereign entities that formed the union, retained the right to nullify federal laws and federal court rulings within their boundaries if the states viewed those laws as unconstitutional. Although the nullification theory actually began in the North, it became central to the slavery issue and a trademark defense for Southern states against anti-slavery laws leading up to the Civil War and against Civil Rights legislation during the 1950s and '60s. Every legal analyst with any sense thinks the theory is asinine, but we still hear it brought up in the occasional debate (normally somewhere on the internet) and liberals love to compare state actions taken against environmental regulations, labor laws and, now, gay marriage rulings in red states to nullification attempts way back in the day. But this, in a sense, is even worse than nullification - as insane as it may be when a conservative occasionally makes a nullification argument, at least they do so based on a belief, however ill-conceived, that the law in question is unconstitutional, whereas there's no constitutional basis whatsoever for a state or local government to declare an immigration law constitutional. Funny how, when the shoe's on the other foot, these kinds of comparisons don't get made and the people who make them most just tend to look the other way.
    The second issue I take with this is a broader issue I take with the immigration debate generally. Look at that map and tell me where most of the sanctuary cities are. Newsflash: at least 70% of them are in states that are nowhere near the border. Of the four border states, the only one with a significant number of sanctuaries is California. Judging by eye, I count three states - Iowa, Washington and Oregon - that have created way more sanctuaries than the ultra-liberal Golden State. Two of the four border states only have one sanctuary at all, one of those being the nation's second most populous state. What does that tell us? It tells us that most of the people who are all for opening up the border don't actually have to live with the consequences. It's not like that many corn farmers in Iowa have actually come across an illegal immigrant in their lifetime, and the few who have met one probably didn't exactly meet a cartel member. It's not like Oregon experiences anything even remotely approaching the level of violence, human trafficking and drug smuggling that we see on a normal day in Houston due to our porous border security. I'm actually a centrist on immigration issues who's for limited forms of amnesty, but having attended a university in a state nowhere near the border that's filled with out-of-state students from up North who've never stepped foot in a border state, there's nothing that drives me up a wall faster than idiots trying to make a statement as though they know the full implications of policies surrounding the integrity of a border they've never even been within 500 miles of.
  11. Like
    Hagar got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in When Liberals Are in Control!   
    I knew you were a classy dude BG. You moved up a notch on the man scale lol
  12. Like
    Hagar got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Transgender and transracial   
    BG you've milked this for a while.  And to show how sick I am, I laugh every time.  
    Laughing is good enough!
  13. Like
    Hagar got a reaction from thetragichippy in FBI Data: Trump's Right!   
    About changing his mind, one old timers sayings comes to mind:  A wise man changes his mind, a dam fool never does.  
  14. Like
    Hagar got a reaction from baddog in California v. Texas: A Look at Two Economic Philosophies & Their Benefits for the Poor   
    The fact remains that California is going down the tubes.  Extreme liberalism cannot work.  It'd be nice to give everyone, everything, but they can't afford it - no one can (including the U. S.).   People need to work, become productive.  Provide for themselves.  If only the people that really need assistance got it, there would be more than enough.  
    I'm certainly no expert on running a State, or a Nation, but I think most on this site know if we make $3000 a month we can't spend $3300 every month.  As bad as we may want.  As good a reason as we may have for doing so, you just can't keep it up.  You're going to go broke.  
    As always, if you can tell me why I'm wrong on the above, please do so.  But don't just call me a dumb redneck, I know that already. 
  15. Like
    Hagar reacted to TxHoops in Vidor's new hire as head basketball coach   
    Will do.  Will be at the Evadale tournament for sure.  Good tourney for the boys and girls. 
  16. Like
    Hagar got a reaction from TxHoops in Vidor's new hire as head basketball coach   
    Wow Hoops, me and you both liking something.  Won't see that often in the Political Forum  LOL.  
    Pleasant surprise when you said you come to the Dale.  Let me know when.  FYI Gd plays Varsity & Gs will be in 9th so he'll be JV.  
  17. Like
    Hagar reacted to BLUEDOVE3 in Remove confederate Flag From Statehouse?   
    ​You took a diversity class? There goes the neighborhood!!
  18. Like
    Hagar reacted to LumRaiderFan in Sanctuary Cities Map...   
    ​I'm a state's right proponent as well but protecting our borders is a federal enumerated power and the states have no right to impede the fed gov from enforcing immigration laws...now marijuana...let the states decide for themselves, along with about a thousand other things the fed gov chooses to meddle in.
    I know, I know...good luck with that one.
  19. Like
    Hagar got a reaction from thetragichippy in Congress Votes To Ban Confed Flag   
    I'm not sure all the liberals understand what I've been saying about this flag issue (Praise The Lord, some do).  Let me use this analogy to clear things up: 
    You go to conservative Dr with a Pre-cancerous lesion on your arm.  He freezes/burns it off and tells you to come back in 6 months.  
    Same problem & you go to a liberal Dr.  He cuts your arm off.  Schedules you back in a few days to cut your other arm off & wants you back a week later to start whacking your legs.  
    THAT is an illustration of what this flag deal has come too.  SMH
  20. Like
    Hagar reacted to tvc184 in Sanctuary Cities Map...   
    Here is one that lists PA (from a "reader/resident" observation).

    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Here is one that I looked at that lists League CIty (and also Port Arthur). This is the one that I was talking about. There are some great quotes from the anonymous source that shows LC is a sanctuary. Here are a couple of them...
    "Mayor Randall & Chief Jez believe that these law breakers have the constitutional right to a Peaceful Assemble regardless of their, "Status.” Wow, simply horrible. They have constitutional rights.
    And another..."..this has become out of hand. GOD Bless America". 
    It looks like some racist guy doesn't like people protesting in "his" city. Maybe he also doesn't understand the law that even if the protesters were illegal aliens, the local police cannot arrest them for that. Yet that anonymous "tip" now shows League City, TX on some sites as a sanctuary city because the police did not arrest protesters. 
    I don't like the current administrations policy for dealing with illegals. I put little faith in websites that makes claims of where they can walk around free without fear of being deported. That is likely true but not because of any city but because the current occupant of the White House has declared the entire country a sanctuary. 
  21. Like
    Hagar got a reaction from 77 in California v. Texas: A Look at Two Economic Philosophies & Their Benefits for the Poor   
    The fact remains that California is going down the tubes.  Extreme liberalism cannot work.  It'd be nice to give everyone, everything, but they can't afford it - no one can (including the U. S.).   People need to work, become productive.  Provide for themselves.  If only the people that really need assistance got it, there would be more than enough.  
    I'm certainly no expert on running a State, or a Nation, but I think most on this site know if we make $3000 a month we can't spend $3300 every month.  As bad as we may want.  As good a reason as we may have for doing so, you just can't keep it up.  You're going to go broke.  
    As always, if you can tell me why I'm wrong on the above, please do so.  But don't just call me a dumb redneck, I know that already. 
  22. Like
    Hagar reacted to baddog in FBI Data: Trump's Right!   
    I hope Trump gets it. If he does, he can tell all them a holes in Washington "you're fired". Lol.
  23. Like
    Hagar reacted to 77 in California v. Texas: A Look at Two Economic Philosophies & Their Benefits for the Poor   
    We can do this all day and it accomplishes nothing just like they are doing in DC just keeping the folks stirred up about a damn flag while they run the country right down the drain!
  24. Like
    Hagar got a reaction from TxHoops in Microsoft Lays Off 7,800...   
    One thing that needs to be brought up here - Having gotten caught up in a Corp downsizing myself, my sympathy goes out to these 7,800 people who just had their world turned upside down.  
  25. Like
    Hagar reacted to shovel in Need some leftist enlightenment   
    Come put your sign in my yard!
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