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    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from smitty in Cruz Control!   
    I don't disagree with what you are saying, but what gets me is many people define Perry by gaffs in a debate rather than look at his many years as gov of Texas.
    That is what tells you what kind of President he will be, whether you agree with his politics or not.
    Obama on the other hand is a smooth talker but had no experience and was molded by extremists...very available information if anyone had bothered to research just a little bit.
    Sadly, this is the world we live in, low information voters that base their uninformed opinion on the last soundbite.
    As far as Cruz shutting down the gov...more power to him...I would love to see about 75% of the federal gov shut down permanently.
  2. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from baddog in Cruz Control!   
    I don't disagree with what you are saying, but what gets me is many people define Perry by gaffs in a debate rather than look at his many years as gov of Texas.
    That is what tells you what kind of President he will be, whether you agree with his politics or not.
    Obama on the other hand is a smooth talker but had no experience and was molded by extremists...very available information if anyone had bothered to research just a little bit.
    Sadly, this is the world we live in, low information voters that base their uninformed opinion on the last soundbite.
    As far as Cruz shutting down the gov...more power to him...I would love to see about 75% of the federal gov shut down permanently.
  3. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from smitty in So.... This Donald Trump Guy..   
    I'm sure Cruz is leading with TRUE conservatives.
  4. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to baddog in End Birthright Citizenship For Illegals!   
    Please name the countries that are solely inhabited and governed by the aborigines. I'll wait. 
  5. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from baddog in Packing heat in Detroit: Motown residents answer police chief's call to arms   

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    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Packing heat in Detroit: Motown residents answer police chief's call to arms   

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    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Roper84 II in Snoops' kid a playa   
    If the new career is fly, you must say goodbye!
  8. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from OldTimer in Snoops' kid a playa   
    If the new career is fly, you must say goodbye!
  9. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in Army kicking out decorated Green Beret who stood up for Afghan rape victim   
    Looks like he deserved an award, not a discharge to me. 
  10. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Hagar in Cops On Trial   
    Not to me or any other rational person that uses a little common sense.
    Many times the folks that lump all cops in with the very few bad ones have an unfavorable view towards cops to begin with.
    We are told to not lump all Muslims, Christians (fill in the blank) in with a few bad ones but this seems to be ok with cops.
  11. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to tvc184 in Cops On Trial   
    Bullets has ridden with me maybe 40 times on patrol. He has walked in with other officers on family distbances or other situations that might lead to a police confrontation, arrest, fight, etc. I think the only time that I asked him to stay back was a home invasion in progress where there was a reasonable chance of shots being fired. 
    I had no clue how other officers might respond or what he might see. I could care less as there is nothing to hide. He has seen one situation get out of hand that resulted in resisting arrest and a struggle between officers that were outnumbered when a larger group turned on the officers. Ask how these officers responded when the aggressors (who were minorities)  were clearly not the police. 
    Lately it has been common for someone to post a photo of an officer changing a tire or doing some other good deed that is not required as part of the job and can easily be avoided. Then the inevitable comments come that are something like, "See, not all officers are bad".  It seems the implication is that a person discovered the one good cop out of 10. In truth, the anomoly is not the officer changing the tire or buying the homeless guy a pair of shoes, etc., it is the bad officer. Officers a thousand times a day do things at their own expense or labor that go unnoticed by the public and they rarely even tell their fellow officers about it. They're not doing it for recognition. 
    At my  department a couple of weeks ago, we received an email from a citizen from Indiana.  The email stated that a woman have been stranded  and basically had no clue where she was. Unfortunately this person met and fell in love with another person on the Internet.  After going to southwest Louisiana to meet up with the love connection, the rose colored glasses came off. After a brief relationship they woman found out something like the guy was a drunk and abusive.  The guy ended up slapping her around and then driving her to Texas and dropped her off on the side of the highway.  A concerned citizen was passing by and saw someone that needed help and called. That is when the police got involved.  We could find no crime that had been committed in Texas however we had an obviously distraught and stranded person that really had no clue where she was at.  One officer got permission from a supervisor to bring her back to the police station to get her out of the weather and to see if they could find her any help.  Between the officers they collected some money and were able to get her a ride that eventually ended up back at home in Indiana.  None of that was known until a couple of months later when the email came in and the woman described what happened and stated that she had gotten her old job back. A brief check with the officers confirmed that the incident did happen as the woman described. No one really knew because the officers did not go out of their way to tell anyone.  They simply helped a person out of their own pocket and went on with their lives. That is the routine, not the current spin of officers out of control or systematic and organized corruption. The anomoly is the bad officer and not the one officer caught on camera helping an old person across the street. 
  12. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from smitty in Cruz Control!   
    People aren't donating money to Cruz because they want bigger gov and higher taxes...there are all the Democrats and several Republicans to give your money to if that's your goal.
  13. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Hagar in More soros Slim!   
    Just like Buffett and his railcars streaming oil down here...Obama helping his buddies out.
    Crony capitalism at it's finest. 
  14. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Hagar in Cruz Control!   
    I'd have to disagree somewhat Ftree. IMO, for most of the candidates, it's about money and/or power.  But to be fair, LRFan was talking about the voters, not the candidates.  
    I'd like to think the majority of voters (sadly, not a big majority) will vote in the hopes of making our country better.  Maybe, just maybe, Cruz is the one who will do that.   
  15. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Hagar in Cruz Control!   
    Hmmm...maybe there are more fans of the Constitution than we think.
  16. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from smitty in Cruz Control!   
    Hmmm...maybe there are more fans of the Constitution than we think.
  17. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from prepballfan in New Cali Law - "No Grand Juries in Police Shootings"   
    Come back anytime. 
  18. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to prepballfan in New Cali Law - "No Grand Juries in Police Shootings"   
    I try to stay off the political board. I however really feel strong about this issue. I am not real sure about who is aligned with what party and do not really care. I am really tired of the bad rap our law officers are getting. Not saying anyone here supports that theory. I am not saying that there are a few bad apples among our law enforcement, but I will never take the side of a criminal. Period. Thankyou to all of our officers who risk there lives each and every day. They are the true American hero's. Next to our military. Thus ends my forey into the political boards. Back to the sports forum
  19. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from BLUEDOVE3 in 16 yr old Burgalry suspect killed in Hamshire   
    I agree...he shouldn't have been in the house, he brought this on himself...no doubt about that.
    Like you, I just don't understand the high fives over this...to each his own, I guess.
    I would be willing to bet the homeowner isn't celebrating this.
  20. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to 5GallonBucket in 16 yr old Burgalry suspect killed in Hamshire   
    They shouldn't release the homeowner's identity.  If there is no wrong doing done then homeowner and family should not have to have their names released for the media and all  those "wanna be" media....and that's for all cases. PERIOD!!!!
  21. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from bullets13 in New Cali Law - "No Grand Juries in Police Shootings"   
    Alright, well good luck.
  22. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from bullets13 in 16 yr old Burgalry suspect killed in Hamshire   
    I agree...16 year old kid is dead.  I don't understand the celebration around that, no matter the circumstances.
  23. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in 16 yr old Burgalry suspect killed in Hamshire   
    I agree...he shouldn't have been in the house, he brought this on himself...no doubt about that.
    Like you, I just don't understand the high fives over this...to each his own, I guess.
    I would be willing to bet the homeowner isn't celebrating this.
  24. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to tvc184 in New Cali Law - "No Grand Juries in Police Shootings"   
    Community review boards are usually pushed by someone with an axe to grind and an anti-cop agenda. Why not have a citizens review board for all jobs? 
    Ferguson Missouri is a perfect example. I can almost guarantee that Eric Holder and the US DOJ  wanted to find Officer Wilson at fault.  They spent months and hundreds of thousands of dollars to come to the same conclusion that the local DA did almost immediately. Yet there are people that believe that a 10 person citizens  review board  with almost no knowledge of the law can come to a different conclusion. They are probably correct. That is because their conclusion would be based on desire and not facts. 
  25. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in 16 yr old Burgalry suspect killed in Hamshire   
    yea it was harsh but I seen worse when Tamir Rice got killed. Just goes to show they're stupid minded ppl everywhere. 
    Bigger question is: Why did he have the notion to break into that particular home? 
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