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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Have you seen the women of Fox? They could all pose for Playboy.
  2. Where the cops do nothing. I would have had to hurt one of these punks. Hey lefties…..here is your leaders. Portland sees Antifa descend on Christian worship event, clash with Proud Boys in streets [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  3. Well it dang sure offended me. Lol. I wonder if we could uncover some dirt on the person who found that. Be we could.
  4. Notice that you will NEVER see a post by a lefty on a thread like this. They never feel good about honoring people who fought and died fighting communism and the nazis because that is what they have become. I bet even some of them have kinfolk down the line who fought and/or died for them. They should be ashamed.
  5. San Francisco sheriffs' union warns officers will quit or retire if forced to receive COVID vaccine [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  6. …. Of how a democrat can NEVER answer a yes or no question.
  7. …..for our kids after all…….. Kansas middle school students sing impromptu national anthem to veteran [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  8. Injured reserve……that’s for sure. All joking aside, I haven’t viewed a Bulldog practice per se, but I drove by the practice field and the offensive line looked huge. Maybe someone closer to the scene can offer up more info. Personally, I am always impressed with a big o-line.
  9. Without Google, I believe that Hippa law covers doctor/patient confidentiality. You have to sign a waiver giving permission for others (whoever that may be) to have access to your medical records. Your employer asking you to take the vaccine does not fall under this privacy category. Forcing you to take it or be fired doesn’t violate this law either, but it may involve another legal battle. How’s that TVC?
  10. They abandoned their jobs by fleeing the state they are supposed to give representation, they should be fired.
  11. Tony Gwenn was the batting champ year in and year out back then and he said JR was the pitcher he least liked batting against. JR was 6’7’’ and could hold 7 baseballs in one hand. I got to see him play and he was awesome. Once he stretched that frame of his towards home plate, it drastically reduced the batter’s reaction time. Sad the way he went out of baseball.
  12. Just found out that a woman we know has Covid, had been vaccinated and wore a mask. Let’s not forget that the Covid was a manufactured Virus.
  13. Well DUUUUHHHHH!!!!!! TRUMP WINS AGAIN!!!!! Biden administration begins flying migrants expelled via Title 42 into Mexico amid COVID fears [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  14. Video of a pure idiot…..
  15. Viruses mutate. It’s what they do. Sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker. Giving the mutations scary sounding names like Delta Variant and Delta Variant Plus is pouring it on a bit thick for me.
  16. You know, just because you disagree with the way someone thinks, does not either make them an idiot or make them wrong. [Hidden Content]
  17. Agree, but if they sue it goes to court. The SUPREME court has ruled so why would any lower courts hear arguments in the landlord’s favor if the ruling will not be followed. Seems like a waste of time. Criminals need to go to jail. Impeachment will only remove him, then Harris would be in there. That’s even worse.
  18. I almost teared up when I read this……..NOT!!!!! Newsom says recall is unfair, effects will be felt 'across the country' [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  19. What good does the landlords suing do when the Supreme Court has already ruled and no one listens?
  20. baddog


    Excellent and unscripted by puppeteers.
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