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Everything posted by oldschool2

  1. There is no question that the goal every year is to win the state title.. I'm talking about the standard to which you fire someone or not. That's a little ridiculous. Have some realistic expectations.
  2. Some of the best coaches in the game never won one. And.. some decent (at best) coaches won one or more due to some freakishly athletic players at opportune times.
  3. How many schools in Liberty Country haven't won a football state championship in.. ever? All but one, right? As much as it pains me to say, I do believe that Hull Daisetta is the only school in that county with a state title. Having said that.. statistics show us that neither Liberty or any other school in Liberty County will NOT win a state championship in football in the next 7 years. Possibly ever. So.. just my opinion, of course. Maybe don't make the standard as winning it all. Maybe overall athletics success (as perceived by the community), consistent high percentages of participation, and maybe positive culture changes and expectations. Anyone who believes that a coach's individual success should be rated on a state championship is going to stay overly disappointed. Most really good coaches spend a career trying for a championship without getting one. Phil Danaher just retired recently as well. He won more games than any football coach in Texas public school history. Zero state titles.
  4. 1st.. I said that your comment SEEMED like that, not that I personally believed anything. 2nd.. You might not have gotten an interview because you have 36 years....of coaching experience? If you've been coaching for nearly 40 years then I wouldn't entertain your application either. It doesn't matter who you know if you're that old. Just sayin...
  5. That sounds about how it usually works. Or maybe the new guy will eventually leave on his own after having that AD/HFC on the resume.. or perhaps not. Maybe he'll make a home of Liberty, Tx. But Liberty isn't the kind of place to allow that for too long.. judging by what's happened in the past. We'll see.
  6. Just my opinion.. your comment seems a little like that of one made by a disgruntled applicant who didn’t get the job. If so, relax. You were probably given a favor. Based on what I’m told about the kids currently in the program, it’s likely a dog fight for 4th for many more years.
  7. Not sure how the girls side is run. I know it’s fairly successful.. and I believe the coaches are pretty consistent. Are they not? I know that pretty much all successful sports in SeTx have pretty much had the same coach for a long time. You’d think that schools would notice that correlation. I know I have.
  8. Definitely more so than usual for SeTx. I meant that he may have retired there if able.
  9. I don’t believe Liberty has the caliber of football players that they did when Taylor got there. That’s a big factor. And I get it.. top guys change. Maybe because of complacency or because of community being unhappy. I get it. However.. the previous guy seemed to have been in it for the long haul. Consistency is very rare in SeTx and I was actually proud of Liberty for going against the norm.. or so I thought. I think consistency prevails unless changes are blatantly obvious. So maybe there was good reason. Having said that… I have no doubt the new guy will likely do a good job and bring some new energy. Definitely looks good on paper and checks the boxes.
  10. Chris Lackey. Coordinator from Coppell High School.
  11. I understand. Keep in mind that perhaps Vidor has the kind of players that need an offense similar to that of slot-T. Everyone loves the idea of spreading it out or other high excitement strategies, but not everyone can do it.
  12. It got Liberty-Hill to the 5A title game… in 2021. So.. love it or hate it.. can’t deny that it can and does work.
  13. Um… well.. it’s not really an argument. The statement I’m making is that MOST OF THE TIME, when a SeTx school meets a non SeTx school in the playoffs.. they lose. At least recently (last 10-15 years or so). Notable exceptions are Newton and WOS. However, prior to the state creating division 1 and division 2 classifications, even those two schools didn’t get out of the region very often. I know that’s a difficult thing to do. Disclaimer: I’m well aware that you or anybody else could find exceptions. I’m talking about the majority of instances. I’m also talking about football.
  14. I'm talking about football specifically. My point still stands, though. A majority of the time, when a SeTx school (recently) meets a school from outside of SeTx, the season ends. There's no doubt that we can find exceptions here and there but I'm talking about statistically.
  15. What is the percentage of times Silsbee, PNG, WestBrook, and East Chambers wins a football playoff game against someone outside of the SeTx area?.. I'm not saying it doesn't happen or won't happen again. I'm just saying that for a vast majority of SeTx teams in football (recently), round 2 or 3 is usually the end of the road and it usually happens when they play someone that isn't within the SeTx coverage area. Say what you want.. but being "competitive" or "successful" is a relative term.
  16. That has been true ever since Newton fell into a class below Cameron Yoe.. and true for WOS when they fell below Carthage. WOS may not be so lucky now that Carthage is back in their region.
  17. Common occurrence. Have a “good season” against subpar opponents, make playoffs, have unrealistic expectations, play someone outside of SeTx, get beat like a drum, blame coach, repeat. Noo.. sounds like every other year to me. We’ll be having this same conversation a year from now.
  18. It's funny to me that despite an obvious, different school from year after year to these discussion threads... nobody ever correlates the connection of a team's CURRENT talent to the best offense/defense/coach/etc.. for said year. The graduation of a single kid usually changes the entire dynamic/strategy depending on how good that kid was. It's literally everchanging depending on graduation/transfers. Sigh.. but I digress. Carry on.
  19. I'm betting the streak continues.
  20. From what I'm told by some coaching friends, Woodville is athletically deeper. But.. I heard that Anahuac had the ability to beat EC as well. It didn't matter. If the game comes down to tradition over unorganized (which often happens), then EC gets the nod from me. But that's why they play. I wouldn't feel comfortable placing a bet on either to win. That's me.
  21. Coach Harrell at Ennis represents one of the most miraculous comeback stories in all of high school football. He is a close friend of mine and after a debilitating battle with MS, was forced to retire shortly after winning his 2nd state championship at Ennis. After a few attempts at Stem Cell Therapy, he was able to get back into coaching in a limited capacity. Now, he is hopping around like a teenager after being bound to a walker/wheelchair...and back at the school he once retired from. Trust me.. somebody cares. While not relevant to this game specifically, the fact that Ennis is 8-0 with him at the helm again is pretty heroic. Maybe you don't care... but somebody cares. I personally get chill bumps thinking about Ennis even being in these types of conversation.. knowing what I know.
  22. 45 minutes and no update? It’s either close or HD is losing.
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