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Cardinal Supporter

SETXsports Staff
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Everything posted by Cardinal Supporter

  1. I am not bashing PNG. I am a PNG fan. I would like for PNG to win state. I have seen them play many, many times and I always pull for them. I like the band, the new stadium, the coaches, and the team. I just don't like anybody to be too cocky because it leads to bashing and hating the team because of a fan that acts that way. Perhaps postings on other sites should not be mentioned on alternate sites. They were meant for the site it was posted on. So whoever added to my negative karma I apologize.
  2. It's a little too early for anyone to say that their offense will be so much better than anyother before it has even been run against another defense. Time will tell. Good luck PNG but wait until you have lined up against someone other than your own defensive players before making boisterous comments.
  3. OK, how about $25 per boat with 1 or two fishermen in a boat. One member has to be a member of Setxsports. The payoff could be $125 for first, $50 for 2 Nd, $25 for 3 Rd. if there are at least 8 boats. If there are less then only pay two places with the winner getting 75% and runner up getting 25%. A charge of $5.00 or $10.00 for biggest bass and the winner take all. Let the group dictate what they want. Also I would propose Mill Creak for the HQ. I don't think there is much difference in the driving distance from Hwy 255 to Twin Dikes and driving distance from Hwy 255 to Mill Creak. Does someone have a scale? What do y'all think? I realize most of this has already been discussed, I am just trying to get the rules down if this tournament becomes a reality.
  4. That sounds good to me. If we can get enough people to fish it. If we don't get enough boats, it might ought to be the top two places. Like five boats at $25 per boat is only $125. Hard to split that three ways. Maybe $100 for the winning boat and $25 for the second. They get their entry fee back in effect, the winner gets the bigger bucks to make it worth while (at least a little bit). Then the side pot for the the biggest bass for those that wish to enter. If we could get as many as 8 boats, we might think of a third place spot. Something like: 1. $125 2. $50 3. $25 Maybe $10 for big bass winner take all or something like that. Where would the tournament be held? I know at Rayburn but what marina?
  5. Maybe. It is going to be 10 people in five boats or is it going to be 10 posters with some bringing friends/relatives and maybe have 8 boats? I think you can have a decent tournament that is really just for fun with a few boats. A maximum of five (especially with a no show bringing it to four) may be a different issue. I have fished a tournament with seven boats and it was fun and still competitive. If I get to fish it I would like to fish with my son-in-law. He is not a poster. The 31 ST is my wedding anniversary but I still may be able to get away for one day on the 30 TH. That day is only 4 weeks away so if this is going to become a reality then the details need to be finalized. Will there be an entry fee or are we just fishing for fun. What about prizes and the weigh in. All these things need to be finalized.
  6. We got a lot in Bridge City but I don't know how much. My ditches are full.
  7. Can this clock be set up as a sticky to keep it on top of the first page?
  8. I would love to fish the tournament if it is in fresh water, however, the 31 ST of May is my wedding anniversary so it would have to be the 23 RD. I will vote for the 23 RD but I really can't say if I can be there this far in advance. I am just about to start building my cabinets and I'm just not sure how far along I will be.
  9. The biggest Bass I caught was not that big by today's standards. It was a six pounder in August. I don't remember the year. I Caught it on a crank bait on Rayburn.
  10. Last time I checked it was Larry B. Ward Stadium? lol I stand corrected, Thanks
  11. If this works out and we fish teams does the 2ND person in the boat have to be a member? My son in law is not a member but I would sure like to fish with him if he is eligible. This all depends on when the tournament will be held. I only fish fresh water so it would have to be a fresh water tournament. I am still repairing my house after hurricane Ike so I would have to be at a point that I can take off. Someone needs to pick a time and place.
  12. Cardinal stadium is okay I guess. The new press box is nice but could use another phone line. The size of the home side is about as big as it needs to be. If BC ever becomes a power house then it probably would need to be a little bit bigger but is about the right size now. What I don't like is that the home side faces the sun in early fall. On a clear day it is hard to watch the game with the sun blaring in your eyes and it is hotter than if the sun was behind you. The only solution to that is to swap sides, home to visitors, add to the stadium seating and build a new press box. That would be very expensive and not feasible right now. I still do wish that a local company would donate a jumbotron to the school. I keep reading how PNG and Nederland have these nice jumbotrons and did not cost the tax payers anything.
  13. I agree with TVC. Let the stimulus package pay for it. BC needs at least a jumbotron and I believe WOS needs one also. I don't know about the mating prospects for the Gypsy moth but I did hear that the government spent millions to see what the effects on giving Rogain to Bald Eagles is.
  14. There has been a lot of new and updated football stadiums in the golden triangle. New turfs and score boards and such. Bridge City's football stadium is in need of repairs IMO. I sat on the visitors side last year (or the year before) when BC scrimaged Newton and there was a lot work that needed to be done on the visitor's side. There were some loose boards that fans could possible trip on and be hurt. Law suit. The whole side needed up grading. The home side does not seem to be in bad shape except that it faces the west and sun is in your eyes through out the first half or most of it. I know that Sim's school was closed because of hurricane Ike and I have heard that it will not be reopened. Not sure if it will or not. The district has a lot of repairs to make so I know that a new stadium is out of the question for now. It would be nice if a local company could donate a jumbotron to the school like some companies did in mid county.
  15. I don't know much about Orangefield except that they have been pretty competitive the last couple of years. Some of the games they lost I believe have been close. If they have any key players coming back then they should field a pretty good team again. BC will have a lot of starters back from last year. These kids have been playing since they were freshmen and sophomores. This will be the third year under the new offense that was brought in by coach Stump. The team showed remarkable improvement last year so I will assume they should be much improved again this year. I think they will be improved enough to have a decent shot at the playoffs. The quarterback, Lemoine, should better with one year of experience. Menard, I think that is his name, the running back, proved his worth last year. I believe he will be a sophomore. I have heard that Robertson will not be able to play next year. That is ashame because with him and Menard they would make for a stout back field. This should be the most experienced BC team in a long time. I am looking forward to the season.
  16. Please tell me this is a joke. Why on earth, would this kid play football if he tried that hard to get out of spring training? No this is not a joke. This was back in 1966 when I graduated from HS. I guess you would have had to know the kid. Unfortunately and sad he was later killed in an auto accident some years later.
  17. How about this one. When I was in high school we had a huge lineman that paid another kid $10 to break his left arm so he would not have to go through spring training. He laid his arm on the hood of a car and the other kid hit him with a baseball bat on the arm. It did not break it but he was severely bruised and he missed spring training.
  18. You are not supposed to be able to recruit in the UIL rules. If the private schools joined the UIL then they would not be able to recruit either. Just a thought. I do not know a lot about how the private schools operate. But they would be under the same rules as the public schools if they join the UIL don't you think?
  19. Who was the starting pitcher for BC? Never mind, it was Wallace.
  20. WOS has not lost a district game since they dropped down to the 3A classification. They came close a few times but always seems to win. Last year Silsbee probably should have won if not for a serious mistake on the last play of the game.
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