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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Sunday on TNT at 8 I think. "Real Constitution" provides VP to have an agent to take care of things Govt can't. Lot of action. VP is Sharon Stone & agent is Joe Hephner (not sure @ 1st name).
  2. Watched Fear the Walking Dead. You're right, not as good, (YET). But I still have hope it improves next run. A new good series on TNT, Agent X.
  3. I suggest that the Twit is just playing word games to avoid telling the American people how dangerous the Muslims are. I'm not sure why but leaning heavily on, Quack Quack
  4. Dadgum, I'm senile. I left out Michonne. She can handle the sword like a ninja. Then the older short hair blonde? She has mentally gone medieval, which isn't totally bad in a Z place.
  5. Not me, but I'm like the liberals of old who continuously demanded the right of free speech, and to hell with whoever it offended.
  6. I'm thinking that party will make Mardi Gras look like Mass at the Vatican.
  7. Lol, spy vs spy. Brings back memories. Speaking of memories, seriously, as I read these articles and post, the old, If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, keeps running thru my mind. It's the only thing that makes sense short of his IQ being in the teens and having money to pay someone to do all his school & college work. Quack Quack
  8. You ever just run out of ways/words to describe him? Hold on, I'm thinking. Hmmmmm. Alfred E Neuman? He does exemplify what Pogo said many years ago, "We have met the enemy, and they is us". PS. Let me offer my apologies to Mad Magazine
  9. And they better not kill Glen, Rick, Darrell and Maggie.
  10. My wife & I do, although they seem to waste some episodes on individuals instead of "the group". Still, we don't miss it. Compared to the poop that's on TV now, it's pretty entertaining.
  11. I I hope he's better at golf than he is as a POTUS.
  12. If it wasn't so easy to cross our Canadian border, I'd put two likes on this.
  13. I guess anyone opposed to Judeo Christians, the Constitution, and Caucasians, has the opportunity for "free" Govt money. That's what I gathered reading the article before I had to stop and run to the porcelain goddess to throw up my supper (for all you young progressive folks, that's the evening meal, not dinner, which is the main meal of the day and can be in the morning, or noon, or, in the evening)
  14. lol, sn I think you'd be amazed at how many of those "phobe's" you could hang on me, but this may be the one I'm proudest of.
  15. I think he should get 15. I just hope it's in a Maximum Security Facility.
  16. I think what bothers me the most about the POTUS stance towards Jews and Christians, is the lack of condemnation from any Liberals. Not the leftist media, nor the leftist community as a whole. That's one of the main things we point out about Muslims - big terrorist slaughter of lives and the majority of Muslims are silent. Smh
  17. After I climbed down from barstool mountain and checked out John Edwards and his less than sterling Rep opponent, I have a better understanding of the results. Without delving into it deeper, Edwards appears to be the better candidate. It does bring up an interesting question that I can't figure out. I'll admit that California, on the surface, has better Education than La. Yet the Rep electorate of La, when faced with a Dem candidate superior to the Rep, voted Dem. I can't imagine a senario in Cal now where they would ever elect a Rep. In our country today, does "better educated" also equal "brainwashed", due to the ideology of many educators? Or perhaps it's the human brain. Does nature give (on avg) most of us common sense to survive, and as we become more educated (on avg) it replaces that common sense? As usual, I don't have the answers. I do know that an electorate that doesn't vote for what he or she truly thinks is in the best interests of the country, is a knife in the heart of democracy.
  18. @AP: BREAKING: Vidor defeated Allen in the Tx HS football playoffs. Both equally hard to understand or believe. Lol, what's happened to my world? Down is up. Right is left. Cold is hot. Ads now say, Use No Go for instant energy. I'm really trying to learn to laugh at this stuff. I really am.
  19. I'm just a dumb country dude but IMO it's the phenomenon labeled as IAIATAC (I'm an idiot and there's a camera). And the media loves to show these idiots in lieu of having to report the real news, such as how FUBAR our govt is. Or how FUBAR we are because of our govt.
  20. Lady Raiders look great and I hope they bring home the Championship. I certainly expect them too. Please post final results and thanks for tournament info you provided.
  21. Consolation Final: Orangefield def Evadale Big attaboy to NISD for a great tournament!
  22. No one can remember for sure, but consensus is Ltown 69 GCM 62.
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