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Everything posted by oldschool2

  1. I heard that Anahuac has some legit skill kids. Some kids that may or may not have come in from outside the district...which happens when you upgrade facilities. Even so, it should be very apparent to any who doubted that East Chambers remains the team to beat within that local 3A district. There obviously is a culture there that other schools should aspire to have. A good friend of mine told me just last week, "Anahuac definitely CAN win because of the talent they have. The problem is that East Chambers usually doesn't know that they're supposed to lose". Good win, East Chambers. Unfortunately (usually), when a team with that mindset runs into them down the road it usually comes down to playoff winning experience. Miracles happen, though (Texas A&M).
  2. Hull Daisetta all time record over Evadale in 3...2...1...
  3. History usually does in certain circumstances. So.. I’m guessing that was the year they won 9 games. Is that the school’s only playoff win in football? That’s a whole lot of “it’s the coach’s fault” years.
  4. Larry Haynes won..for the most part..ONE YEAR. 9 of his wins happened in one season, and it wasn’t his last year. Also, I’m pretty sure he was ran off a couple of different times. Neither here nor there, not taking anything away from the guy.. but he had one good year and it was a team of good players. Even the great Larry Haynes couldn’t win without talent.
  5. Well.. it doesn’t hurt that the 8th grade has a pretty good kid taking snaps. It’s Barrier’s son for those that don’t know. Keep blaming him for varsity losses lol. He’s liable for to take that QB son of his the hell outta there.. and who would blame him. Then where are you? Same old Hardin… expecting championships within a year or two with kids that have never won. Kids that don’t do what it takes to win. In a school that I don’t even know whether or not has even won a football playoff game. You Hardin fans sound like you expect to be as good as HD thinks they are. Maybe you should consolidate the two schools. Then we’d at least only have to deal with one set of delusional fans.
  6. The amount of clueless you possess is astounding. I have friends of friends at Hardin. What are their numbers? How’s practice participation? How’s summer workout participation? Do they act right in class? Do they pass? I understand it’s easy to blame the coach. In fact, ignorant people use that as the go-to. But.. there’s a lot more to that place having been awful for 100 years or whatever than the coach. Maybe people in the community should pick something else to do. Academic UIL, maybe? I don’t know..
  7. Not a popular thing for fans and parents… but it’s the players. Sorry. Barrier is a good coach. Unfortunately, even a good coach has to have some talent.
  8. That explains why the HD faithful were so quiet.
  9. The only time HD is not blabbing about the score is when they’re losing. So.. I’m betting that DV is up.
  10. You mean switch to slot T and burn some clock to avoid a blowout? I like it.
  11. I'm not arguing that. Perhaps you didn't read what you responded to thoroughly. Backbone of the community? Fine.. keep it. Can't field an 11 man team? Can't afford 6 man travel? Also fine.. but shut down the football program if that's the case. Why screw other schools by having a hole in their schedule that they CAN'T fill?..
  12. Thank goodness.. I was beginning to wonder who HD might beat this year. With Sabine Pass canceling the season and all.
  13. They should’ve flipped a coin before the game for the win. That’s kinda embarrassing.
  14. That's what I mean.. what reason would anyone have to put teams that do this on the schedule in the future? I sure wouldn't want to.
  15. Plenty of players? Or plenty of reasons not to field a team?
  16. I’m not arguing. I’m saying that if a school has so few players that they could find a reason not to field a team, then maybe they shouldn’t have football.
  17. What a shame to know that these tiny schools in the area could drop individual games or even possibly entire seasons for...whatever reason. I personally have always been a proponent of just shutting the doors to many of these schools..or at least cutting programs that can’t consistently compete. I’m actually surprised the state hasn’t done some forced consolidations due to money. I get it.. local schools provide work.. small town kids may get different experiences by getting to be more involved.. blah blah. But. Can’t field an 11 man team (guaranteed)? Can’t afford 6 man travel? Fine. No football. What a waste of someone’s schedule.
  18. If the players are as much of "know-it-alls" as the posters/fans on this site.. or as sensitive.. then that would probably cause a mass exodus. Perhaps the coaches know that.
  19. I think Lumberton gets this one.. but not because of that 👆.
  20. Which part of my post wasn't true? The only bias shown towards anything I ever say in regards to the HD Bobcats is revolved around the astoundingly popular opinion that you die hard HD fans are the most fun to mess with. Due to your blindness to any truth that reflects the FACT that HD is no longer a good football program.
  21. Also.. you “passionate fans” act like HD is some kind of football mecca. Look, nobody is denying the rich successes the school has had IN THE PAST. We applaud it. Well done, sir. But... even the most passionate of passionate fans should recognize the fact that there isn’t a kid in that school that was even alive the last time HD won a football playoff game. Are you aware of that? Burkeville has won more football playoff games this century than HD has. Evadale has. Hardin has also. In fact... every school in the state that has won at least one football playoff game this century has won more than HD. Couple that with the fact that most of your wins come against the historically worst programs in the state... My guy. HD is in fact... a “school of the blind”. As you so eloquently put it.
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