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  1. Like
    usedtobe got a reaction from Big girl in Resolved: UN Should Be Dismantled!   
    If the United States would simply quit funding this ancient, decrepit, dysfunctional organization it would
    dissolve of its own "in-sustenance."  Not many of the "Proud" nations that send delegates to the United Nations are current on their dues.  USA!  STOP TRYING TO BE THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD.  Those countries in the mid-east will NEVER be at peace.
  2. Like
    usedtobe got a reaction from bullets13 in BEDELMON'S PICK OF THE YEAR.....   
    AAW, MoFo must be a move-in to the HJ school district.  Anyone having gone to school in the HJ system would know what an average is.
  3. Like
    usedtobe got a reaction from PAMFAM10 in Resolved: UN Should Be Dismantled!   
    If the United States would simply quit funding this ancient, decrepit, dysfunctional organization it would
    dissolve of its own "in-sustenance."  Not many of the "Proud" nations that send delegates to the United Nations are current on their dues.  USA!  STOP TRYING TO BE THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD.  Those countries in the mid-east will NEVER be at peace.
  4. Like
    usedtobe reacted to stevenash in Big Girl- What do you think of this analogy?   
    I bought a bird feeder.  I hung it on my back porch and filled it with seed.  What a beauty of a bird feeder it was, as I filled it lovingly with seed.  Within a week, we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food.   But then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio, above the table and next to the barbeque.  Then came the poop.  It was everywhere:  on the patio tile, the chairs, the table- everywhere.   Then some of the birds turned mean.  They would dive bomb me and try to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket.  And others birds were boisterous and loud.  They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed at all hours of the day and night and demanded that I fill it when it got low on food.   After a while, I couldn't even sit on my own back porch anymore.  So I took down the bird feeder and in three days, the birds were gone.  I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests thy had built all over the patio.  Soon, the back yard was like it used to be....quiet, serene... and no one demanding their rights to a free meal.
    Now, lets see.....  Our government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free medical care and free education, and allows anyone born here to be an automatic citizen.  Then the illegals came by the tens of thousands.  Suddenly our taxes went up to pay  for free servies:  small apartments are housing 5 families; you have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor; Your childs second grade class is behind other schools because over half the class doesnt speak English.    Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box;  I have to "press one" to hear my bank talk to me in English, and people are wavings flags other than "ours" are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more rights and free liberties.
    Is it time to take down the bird feeder?
  5. Like
    usedtobe got a reaction from TxHoops in Charlie Strong dismisses 3 Longhorns   
    Gonna' be Charlie's way or the freeway.  Welcome back "discipline"
    to Bevo's place. :o
  6. Like
    usedtobe reacted to stevenash in please explain why it is Obama's fault when......   
    Rest assured that every person coming in within these groups is NOT a poor little disadvantaged kid.  There are enemies within these groups that are entering the country.
  7. Like
    usedtobe reacted to LumRaiderFan in Race relations   
    I think several of us on here would be much more concerned if you and your friends agreed with our posts.
  8. Like
    usedtobe reacted to 5GallonBucket in BISD board of trustees employment or profession   
    and Obama was a community organizer
    now that Beaumont has started cleaning house.....too bad we can't do that in D.C.
  9. Like
    usedtobe reacted to WOSgrad in BEDELMON'S PICK OF THE YEAR.....   
    Haters?  Simply because a number of folks don't believe that "WO-S Comes to HJ and TAKES A WHOOPIN...COUNTRY STYLE!!!!!" or that "There is a new football sheriff in town folks...HJ HAWKS!!!!!!?"
    Maybe they don't believe such bold beliefs because they have seen the 10 game series history with H-J to date:
    1.  WO-S is 10-0 in the series;
    2.  The average score in those games was 50-3;
    3.  WO-S has shut HJ out 5 times in the series;
    4.  WO-S has held HJ to a field goal 2 other times;
    5.  HJ has scored in double figures only 1 time in the series;
    6.  WO-S has scored 50 or more points 4 times in the series;
    7.  WO-S has scored 40 or more points in all but 1 of the 10 games;
    8.  HJ's total score in the series (28) is lower than the lowest that WO-S has scored in one game during the series (29).
    Now, facts are facts. The HJ football program has vastly improved under Coach Dubois and the Week 10 game will probably be the most highly contested game of the series and will be WO-S' closest district game.  Plus, they are the favorite to gain the #2 seed out of the district.
    However, given the history of this series it is a bit harsh to call someone a "hater" simply because they believe that the statements made above are a result of delusions of grandeur.
  10. Like
    usedtobe reacted to stevenash in Obama's Broken Border   
    It was some time ago that Mr. Obama publicly stated that our borders are secure. He also stated the world is a safer place. I strongly disagree with both statements.
  11. Like
    usedtobe reacted to bedelmon in BEDELMON'S PICK OF THE YEAR.....   
    Because we have a FOOTBALL COACH that we have not had in the last 10 years..... Because we have a group of kids that we have not had in the last 10 years.... Because we actually have been on an off season workout schedule we have not had in the last 10 years.... Because we have a plan that we havent had in the last 10 years... I am not so stupid as to be 100% sure we will win but I am 100% sure we CAN win..... I am 100% sure we will not be a pushover like years past... All the same people on here said the same thing about Silsbee last year and were wrong.... Not one person picked it right... I was the closest..... I was off by 1 point..... You guys were off by 50.....  
  12. Like
    usedtobe reacted in BEDELMON'S PICK OF THE YEAR.....   
  13. Like
    usedtobe reacted to MoFo in BEDELMON'S PICK OF THE YEAR.....   
    I agree with that and I am honest enough to say if HJ beats WOS it will be a huge upset. I am realistic to know the power house that is WOS, and I honestly can not name a school in our area from 1a to 6a that would not be an underdog to WOS. The game will be played and my only hopes are the HJ boys leave it all on the field and give it their best shot because every now and then the champ takes an unexpecting blow to the chin and finds himself on the canvas.
  14. Like
    usedtobe got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in BEDELMON'S PICK OF THE YEAR.....   
    Oops!  I remember now.  bedelmon played on the Beaumont French High
    School team that had a co-state championship in football under coach
    Steve Shaver (rest in peace Steve0.  I believe that when bedelmon found
    some reason to toot his horn about being on that tam and I mentioned
    that I ran all over Steve Shaver when he was a freshman and I was a
    senior at our high school - well, I think bedelmon got offended  Needless
    to say that we haven't exchanged Christmas Cards since then.
  15. Like
    usedtobe got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in BEDELMON'S PICK OF THE YEAR.....   
    Oh ye of the comical "Bird Avatar" which we all take to be be a fierce H-J Hawk.  I was innoculated for "Hawk Envy" the first year of existance of the Hardin-Jefferson High School because I knew there would be people like you and bedelmon coming along.  The doctor told me then that I would only need a booster shot every seventy-five years,  I haven't checked recently when that booster is due but I made a note to do it.  The shot is very inexpensive and it works to perfection - I haven't had even a smidgen of Hawk Envy since I had the shot.  And, no, I didn't have a state championship, but then, I didn't know that bedelmon had one eiither.  I did get a third place state medal in golf one year, but that's a gentleman's game and I would not expect you or bedelmon to understand  that.  Get a life . . . after you get a new avatar.
  16. Like
    usedtobe got a reaction from BADSANTA in BEDELMON'S PICK OF THE YEAR.....   
    Everyone (except bedelmon) knows it takes two to make a prize fight.  And, that it takes two teams to make a football game.  Bedelmon sees one team only - period - the Hawks (and if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor)  Bedelmon envisions a Hawk lead of 35 - 0 against WO-S and then he notices (but doesn't acknowledge).that the Mustangs have come out of the dressing room to do their pre-game warmup session.  POP!!! goes his balloon.  This guy is such an embarrassment that his sons asked hem to change his member name on SETXsports   His reply should be fun.
  17. Like
    usedtobe got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in BEDELMON'S PICK OF THE YEAR.....   
    Holt S  ???
  18. Like
    usedtobe got a reaction from BADSANTA in BEDELMON'S PICK OF THE YEAR.....   
    Holt S  ???
  19. Like
    usedtobe got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in BEDELMON'S PICK OF THE YEAR.....   
    Is this "Big Girl" wearing an awful "Hawk" costume?
  20. Like
    usedtobe got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in BEDELMON'S PICK OF THE YEAR.....   
    AAW, MoFo must be a move-in to the HJ school district.  Anyone having gone to school in the HJ system would know what an average is.
  21. Like
    usedtobe got a reaction from thetragichippy in Big Girl- Proof that "credentials" arent all that is needed   
    Why are YOU still here?  Leave - go - get the h'll out!  You claim to be an RN; a talent and craft that is in high demand all around the country.  Go some place that you might be happy and well adjusted - that certainly isn't Southeast Texas.  Leave and make yourself, as well a
    great number of Texans, very happy.  Try the Dakotas: big oil boom going on there.  Surely they could use one more RN.
  22. Like
    usedtobe got a reaction from BADSANTA in Silsbee vs Caldwell Regional Semi-Finals Series Set   
    Folks and Fans, we're deep into the playoffs now! They'll all be tough from here on - all the way to the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP. Go Tigers. And, a big "THANK YOU" to AggiesAreWe and SETXsports for the
    excellent coverage.
  23. Like
    usedtobe reacted to bullets13 in Congrats to Micheal Sam   
    I'll say this, I agree that it should not be sensationalized. But it's also important to remember that Michael Sam is not being filmed on hundreds of different occasions kissing his boyfriend. He did so once, in what was probably the happiest moment of his life, just as hundreds if not thousands of young men have done before in the exact same situation. The media, and not the young man, have chosen to plaster this all over the news. This is not an "in your face" act by Sam. He did something we all do with our significant others when we get great news. The media has chosen to show it over and over, not Michael Sam.
  24. Like
    usedtobe reacted to mat in Congrats to Micheal Sam   
    When I heard that Michael Sam was drafted in the seventh round I thought good for him. Then it became the biggest story in not just the sports world but in the nation. "The kiss" was aired countless times on all networks including ESPN. The media has sensationalized the story to annoyance. Obama felt the need to congratulate him personally on his seventh round accomplishment. I'm suppose there were not any other draftees with accomplishments as commendable worthy.
    You see, its not enough for me and others to just except him as a person, football player or even a gay man. We are forced to endure the relentless promotion of his story that includes having to repeatedly watch "the kiss" as we try to watch ESPN. Plus we have to accept his hero status as our president sings his praise. Simple acceptance is not enough. The constant "in your face" is something Christians have a hard time with. JMO
  25. Like
    usedtobe got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in obama?   
    Is your passport in order?
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