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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. I'm just a new fan, but I agree. My G'daughters coach will stop the press at half when game out of hand. On the comment on 71 pt blowout, I've watched BS scores the last couple of years, and am confident they avoid running the score up. Just around here at least, imo, some schools/towns love/push basketball but many treat it like an intramural sport.
  2. Hey, I'll take that 19 pt win anytime. I'd also be willing to bet a lot of BS opponents will be wishing they'd only lost by 19 before this season is over lol. Good job Wildcats!
  3. Lmbo that would be even funnier if it wasn't true
  4. Not knowledgeable about basketball but I know BS can play. CH must be real good.
  5. I think the world of Pope Francis and as a Catholic we're taught to believe he's infallible from the Churches standpoint, but he's been duped on this along with 50% of Americans. And another bunch of liberals got rich on another Green Energy Fiasco.
  6. It's a good thing I keep my hair short. I'd pull it all out looking at the sequence of events. Turd brings a potential bomb to sch. Gets invited to whitehouse. Moves back to allah country. Sues everybody. My dying a--. Grrrrrrrrrr
  7. Confirms what I've been thinking. Right is left. Round is square. Whole world is upside down. How do her parents feel? Can't imagine. Bet "sick" wouldn't even come close.
  8. There's about 6 or 7 that need to be thrown to the walkers. IMO spending to much show time with idle chatter and not enough taking care of business.
  9. Hagar


    Smitty nailed the title of this thread, and you're right!
  10. That decision says volumes. With the PC atmosphere of today its let's fight a war, not win a war.
  11. I had no idea how qualified Cruz was until I read the above article. Hope y'all take time to read it.
  12. You know the abortions are happening, but when you see the figures in print it hits you in the heart.
  13. And here is the reason most of us want no more Muslim refugees. When they come, they build more Mosques of which many (most?) will spew their hate filled message to kill the infidel (us for you liberals). Please, someone explain to me WHY we would invite in people like this? Anyone?
  14. Y'all know how some folks think Everthing on the Internet is true? Democrats are like that. If a Govt Dem says something, it's true. Smh
  15. If you like Cruz, you need to read this. If you don't like Cruz, you really need to read this. [Hidden Content]
  16. Yes, started by another hardened uncompassionate conservative. Imagine that lol. Good job guys.
  17. Yes, Happy Thanksgiving to all, especially to those on SETXSPORTS!
  18. At my age, I can't remember all of them. Liked it when they lived in the prison. Episode, the group escape from, was it Sanctuary? Anyway, the place they were on the menu.
  19. Mrs Aggie you have my sympathy. Sounds like your husband is one of those cynical dudes. Probably doesn't believe in UFO's either lol
  20. What I anticipate being our biggest problem is the homegrown folks who become Muslims. Soon, we'll have to many to keep track of, like the European's.
  21. And the fact that so many will still vote for her is the benchmark to me that the country is going to the uh, to the uh, whoever.
  22. You get them blindfolds yet? We'll need them. Congrats Wildcats!
  23. [Hidden Content] More info to be ignored.
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