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SETXsports Director/Manager
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Everything posted by AggiesAreWe

  1. Sure is ashame not one team east of the Trinity hasn't won Region III in YEARS! As far as the two districts go, 20-4A does have considerable more depth. I assume you are strictly speaking of 4A. :
  2. Don't get me wrong, he can't force them to go. But he can sure make decisions on who is allowed to participate in athletics from here on out.
  3. Agreed. The 3 that are not on the drill team or cheerleading squad, gets shoved aside for the good of the football team. Oh, we can't have a non-district football game way over in little Brookshire without some of the cheerleaders and drill team members attending. That would be a travesty. : im not saying this situation is right or wrong but how does this benefit the football team? there is a conflict in schedules,which i dont understand how it happened, and the girls who are involved in more than one activity made a choice with their parents backing. i agree they should get the boot, but i dont understand how anyone has made this a football issue. I think it became a football issue when those girls made the choice to attend the football game. To me, a football team can play without cheerleaders and drill team.........BUT, a volleyball team CANNOT play without the players. To me, irresponsible decision and bad parenting by the parents!! as a football fan i couldnt give a dam less if the drill team,cheerleaders,or band was there...but it still doesnt jive with me how this is a football related problem. the girls didnt decide not to play vb because they would rather play football, they decided to instead perform in the fillies,band,or cheerlead. sooo how is that a football problem? shouldnt the cheer director,band director, or drill team sponsor step in and have a say whether these girls will be allowed to perform at the game. i would be willing to bet that if they werent allowed to partcipate at the game friday night the volleyball game would be back on! Very good points, venom33. I agree. But, I also think Hooks could do something about this, he is the AD for crying out loud.
  4. I hear ya on that point. I say Silsbee will have more wins than losses come district time.
  5. I am very curious as to what the WOS's volleyball coach thinks about all this.
  6. You know, there is a common theme about all these teams. Oh, I know, they are all west of the Trinity, they don't matter. ;D
  7. Saw them in summer league, wasn't too bad. I am taking it that you are knocking West Brook and not Silsbee's schedule.
  8. Silsbee went 10-0 their first year down in 3A, '04.
  9. Agreed. The 3 that are not on the drill team or cheerleading squad, gets shoved aside for the good of the football team. Oh, we can't have a non-district football game way over in little Brookshire without some of the cheerleaders and drill team members attending. That would be a travesty. : im not saying this situation is right or wrong but how does this benefit the football team? there is a conflict in schedules,which i dont understand how it happened, and the girls who are involved in more than one activity made a choice with their parents backing. i agree they should get the boot, but i dont understand how anyone has made this a football issue. I think it became a football issue when those girls made the choice to attend the football game. To me, a football team can play without cheerleaders and drill team.........BUT, a volleyball team CANNOT play without the players. To me, irresponsible decision and bad parenting by the parents!! Thank you.
  10. Nothing big abour West Brook other than being a 5A school. Silsbee will blow them out!!! Actually I heard they were going to be fairly good this year. We will see.
  11. Are you going to broadcast in San Antonio? Cold beer on the Riverwalk..lol Still a long ways away, but it's marked on my calender.
  12. Agreed. The 3 that are not on the drill team or cheerleading squad, gets shoved aside for the good of the football team. Oh, we can't have a non-district football game way over in little Brookshire without some of the cheerleaders and drill team members attending. That would be a travesty. :
  13. EXACTLY!!!!!! I think this stinks to high heaven. I find it hard to believe that Hooks would allow these parents to dictate this. Sounds to me like the blame is being tossed to the parents.
  14. The question is, what is the volleyball coach's take on all this? Did she have a say so in this? Will these girls be allowed to play again? Was she forced to go along with this?
  15. Good question. It's obvious what is stressed more there. It also looks as though the parents run the athletics there, not Hooks.
  16. Some big non-district home games for Silsbee this year. Ozen Central Jasper West Brook Also playing in Fred Williams Classic, YMBL, and the San Antonio Spurs Classic.
  17. The word I just received from the district chair is that it is a forfeit. I will wait on a story that will be put out in a local newspaper before I make my comments.
  18. I was just told by a very reliable source of what went down. I will hold my tongue till it is confirmed. This will not look good as all I am saying.
  19. Nice 1 Face paint would hurt for coop cause I'm almost positive he's a ut fan and that silsbee maroon is painfully close 2 A&M maroon Hmmmm.....the college angle makes an extra potential twist. Here is what that would be, instead of wearing the colors of the respective high school teams....that each contestant would have an opt out color....AAW's color.....burnt orange......COOP's color....LSU purple Whoa Grad, how is that fair? Kerry probably wouldn't mind wearing LSU colors as much of a bandwaggoner as he is. I mean, he is a Miss. St. grad, but tu is his team, he is a ..... well you know where I am going with this. ;D
  20. Bridge City 3 Silsbee 2 scores 25-20 BC, 25-16 BC, 25-20 Silsbee, 28-26 Silsbee, 15-8 BC.
  21. Just got it. BC 15 Silsbee 5 BC wins match 3-2.
  22. You can close your eyes and imagine you're wherever you want. Tiger90, for a minute there I thought you were going to tell Kerry to click his shoes together twice to send him back to Kansas.
  23. Last chance to listen to the rebroadcast will be at 10pm. [Hidden Content]
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