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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. 2 hours ago, Reagan said:

    But yet it keeps bringing you back!   :)

    PS:  Let me ask you this, before the Trump Russian collusion was finally declared a hoax -- did you originally believe it?  It took awhile to prove it was hoax didn't it?  So, point being, we have to let the election fraud run it's course to find the truth!

    I’ll let you figure out how stupid that sounds

  2. 1 hour ago, bullets13 said:

    they've been talking plenty about stuffing the supreme court, and went above and beyond to try and remove trump from office for nonsensical reasons.  does that tell you anything at all about who the democrats are, or are you one of those folks who only cares when the other side does something unethical to win? (and yes, there are plenty of repubs in this thread that are just as bad)

    This is and ultra maga /republican/ conservative board. It’s plenty of posters to fill the evil democrats voice. I rather feed the fish. I think anyone who claim to be r or d is either lost or have a agenda. It’s no way possible,think of it almost half the country believe one way on almost every issue. That’s group thinking.

  3. 16 hours ago, tvc184 said:

     No, “Republicans” aren’t entertaining it. With about 275 million adults in this country, it is easy to find some minuscule group that believes something stupid. The further stupidity is when anyone believes that the tiny group represents nearly the entire race/party/ethnicity/etc. You might as well toss in, “you people”.

    Democrat US Representative Hank Johnson asked in a hearing if the island of Guam might capsize if we get too many Marines stationed there. If I suggested that “Democrats” or Blacks are so stupid, they entertain the idea that an island can (in his words) tip over and capsize, what would you think? Want evidence? There is a Black Democrat member of Congress saying it for all the world to see so it must be true….. right?

    When you start painting with a very broad brush, be prepared to get splattered. So you agree unwoke belief is stupid? You agree this is a stupid idea?

  4. On 3/27/2022 at 2:48 PM, Reagan said:

    I'm going to give you a chance to have a meaningful discussion:

    2 things:  1)  I trust you fully understand what we are talking about here.  2)  I hope you understand that this is 100% legal and Constitutional.

    Now, the question for you is:  How bad does it have to get before you would, if at all, agree that the time has come for this?  

    How bad is it now?  Inflation is at a 40 year high.  How much are you paying for gasoline and food?  Happy with this?  Gasoline is at its highest in U.S. history.  Natural Gas has gone up 200% for families to heat their homes.  They are talking about food shortages.  

    Another food for thought:  Any of this taking place under Trump?  

    Give me your thoughts if it can get bad enough to proceed with the subject of this topic.  

    You believe the election was stolen so you see it f Different. But you’re implying republicans should undo the will of the American voters and insert the loser. What’s American in that? How cheap is that? Just because something maybe legal doesn’t make it a good idea. What if democrats stuff the Supreme Court what if democrats pull same move in insert Hillary as president.

     Not going to happen but the fact that republicans are entertaining this let you know exactly who they are.

  5. 1 hour ago, Unwoke said:

    The same lawyers that proved the Russia Russia Hoax was BS, Both impeachments we’re BS, Hunter’s laptop was Authentic an Joe Biden is compromised will also prove the 2020 election was a BS election an Trump won. Your a Typical Stand for Nothing Ignorant Idiot who likes to attack the messenger instead of attacking the message an proving the message wrong. Move on troll. 

    Countless lawyers judges etc. have already proven me right. But they must have not got your facts yet. Trump lost my guy deal with it.

  6. 3 hours ago, baddog said:

    How convenient to have forgotten Hillary’s bawling and blaming everyone for her loss well into the Trump administration. ALL democrats blamed the loss on Russian interference and Trump’s supposed collusion with them as to why she lost. How long again did they pursue this line of reasoning? Does the name Muller ring a bell?

    And yet republicans are in line for the well the democrats did it so we can too. Two peas in a pod

  7. 40 minutes ago, BS Wildcats said:

    Laughing at yourself and you don’t even know it.  Just like the SCOTUS nominee not knowing what a woman is.  You Democrats, even though you claim not to be one, are totally lost.

    Democrats ain’t crying 2 years later over a loss. Posting threads like these.( I could care less about a democrat or republican)  just humorous to me.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

    Let’s not ignore this creepyness. There was widespread creepyness in all the swing states including Arizona to steal this election from the American people. 

    Most secure election in U S History. Lol

    These are the facts in Georgia alone. Other swing states have similar issues. Where you at Cardinalbacker and InJussieWeTrust?

    VoterGA Provides Conclusive Evidence Showing Fulton County 2020 Election Results Were Electronically Manipulated — 524K Votes in Question


    ATLANTA, March 7, 2022 – VoterGA announced at a press conference today a 15-point analysis that documents clear, irrefutable evidence of how the November 2020 Fulton County election results were electronically manipulated. The analysis was based on a year-long study of ballot images conducted by an expert-laden volunteer research team. The ballot image research was made possible last year when the Georgia legislature passed SB202, which made ballot images public records. The ballot images were collected statewide by a VoterGA Open Records Request team.


    The 15-point analysis that can be verified through public ballot images at GAballots.com or other sites found the following problems in Fulton County:


    1. 17,724 final certified Fulton County absentee votes have no ballot images, representing 13,303 extra Biden votes and 4,279 extra Trump votes — net 9,024 mail-in votes — that cannot be substantiated


    2. All 374,128 in-person Fulton County ballot images from the original election count are missing and cannot be authenticated


    3. 132,284 of the 148,318 mail-in ballot images are missing their authentication files and cannot be verified as legitimate votes


    4. Only 16,034 mail-in ballot images had authentication files and those files (which should be generated  automatically at the time of scanning) were added days after scanning


    5. 4,000+ tabulator images have impossible duplicate time stamps


    6. 104,994 image files in 1,096 batches have impossible duplicate time stamps


    7. Images in 288 batches have backfilled time stamps out of scanning chronological order


    8. All ballot batches were improperly forced to adjudication to facilitate tampering


    9. 10 ballots were impossibly

    adjudicated in one minute by one user


    10. 941 [image] files were backdated prior to adjudication


    11. Same 12 tabulators closed 148 early voting polls masking identity of scanning tabulator


    12. One tabulator serial# impossibly closed two polls in same overlapping times


    13. One tabulator was never closed and may have added many illegitimate votes


    14. 85 closing tapes for 12,024 Election Day ballots are unsigned or missing


    15. All but two tabulator closing tapes for early voting are unsigned, representing 315,000 ballots; Georgia law requires closing tapes to be signed by a poll manager and 2 witnesses


    VoterGA emphasized that while one or two of these may be procedural issues, the electronic tampering found so far is not limited to Fulton. Co-founder Garland Favorito said: “In fairness to Fulton County, they did preserve enough of their ballot images to make some of our research possible. Other counties, like Cobb, destroyed most or all of their original November 2020 images despite federal and state law. This tampering and destruction is proof positive why Georgians cannot trust the 2020 election results. We desperately need an independent multi-county audit immediately to secure our elections before 2022 primaries.”

    If only you was on trump legal team he’ll still be president. What a sham right🤣

  9. 2 hours ago, 5GallonBucket said:

    new chiefs words

    “offensive imagery, chanting, symbolism”

    “does nothing but dishonor us and all Native American tribes “

    Sounds like this new chief has forgotten the history and traditions of his past ancestors.

    scalps was a means to war honors in most Native American tribes…

    he must be the new WOKE chief

    this in no way has dishonored the Native American tribes.



    And you speak for the tribe, not the chief ?

  10. 2 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

    I’m really not that small.  But when you have someone bringing destruction to America, taking his last breath would really be a good thing.  If you haven’t noticed, the biden’s are one corrupt family.  Answer me this.  The MSM was so concerned with Trump’s kids, why no coverage of good ol’ Hunter.  The biden’s love China if you haven’t noticed.  You do know that the Dems are the most racist bunch out there, whether you believe it or not.  Cracker!

    I don’t believe you to be wrong in what you just posted. I simply do not care for either party. I think most get caught up in the best of the evils. I choose to say hell with them both. Most people are good politics dirty them up. This country will be better off when all leave both plantations and every man/woman thinks for themselves.

  11. 6 hours ago, Unwoke said:

    My favorite part about David killing Goliath was after David sunk a stone into the forehead of Goliath he then went an stood over him an used Goliath’s sword an cut off Goliath’s head with it. Christians are not to be a door mat to no one. I absolutely believe in standing up for what is right. Not that it matters but Do you think David was a Cracker? 

    You should read your Bible you should pray. Christians shouldn’t be anyone doormat. If you somehow believe the story of David fits this narrative. I promise you missed the story. (I don’t say this to be ugly) study your Bible.

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