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Posts posted by bullets13

  1. 3 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

    who says they would’ve cake walked to victory…some poll🙄, some media pundits🙄 come on now
    Trump has already proven himself 16-20(and against everyone, media, gop, dems )   This is why he wins the conservative vote.  Pretty simple. And most believe that there was cheating taking place in 2020. So that plays in their decision as well.

    Not that there isn’t any uniformed gop voters  cause there is.

    What have the dems proved

    open borders

    boys can be girls and girls can be boys


    defunding the police

    sanctuary cities

    homeless take over

    free drugs and needles

    baby murders

    porno books for kids

    could keep going but what’s the use 

    fence riders are upset oh well   What moderates and fringe dems wantf is for conservatives to sacrifice principles and most I know have dug in.

    if dems win again then maybe we have a bigger deeper issue then trump



    it seems like the right would do well to do everything they could to avoid this, but here we are... but hey, at least y'all will have your principles if we get 4 more years of lefty leadership insanity.

  2. On 2/22/2024 at 1:14 PM, 5GallonBucket said:

    So no blame goes to the uniformed voter who votes for what we have now.


    is it the policies or the man behind the policies that people take issue with?


    If the republican voter base insists on backing a candidate that has a very good chance of losing when they could've nominated just about anyone else and cakewalked to victory, it might be time for the right to stop with the "uninformed voter" schtick.  "We're not stupid for nominating a guy most people hate, they're just stupid for not voting for him anyway" is a dumb argument that I hear far too often.   

  3. On 1/19/2024 at 6:56 AM, 5GallonBucket said:

    To the point of picking Vi…… having to win over moderate and independent…..

    how did trump win in 2016?…..because pence surely didn’t help with winning said voters


    Moderates didn't hate him yet.  They do now.

  4. 15 hours ago, UT alum said:

    This is one reason I quit this place but for my Parting Shot. To use the Bible to assign a person’s political leaning borders on blasphemy as far as I am concerned.  To suggest that King Solomon was using “right” and “left” as a political statement is downright ignorant, if not stupid.

    You know I'll argue with these guys from time to time, even though I vote to the right.  But you literally started this thread to quarrel, then posted your bible verse to justify a position, and then took exception to someone else using a bible verse to (jokingly) justify theirs.  like big mad, and all high and mighty.  Pretty hypocritical in the case of this particular thread.

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