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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. 119-27, that's phenomenal considering I'd figure that @ 50% of their opponents were higher classification. Bad luck they had Lipan in the semifinals 3 times. I'm reminded of a guy I worked with who played Bball for TJ in 57. Then, TJ was one of the bigger schools in the state & 4A was biggest. He told me they won state and their only loss was to Buna (Class A I believe at the time) in a Tournament. That was when Cotton Robinson was coaching at Buna. No football, in gym year round playing basketball. Similar to the movie Hoosiers which my G'son made me watch (good show). He loves Bball. In 9th come home from football practice and I'd hear him out shooting hoops. He's good, not great yet, but works at it hard.
  2. Thanks for that post. Makes me look at those 1As in a different light. And yes, Lipan was one I remember seeing last year, and Chireno. Chireno had a big girl probably 5'11" and a little wt. when I first saw her I thot she was probably 3rd string on a 9 girl team. When she hit like 5 of her first 6 threes, I was in awe. What a player. Anyway, thanks again.
  3. ?? Interesting! Why do say that? I know little about Bball, but I seemed to remember looking at Poff brackets last year & seeing several high ranked 2A schools that had lost to 1A's. I thot just an anomaly.
  4. Dadgum RR30. I came down here in the "closet" to cry in my beer and you caught me. No, I'm just saying it's hard to beat a quality team with 3 days practice, but I doubt the TABC is aware of that, or cares. Perhaps if we win the Nederland Tournament we'll move up lol.
  5. I've come to the conclusion that our Govt has given our POTUS powers virtually on the equivalent of any dictator in modern times. It was an interesting read BG, but in the drug world, they'd call it a downer.
  6. Doubt to many readers here, but I'd like to vent, and this is a good place for me to whine/gripe/cry/grumble. So my beloved Lady Rebels, who were #7 lost to 1A Chireno, #9, by 7 points. Our girls had 3 days practice after Vball. Chireno does not play Vball so I'd guess they've been at it since school started. They had us 19-0 before we quit spiking the basketball. So we get dropped down to #22. Ain't right. Ain't fair. Well, after we get through playing in the Nederland Tournament, we'll drop to oblivion. Heck, we'll have 6 days of practice by then, they may drop us into 6 man football (and our girls would win - with 6 days practice lol). Okay, got it out of my system. Bet next week #22 sounds good.
  7. Hagar


    With this stuff going on, I'm having to spend way to much on Rolaids & Alka-Seltzers.
  8. Out of likes, but putting that on here like this was a good use of space!
  9. Where is our Theodore Roosevelt today? I'll concede that our Doctors and scientist, as a group, are smarter, but what happened to the IQs of our politicians and the average voter? Perhaps it's not IQ that's lower but just the absence of common sense. Yep, I think I'm on to something here.
  10. I think you'll agree, he's the better of the two to be successful. Or, in setx terms, he's the one I'd put my money on. And, as much as I dislike their Govt, it offers more "latitude" in being effective.
  11. Off topic but tired of depressing stuff. BSW have your Bball team wear blindfolds during first half when you play Evadale. That'll give us a 50-50 chance lol.
  12. Amen BSW, and sadly if they want to survive, you & I both know they'll have to do things that civilized people really don't want to do. I pray it never gets that bad here. But as 77 said above, our PC society agenda is to ruin the US. Drugs are doing a good job of that, and allowing more terrorist to come here will be icing on the cake. Most may think I'm crazy, but IMO we've lost this country already. I base that on polls that say 45% (or whatever the number is today) of voters favor Hillary. She lies continuously, would sell her soul for money, and has the morals of a king cobra, and 45% would vote for her. That is one sad commentary of how far gone we are. I really like to be wrong. If there is any conservative that reads this, and can explain why I'm wrong, please do so. I have kids and G'kids so I don't like the dismal future I see coming.
  13. Lady Rebels win 44-32 Look more like basketball players than Volleyball players today.
  14. I was chastised for the posting an incorrect number. Evadale only had 3 days of practice. Am I back in your good graces lol ?
  15. I'm sorry, it's been quite a few years since I went to college. Do they not teach math anymore?
  16. When the mere presence of a Cross scares a group like this, what they don't realize, it's a tribute to Jesus Christ, and validates his Resurrection. Why else would they be so concerned about a Cross in Pt Neches, Tx? Since I believe in Jesus' Resurrection and Angels, I also believe in the Devil and his demons, and it's just a dumb country boys opinion that groups like this are most likely organized and lead by those demons. The majority of the group are probably just progressives who want to think of themselves as superior to most other folks. Unfortunately, I have explanations and reasons, not the answers (at least not the answers the current mores of society will accept).
  17. Well 77, I think you and I both know our leaders aren't going to stop. You know our own future victims are coming. Heaven knows they've killed enough Americans already. Can you imagine what would've transpired if this had happened in 1946? Would have been many deaths, but few would have been Americans. You reckon instead of putting fluoride in the water, they're putting estrogen? Just saying.
  18. Yes the victims and their families should be in our prayers. What a horrible thing to have happened. Should we also pray that the leaders of the EU stop the invasion? If not, perhaps we should pray for all the future victims, and you have to know they're coming. And save a sincere prayer that our leaders stop the impending flood. I'm not nearly the sharpest knife in the drawer, so I tend to use analogies to convey my thoughts. In this case, I would like to point out that if you fill your home with hundreds of snakes, many are going to be poisonous, and you, or some of your family will be bitten, and several die. Based on that senario, I don't want any snakes in my house. Before you gasp and interrupt your breathing in shock, I'm not a PC person. I submit that anyone who is a proponent of allowing more "Muslims" into the United States, is a person willing to risk his families lives, and more importantly, my families lives. If you wish to offer rebuttals, do it with the intentions of convincing others, because you won't change this old mans mind.
  19. Recap: Chireno has a great team for 1A! Even if Evadale had been in full Bball mode, instead of just coming off the Vball court, Chireno would have been a handful. That being said, IMO the fact that the Lady Rebs only had a 5 days of practice is the reason they lost. But for full disclosure, I'm not an authority on Basketball. And I have to agree w/Buckets comment above, Chireno did miss some easy shots, but man, they made a Bunch of hard ones. Best of luck to Chireno for the rest of year. They earned my respect.
  20. A humbling beginning to the season. Chireno wins 48-41. We spotted them to much in first Qtr. Good ball club.
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