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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. 2 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    I don't recall anybody losing their job over using that "b" word. 

    Have you ever seen kid hit their brother over and over and finally get hit back, then come crying and wailing "he HIT me!!!"  That's black people and the "n" word. 

    I think the thing that annoys me the most about this particular situation is that we've heard for years that we (whitey) don't understand that it's a term of endearment among blacks, but the worst epithet possible when used against black people.   Even if you're racist enough to believe that, that's not the case here.  This guy was literally using it as a term of endearment to a non-black, but it's still racist according to the thought police.  

    Nobody should be using it, period.  

    It’s a word that hold a lot to a lot of people my mom would slap me if I used it around her. At the end of the day its a word. I don’t use slurs whites call themselves slurs Mexicans call them selves etc... And I’m not complaining about it. But context is big I wouldn’t care personally because like I said I hear whites say it all day everyday. 

  2. Woman call themselves the b word all the time. Still isn’t smart for me to call them that. The n word is more age than race blacks over 40 tend to use the word less then those under 40. I’m 28 and I haven’t came across a white Mexican Asian my age that don’t use the word as much or more than me. My age group fight over race way way way less than you old folks.

  3. 9 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

    I think he’s listened to the Dem talking heads to much to convince him otherwise.  What is it with the Dems and logical thinking?

    No I’m looking at actual markets. Walmart has been going up on its pay every year yet every year the arrow is up. And Walmart still has it everyday low prices. Milk and eggs still at same price. 
    yes it well hurt small business which is why I’m against it but. The big companies. Can pay 15/hr and most of them do already (Walmart the us number  1 employer was last to the party Costco heb Amazon did it years ahead ) My point is yes I agree with you 15/hr is bad for most business owners. But the big boys (who claim and brag on offering CAREERS ) should pony up

  4. On 1/16/2021 at 7:51 AM, BS Wildcats said:

    Have you actually sit down and figured what $15/hr will bring a person?  It will not support a family, it would hardly support a single person living alone.  Most of these jobs would still be part time.  Meaning, less than 40 hrs/week, no insurance benefits, and no retirement benefits.  So, do you honestly think $15/hr is sustainable for the employee and employer.  The employer would be forced to raise prices, therefore hurting business.  Will you be willing to pay $10 for a Big Mac?  You should stop listening to the Dem talking heads and do some math.  This $15/hr minimum would be very detrimental.  

    A lot of this is just simply false.

    I’m pro Capitalism and I’ll say this the giant companies McDonald’s Walmart the big guys can pay 15/hr without hurting it’s bottom line. In fact a lot of the top employers did something to 15 and that arrow still pointing up Big Mac still $5 Walmart still have your everyday low prices. I’m against $15 across the board because it will hurt small business. But the Walton and bezos of the world don’t kid yourself. What they are allowed to get away with is criminal.

  5. 6 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Have you actually watched Trump's speech from Wednesday?  I posted a link to a condensed version... just the worse stuff, of course.  But the whole thing is available on Youtube.  Also watch Donald Trump Jrs and Rudy Guiliani's "trial by combat" speech that happened immediately before the attack on our capitol.  

    If you say "we've got to go down there and stop this.... I'll be right there with you" and people immediately go down the street and stop it... that's textbook incitement.  

    Honestly, my opinion matters less and less in real time.   The house impeached him.  The only question that remains is whether or not the Senate will have the 60 votes to convict.  Trump should have resigned, honestly.   Maybe Pence would agree to pardon him.  Trump is in a bad spot now.  A really bad spot. Without a pardon t's not outside the realm of possibility for federal prosecutors to criminally charge Trump for incitement when this is all over.  I'll bet you wouldn't have trouble getting a conviction in New York or even DC.  

    NYC cut ties with the Trump Org today.  That's 30 mil a year, allegedly, to operate the carousel in Central Park, a golf course, and a couple of other things.  They're fixing to run him through the mill.  

    CB I envy your patience I truly do.

  6. 1 hour ago, baddog said:

    Totally disagree. Rude and crude is what people liked about Trump. The election was rigged and even the one’s who say it wasn’t, know better. They simply like to argue and are happy that their guy will be in charge. Stilll haven’t found a lefty who can tell me what it is about Biden’s policies that attract them.

    He’s not trump. It’s that simple.

  7. 15 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    I don’t know as much about Crenshaw... but I like what I’ve seen. I’m not sure he’s ready, though. Look what happens when you put in a first term senator or business person, lol. 

    Cruz has come a long way from that uncompromising guy that went to Washington. I think he might be attractive to Hispanics as well. And honestly, the thing about his wife bugs me, too. On the other hand, I think we need Rs that remember it’s a team sport, unlike Rand Paul, Romney, the late McCain, and a few others that can’t remember to get in line when the time comes. Cruz is a really, really smart legislator and litigator. 

    The thing with Trump’s certification bid was purely a push to appeal to Trump voters for 2024. 

    Yes Cruz is smart I give him that he play the game as good as any. No republican will get the bid in 2024 without trump backing. That’s just where the party is as of now.

  8. 16 hours ago, Reagan said:

    Other than Senator Cruz being a Constitutionalist, what other than that irritates you?

    Spineless. Cruz was my favorite republican. Changing it to Crenshaw. You call a man a a pathological liar a narcissist. Then bow down to a man who talked about your wife. No spine just a average politician. I prefer Crenshaw.


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