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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. 2 minutes ago, Chester86 said:

    If this were Russia or North Korea she would never be heard from again.  Here in America, the land of the free, she is free to espouse her views.  It cracks me up that people feel they need to make these grandiose political statements.  It also cracks me up that people can’t see when you disrespect the flag how the overwhelming majority will take offense to it.  The reason they do it in the first place - attention…..the “look at me” generation (selfies, Tik-Tok, Instachat and Snapgram, etc).  

    Thats the point of a good protest. Nobody have to agree with her.

  2. 4 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    We also have a .38 revolver that we keep accessible.  My wife likes the simplicity of being able to simply pick it up and pull the trigger.  

    No safety or actions to deal with in the middle of the night.

    Boils down to what you're comfortable with. 

    Shotgun sounds nice from what cardinalbacker said. Looking for a small handgun for the lady also. Anyone can feel free to dm me on the safety (small kids in the house)

  3. On 3/22/2021 at 3:01 PM, Whoa said:

    I think it's the BLM group that's jealous. Also, it takes away from the attention middle age JOBLESS black males have. 

    Us middle age "white guys" - I'm on the brown side - Pay taxes so the unemployed black (old and young aged) can stay home with juvenile underwear on their head and 40.


  4. 6 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    So does just about everyone else.  But no matter how much of a free thinker you are, the elected politicians have an impact on our lives.

    Neither side is normally good for us, but one side is better for us that like to work and keep as much of our money as possible.

    I like to work and keep my money. I’m a Christian man. Keep believing that the other side is boogeymen that’s how they control you. This two party system just isn’t working.

  5. 1 minute ago, baddog said:

    I could have rat-holed my first stimulus check. I spent it with a local merchant instead to “stimulate” the economy. They are the ones who are really in need. If one does not understand the absolute importance of the local businessman, one would be stupid. These businesses hurting from being shutdown is why people are out of work. This is just an opportunity for you to take a Trump shot. You should be taking a shot at Pelosi ( there’s an idea). She’s the one who held up the first check and had prisoners included. Trump was backed into a corner. He didn’t want to sign the damn thing, but Americans were suffering, so he signed it. I’ll spend my 3rd one when I get it. Hope you do the same. 
    As for you screaming hypocrisy, would that same hypocrisy have existed with the railroading of Kavanaugh with witness testimony being considered “PROOF”, but witness testimony claiming fraudulent election results was not good enough? Do you see how stupid that sounds? How about going after Cuomo? Trump says something offbeat about women (verbal) and you want to hang him, but Cuomo has women coming out of the woodwork with sexual advances claims (physical) but not one negative comment about that. Not one!

    I’m not the poster who believes one side is good one side is bad. I don’t like democrats either so I’m confused on your reply. So let me clear this I don’t like republicans don’t like democrats. I like the freedom of thinking for myself.

  6. On 2/23/2021 at 1:37 PM, Hagar said:

    My son was ordained as a Deacon in the Catholic Church Saturday, Feb 20th, in Houston.  He had six years of study and classes to prepare.  My wife and I are proud of him, and feel confident he’ll be a strong ally for Christ.

    I know some of you look down on the Catholic denomination.  Just be aware that Catholics are Christians trying to please God like other denominations.   My prayers are that all Christians will grow stronger in their faith, as Christians, not as Catholics, Baptist, or whichever denomination you may be.  God Bless!

    Congratulations. Having a child devoted to Christ is a blessing regardless denomination. You have raised him right.

  7. 11 minutes ago, BS Wildcats said:

    How does needing an ID equal to oppression?  You should try again, but you can’t.  This is what has been drilled into your brain since you were a kid.  The white man will always be against you.  But please, tell us how needing an ID to vote is bad.

    Please explain to me why YOU and YOU only is trying your hardest to derail this topic and make it about race.

    US history with voting was not just discriminate towards blacks.( This topic has nothing to do with the “white man”

  8. I

    3 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Here's a thought though... they long since outlawed "poll taxes" because they were keeping people from voting.  

    I guess I still wonder how smart it is to have people who pay no taxes participate in the decision-making process with people who do, in fact, pay taxes.  

    It's like being in the car with your wife and three kids out looking for food, but you keep getting out-voted by the kids in the back seat. 



    What is taxes? If I buy a sprite from cornerstone. I just paid taxes. So you’ll have to elaborate on that one. I can live in a rent house 10 years. Newcomer from wherever  buys the house next door. Should his voice be greater in the community?

  9. 2 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    It needs to be secure.  Everybody that has the right to vote should be allowed to vote.  Once.  

    Believe it or not, some people would prefer that low-information voters be excluded from voting.  People that think that way exist and would like to see any barrier to keep the "great unwashed" from participating.  On the other hand, there are people who are licking their chops at the thought of less oversight making ballot harvesting and voter fraud easier.  Those people exist, too.

    You should be required to provide an ID if you want to vote.  That's just commons sense.  Anybody who argues otherwise is not being honest about whether they believe our elections should be secure.  You should also be an American Citizen if you want to vote in our elections, IMO.  It's nutty how we wanted to impeach the former president over "foreign interference" in our elections, but then fight for the rights of non-citizens to vote in our elections.  It's just puzzling.

    The bigger problem is this... if peoples' right to vote is wasted because they weren't allowed to vote OR their vote was canceled by a fraudulent one, then our democracy will fail.  That's just a fact.  That's why it was so dangerous for Trump to allege fraud with no proof.  

    The government review everybody tax returns. Check for fraud the whole 9 yards they get this job done in usually 2 to 4 weeks after you file. No ID is required for this. Why can’t we have a system where when you register to vote (a month earlier) everything gets reviewed put in a database. When votes come in that’s not in database or raises a red flag. They get pushed to side for verification.( that’s 3 months they’ll have to verify every single vote if they so chose to.

  10. Will it be a signature expert at every poll ( honestly how will that work). My signature changes every day.

     And there are elderly and less fortunate folks with no needs of transportation. ( people don’t even leave there homes to make groceries anymore)

    I think with technology we could figure out a better solution to stop voter fraud ( if that’s even a serious thing because the experts say it’s not).

     And here’s a question how many legal votes of voters would not have been counted if these things where in place.

    To be fair Hillary lost big to trump in upsetting fashion. Dems still refuse to change laws (To be fair the republicans had presidency and both house and changed nothing).

     It’s something imaginary for us to argue about.

  11. I’m tired of these damn masks.😷 although they become part of my wardrobe. PAMFAM rocks the fancy type had a Texans one Nike, Jordan, company one etc. I honestly feel like we’re in the free I no longer hear so and so got COVID. It’s the governor’s call. He’ll either be a hero or something else in a month.

     I’ll hang on to my mask just in case.

    (will wear them another month)

     Pray to God that this is finally the end.

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