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Posts posted by Eagle11

  1. Lovefest. You guys want change win the white house.

    I agree........the problem with this is that there are too many fools that vote these idiots in. They ("Dems") have the built in base with the freebies being tossed about. My hope is that obama drags this country soooooo far down (as he is well on his way to doing) some will have their eyes opened enough to right the ship. Their choice this time round is the pathological liar in Hillary "at this point what does it really matter" Clinton or Bernie "socialist" Sanders. We need to remove the social issue crap out the door..........guys (Hillary included), tell us about job creation, the economy, defense, dealing with isis, iran nukes. Stop worrying about the gays, transgendered bathrooms, abortion et al and please stop the PC crap.......call it like it is. Get it all out on the table.

  2. Obama has a chance to lead from the front and not from behind here.........He should have a press conference talking about the police and all the good they do and how this was a senseless, cowardly assassination. How he stands behind the police and the thankless job they do.


    If this was reversed, he would have already been on the news and had government officials in Houston.

  3. 1.  Port Arthur Memorial

    2.  Beaumont West Brook

    3.  Dayton

    4.  Crosby

    5.  Hamshire-Fannett

    6.  Barbers Hill

    7.  Jasper

    8.  West Orange-Stark

    9.  Cleveland

    10.  Liberty

    11.  Orangefield

    12.  Kirbyville

    13.  Centerville

    14.  San Augustine

    15.  Hemphill

    16.  Hardin

    17.  Tenaha

    18.  Port Neches-Groves

    19.  C.E. King

    20. Panama City Bay

    21. Newton

    22.  Crockett

    23.  Normangee

    24.  High Island

    25.  Orange Community Christian

  4. Here are a few in the Houston area:


    2/28 -        Texas State Relays         San Marcos

    3/6   -        Santa Fe Invitational        Santa Fe

    3/12 -        Bayshore Olympics         Laporte

    3/27 -        Rockhold Relays             Baytown

    3/27 - 28   Texas Relays                  Austin

    4/2   -        South Houston Classic    Pasadena


    I know........Austin and San Marcos aren't in Houston area..........just on our schedule

  5. I went to Lee back in the late 70's.........it was much worse between Lee and Sterling then.


    My cousin went to RSS and made a run through poster and hung in the commons when they played Pasadena Eagles I believe........had an eagle standing with its beak on the ground and said "Knock their peckers off". He got a few swats but it was funny as hell

  6. UT's only hope, IMHO, is to run the ball and play keep away from Baylor..........ironically, that is the weakest part of our team. Unless we find a ground game, score every time we have the chance and get the breaks in the way of turnovers........it could be a long day. I see BYU all over again. Defense played great til half but they were just out there too much.

  7. I guess I am missing something here OldTimer.........should Strong give up on his convictions and cave to the desires and whims of 18 to 20 year old kids? I do not want a program where the inmates run the asylum.........see Miami in the 80's.  If that is what the Old Cronies want they might as well fire Strong now. I can't help but believe Charlie had to lay out his plan for removing "soft" from the football team. Everyone in the process of hiring him had to know. Give him the time to continue his plan.


    There are always going to be grumblings at UT.......someone in the Suites is going to be upset no matter how many games and titles are won.

  8. I will refrain from posting Bobcat......my problem has been the selectivity in enforcing the rules.


    Many on here have used a$ you know the rest to make a statement but it goes unchecked for many.


    I will abide by rules.........no profanity towards liberals on the political board and don't say negative things about aggies on College sports forum.


    Guess I will have to go to the yelllea........doh, I mean cheerleader forum

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