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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. In the two matches of the Pool Winners, Dayton just def Bridge City. Lumberton vs Goose Creek next (warming up now).
  2. Evadale (22 2A) def Nederland 43-24 in 9:15 Game. Congrats Lady Rebs. Played your best game of tournament.
  3. I've been told that Bridge City def Evadale today (dadgum it). Congrats to Lady Cards.
  4. Not able to go today. Hope someone can give us updates.
  5. Based on what GCM did toKelly, I'd bet they won their pool. Is there anyway we can find out the Teams, times, and brackets for today? LHS19? You may be our only hope. You'd think in this Internet age Ned would have a website for tournament.
  6. Prime example of the lack of knowledge, or respect, for the laws of the US, and the Constitution by our POTUS and his advisers. This brings up two interesting senario's. 1>Do they not know and just don't care, or even worse, 2>Do they know and still don't care? As Yul Brenner said in The Ten Commandments, "So let it be written, so let it be done". Words of an Emperor. Whataputz!
  7. [Hidden Content] I don't doubt this
  8. There is also the possibility that a large number of those crossing into Mexico are Americans looking for work. Just saying.
  9. The only 2A team in the tournament Evadale, def (5A) Vidor 31-20 to win the B pool. Congrats to the Lady Rebels!
  10. Heard from a Raider fan the Lady Bobcats have a good team. Ask coach to take it easy on the Lady Rebs in Ned today. Play at 2:15
  11. Congrats to them. Pleasantly surprised to see Much Improved Volleyball team. Hope this victory indicates an improved Basketball team also. Good luck this season.
  12. The Dems are the ....uh, what word is worst than extremist?
  13. A real possibility, but that's an even sadder senario.
  14. Final, Evadale won 82-32 Congrats Lady Rebels
  15. I suspect there are quite a few folks who'd like to know the schedule/brackets, so if someone knows, or finds them, please share. Thanks
  16. Excellent article that reinforces what I've believed for some time. Of course I may be wrong, but based on repeated reactions (or lack of) to Islamic Terrorism, I don't think so.
  17. That has to be some kind of record, although probably not recognized. Sure seems to me they all play up to, and feed off each other. That's what I find unusual in Evadales district. Few seem to want to improve to E level in girls sports. Do you have someone who plays, and who for? My G'daughter plays for Rebs.
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