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BS Wildcats

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Posts posted by BS Wildcats

  1. 2 hours ago, Englebert said:

    What climate problems are you talking about? What is "big oil" doing that creates "climate issues"? What are the "right, and everyone else" doing that contributes to these so called climate problems? Please explain.

    This should be funny.

    Kountzer is notorious for not responding.  Do not expect much!

  2. 59 minutes ago, UT alum said:

    Yeah, there’s no difference between a Wendy’s and the country’s seat of government. A bunch of parrots in here. Either that, or Trump’s one heck of a ventriloquist.

    You completely missed the point!!  Not surprising, TDS has warped your feeble mind!!

  3. 5 hours ago, Englebert said:

    If I invite you into my house, then have the police falsely arrest you, have a DA falsely charge you with treason, have the media falsely claim you are a traitor to our country...shouldn't your identity be protected?

    This topic brought to us by a climate nazi who laughably claims the Capitol was "invaded" to overthrow our government, who brought no weapons, and walked through doors that were opened for them, who were escorted around the Capitol by the Capitol police, who did "slightly" less damage that the "Summer of Love" insurrections that unleased billions and billions worth of damage and caused an untold number of deaths. Facts don't seem to have an effect on you do they.

    Heard yesterday that the 2 BLM peaceful protestors that burned down a Wendy’s in Atlanta, basically gets off with a slap on the wrist.  No jail time, token fines, and very little probation time, while the Jan 6th protestors are getting several years in prison.  This all due to biden’s weaponized DOJ.

  4. 4 hours ago, Big girl said:

    You are pathetic. You feel threatened by Muslims, black people, Hispanic, and women. Are you afraid the Christian white male will lose it's place in society. So sad

    One of the most idiotic post ever!!  Wouldn’t expect anything else from the likes of you.  You are by far, and it’s not even close, the most racist person on this board!  

  5. 4 minutes ago, PhatMack19 said:

    I’ve argued for and against a lot of teams.  I wouldn’t want to be on the committee.  They are wrong either way. 

    The Big 12 is the 4th ranked out of the 5 Power 5.   The ACC is the only one that’s worse.  

    The main question is do they want the best 4 teams in or not.  

    If they want the 4 best teams, Texas should get in, not FSU.

  6. 6 hours ago, PhatMack19 said:

    Texas’s best argument is they won a trash conference and lost against the only decent team in the conference.  They did beat Bama in week 2 who was going through a QB controversy. 

    I could argue the same for all the 7 teams.  This is the first year that the playoff didn’t work itself out.  A few teams are getting screwed. 

    Maybe A&M should have stayed in that “trash conference”.  They would be better served in the WAC, or some other lower tier conference.  

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