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A BUC 77

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Everything posted by A BUC 77

  1. Hard to tell on this one. Lumberton pulls it out in a close one.
  2. Silsbee and WOS will be a heck of a game. Home team will win.
  3. Big Ned and PNG will be fast and they will hit hard next Friday with 12,471 watching, as always.
  4. If Big Ned has a good start, turn out the lights. If Silsbee comes out with a passing game it will be close. Dogs still win.
  5. I'm picking Jasper by 10, unless Silsbee can come up with something that resembles a defense.
  6. Well this is my 2 cents. First game. Absolutely there were kinks to work for WOS. Coach T being gone was a big issue. The kids just didn't have that focus. They will be fine, especially the Running Dept.. Big Ned unusually good on the first game. #8 and the defensive front had a lot to do with it. Without the lightning delay, it may have been a little outcome. Sheffield Prod. had a few kinks as well. I still enjoyed it.
  7. Prayers to the family. I did not know Todd personally, but i can tell by his quotes he was a outstanding guy. God speed.
  8. It should be contest. If Big Ned's line on both sides show up and the have a decent passing game, they will definitely be in the game. Close one 28-21. Nederland.
  9. Your right. I should have said most not every.
  10. I like kool-aid. So every health organization, every reputable doctor, surgeon & cardiologist are wrong?
  11. It's not hard to find a legitimate source. Getting vaccinated saves lives.
  12. Yep. We had some hard fought battles on the baseball diamond as well.
  13. Had some good memories back when Lumberton and EC were in the same district. I think it will be a great game.
  14. I plan on being at the WOS vs Big Ned. Always good. Been a few lopsided battles, but not many.
  15. That's true, but they're a lot of people that are still repairing their house. Price of materials are still high partly because of it. I think he will survive though.
  16. Abbot will be hard to beat. If he survives the Freeze debacle. He may not have had much to do about it, but it was on his watch.
  17. Is it a flat screen or a curve screen. Let's bring Columbus in on this.
  18. It will be interesting to see the numbers. I thought televising every Astro game would hurt the number of people going to the game but it only multiplied it. Look at the braves years ago on TBS or the Cubs on WGN. I know this is baseball and they play every night, but I think it may expose more people to HS Football.
  19. Rules are rules. I bet it will change next year. Kids joining the armed forces should be honored.
  20. I really enjoyed watching it. I thought he might cave in on Sunday, but he hung in there. Makes old folks like me feel pretty good. When Lefty is on, there is not to many players that can keep up. I think he may have one more major in him.
  21. I don't know the numbers, but what I do know that covid is more infectious and no one is immune to it.
  22. That is unknown. I'm just stating what is known.
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