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Everything posted by AggiesAreWe

  1. "After watching banned video, WOS AD Hooks decides to actually suit up one of the school's volleyball players for his Friday night football game which was mocked in the video" (how ironic) ;D
  2. To follow up, Weed, a football game that is meaningless as far as playoffs are concerned. Great post Weed, agree 100%.
  3. Finally, some sense is being made over there. Ex-Ceauxch, do we have you to thank for this?
  4. It was a joke pointed squarely at the WOS volleyball debacle. Sorry I wasn't clear enough about that. I apologize.
  5. Please show me where you read this because by all counts, this will be a forfeit.
  6. How many cheerleaders and drill team members will be participating in this meaningless volleyball game? : How about both teams forfeit? ;D
  7. I'm not saying it's right or wrong. It's not for me to decide but it seems as though it needs to be right in your eyes or it's wrong! No. I am only speaking for myself. It doesn't need to be right in my eyes. Right is right, wrong is wrong. Many folks have posted the same opinion as mine and all think that this is wrong. There are many folks out there that do not stand up and complain when they have been wronged. This could very well be the case. It still shouldn't stop anyone from voicing (or complaining as you put it) about what they think is wrong about this situation.
  8. Just because someone hasn't spoken out about it that are involved in this, doesn't mean that it is not wrong and okay for this to happen. Maybe these folks feel a bit intimidated about coming forward.
  9. Perhaps your right---I wonder if the HJ folks who planned on watching their daughters play Friday feel also ---might be considerate to ask them to come watch the WOS football game since their plans have changed.? I would suspect that the 3 girls from WOS that aren't affiliated with the drill team or cheer aren't very happy and their parents probably aren't either but I was just saying we haven't heard from any of those people. This is true, td. But contrary to popular belief, everyone in the Southeast Texas area is not a member of this site, yet. ;D
  10. 1. Your Moderator 2. Your a Poster of thread 3. Your a Hater of WOS 4. Deleted two post that posted against you.... Can't win against the Mod Mafia! I'm GONE! 1. Your Moderator (actually, an administrator) 2. Your a Poster of thread (what thread, if this one, I am one a several, including other mods and admins) 3. Your a Hater of WOS (not true, but that's your opinion) 4. Deleted two post that posted against you.... (posts get deleted all the time by many moderators, not just me, even the posts that are about me) Again, what evidence? So long, don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. ;D
  11. I agree, I would much rather see them play on Mondays and Thursdays. Why was it changed from years past? Mike you are getting good at deleting my post off! Let me try again...... "Mike since you know so much about everything, go get you a UIL rule book and read it. It talks about how many games you can play from Monday to Thursday". First of all Randy Ragsdale, I did not delete your post. Also, jealousy will shorten your life.
  12. Obviously the point that's being missed here is that a game is being forfeited, a district game at that, not playing it shorthanded. The volleyball team isn't being given the chance to put bench warmers or JV players like the ones you mention in the baseball/soccer situation. The decision is to forfeit. That's a much different point than the one you are making. That baseball game you speak of was not a district game. This to me is what sets these two apart.
  13. It is not just a game, it's a district game Gabriel Pruett The Orange Leader To play or not to play, why is that even a question? The West Orange-Stark Lady Mustangs volleyball team is set to take a forfeit this Friday against Hardin-Jefferson Lady Hawks. The reason being is parents and players went to head coach Gwen-Kelly Hall and athletic director Dan Hooks and said eight of the team’s 11 players would be attending the Mustangs’ non-district football game at Brookshire Royal instead. Football is king in Southeast Texas, that is no secret, but non-district football means nothing towards the playoff race. Those players are part of either the drill team or cheerleaders and have a huge part in each and every football game. The problem I have is Friday night is in no way a drill team or cheerleader contest. The volleyball match does count for wins and losses and also has effects on other District 21-3A volleyball teams. The forfeit hands Hardin-Jefferson a victory without even playing. What if that lone victory assists the Lady Hawks into the playoffs over one of the other district teams? It is not right. Players make a committment to teams and parents should be the ones who stand up and demand their children to stick to a team attitude. WO-S volleyball is having one of its best seasons in volleyball, record wise, in several years with a 12-7 mark. I in know way am against Coach Kelly-Hall, she has done a fine job with which she has had to work with other the last several years. I know if I was a coach and I had players wanting to attend another event, I would quickly be looking for new players to make up my roster. It is not fair to the three other Lady Mustangs’ volleyball players to take a loss simply because a majority of the team has something better to do. The Mustangs are not playing in a state championship game Friday, it is a non-district game on the other side of Houston. I spoke to several other volleyball coaches and they reported players who skip a district game to attend a non-district football game would be finding another sport to play in a hurry. What is right is right and allowing a district volleyball game to not be played is far from right.
  14. It is not just a game, it's a district game Gabriel Pruett The Orange Leader To play or not to play, why is that even a question? The West Orange-Stark Lady Mustangs volleyball team is set to take a forfeit this Friday against Hardin-Jefferson Lady Hawks. The reason being is parents and players went to head coach Gwen-Kelly Hall and athletic director Dan Hooks and said eight of the team’s 11 players would be attending the Mustangs’ non-district football game at Brookshire Royal instead. Football is king in Southeast Texas, that is no secret, but non-district football means nothing towards the playoff race. Those players are part of either the drill team or cheerleaders and have a huge part in each and every football game. The problem I have is Friday night is in no way a drill team or cheerleader contest. The volleyball match does count for wins and losses and also has effects on other District 21-3A volleyball teams. The forfeit hands Hardin-Jefferson a victory without even playing. What if that lone victory assists the Lady Hawks into the playoffs over one of the other district teams? It is not right. Players make a committment to teams and parents should be the ones who stand up and demand their children to stick to a team attitude. WO-S volleyball is having one of its best seasons in volleyball, record wise, in several years with a 12-7 mark. I in no way am against Coach Kelly-Hall, she has done a fine job with which she has had to work with other the last several years. I know if I was a coach and I had players wanting to attend another event, I would quickly be looking for new players to make up my roster. It is not fair to the three other Lady Mustangs’ volleyball players to take a loss simply because a majority of the team has something better to do. The Mustangs are not playing in a state championship game Friday, it is a non-district game on the other side of Houston. I spoke to several other volleyball coaches and they reported players who skip a district game to attend a non-district football game would be finding another sport to play in a hurry. What is right is right and allowing a district volleyball game to not be played is far from right.
  15. Winning 3-2 is not domination, but I will acknowledge the win.
  16. That would make too much sense, keyser. Doesn't seem to be in play over there. :
  17. I agree, I would much rather see them play on Mondays and Thursdays. Why was it changed from years past?
  18. Where's Skipper when you need him. I bet you he knows someone who is a cousin with one of the buss drivers that talked to the sister of the VB coach ;D ;D Skipper doesn't even know that there are other sports played at WOS besides football.
  19. venom33, you have always been one of the true and "real" Mustang fans. You call it like you see it, no excuses, no 'homerism".
  20. Cheermom4, thank you for your input. It seems that the majority, if not all folks, see it that way. Except for the few at WOS.
  21. AMEN!!! The rest can stand along the football sidelines the rest of the season.
  22. Sure is ashame not one team east of the Trinity hasn't won Region III in YEARS! As far as the two districts go, 20-4A does have considerable more depth. I assume you are strictly speaking of 4A. : It is posted under the thread 19-4A rankings..... But you have to remember, those don't matter. West young man, west. ;D
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