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    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Hagar in Main Goal   
    lol, that's right...can't go after the athletes and entertainers. (and I agree)
    It's only the evil corporate types that make their filthy living by stealing from the poor, downtrodden "ordinary" folks. 
  2. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to baddog in Main Goal   
    Lmao.....I would still be a working class fool because that is who I am. The rich get richer everyday. Does not affect me.
    Of course, none of the complainers on this board would go after Michael Jordan getting richer. In fact, they worship him because of his success. What a novel idea.
  3. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from baddog in Main Goal   
    Vote for the candidate that will make gov smaller and less intrusive...don't think they will ever CARE about you...that's your family and friend's job.
    The smaller gov is, the less it will affect ordinary folks.  You seem to still want gov to somehow fix it's own problem...it won't/can't.
  4. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Reagan in Make America Great again   

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    LumRaiderFan reacted to Hagar in Do You Believe a UFO Crashed at Roswell ?   
    Keeps the aliens from Buna and Silsbee out lol.
  6. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Hagar in Do You Believe a UFO Crashed at Roswell ?   
    Evadale has that built-in alien repellent..lol.
  7. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Tigers2010 in Say it aint so   
    I can't recall ever wanting any comment out of Obama on anything...can't speak for "you guys".
  8. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from PhatMack19 in #TrumpLiesMatter!!   
    I'll echo what Englebert asked.
    What do you mean by hate...does your definition of hate = disagreeing with someone's ideology?
  9. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from BS Wildcats in Pelosi Losing It ?   
    Is her part an idiot...mission accomplished.
  10. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Hagar in Thank You Attoerney General Jeff Sessions!   
    Here's a link.  I missed it earlier.  To important to miss lol.

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    LumRaiderFan reacted to Reagan in Thank You Attoerney General Jeff Sessions!   
    From the American Family Association: " In August, Judge Reed O'Connor of the Federal District Court for the Northern District of Texas blocked President Barack Obama's transgender bathroom directive. The Obama Administration appealed that decision to the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans. The good news is that, over the weekend, Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ Department of Justice withdrew the appellate motion filed by the Obama administration. This means that Judge O'Connor's ruling will likely stand. This is a victory for our children's safety and the rule of law. "  I would like to personally thank Jeff Sessions for withdrawing obama's sick perversion!
  12. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to 5GallonBucket in 70% Of Illegals...   
    That's what happens when u don't show up.  U take that risk when u don't show up.  U take the risk to come here illegally or legally to work then get deported back. If ur not a citizen u take that risk.  
    Good night we got some not so smart people in this world.  
  13. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Hagar in The left must be so proud!!   
    It's weird that some folks don't consider this weird.
  14. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Reagan in 70% Of Illegals...   
    Some did.

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    LumRaiderFan reacted to WOSgrad in Monte Barrow named new HC/AD at Nederland!   
    A couple of thoughts in this matter.  First, like my bud prepballfan, I have no vested interest in the outcome of this search other than being a fan of football in this area.  That being said, when it was time for my alma mater to move on from a long time successful coach, they chose a longtime assistant.  If I may say so, that transition has turned out pretty well.  There is something to be said in stability of a program and a seamless transition to a trusted assistant.  Now, I know Monte Barrow only by reputation, but everything I have heard, both in and outside of Nederland paints, him as a coach capable of continuing what Coach Neumann built.  So logic would dictate that Coach Barrow be given the opportunity to continue the program on its current track.
    And it appears that several feel that way.  If you are one of them, you might want to take a little bit more interest that just posting your support here.  Call the board members and the superintendent A LOT, they know the score and even if it appears not, they are listening.  And this is the time to express your preference.
    For when the decision is made, it is time for the campaigning for a coach to stop.  It is kind of disturbing to see the forecasts of gloom and doom should Coach Barrow not be the NISD's choice.  No coach, no matter how talented, will be successful if the community does not support him.  I have seen in before, when a community comes out of the chute going after a coach, it does not end well and the rebuild after such a disaster is more difficult and takes a lot more time than folks think....sometimes, it is never rebuilt. 
    Sure, right now, throw your support behind Coach Barrow if he is your choice and go all in on that support.  But when the choice is made, go all in behind the guy that is chosen.
  16. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to baddog in 70% Of Illegals...   
    Whizzed right by me. I'll be more attentive next time.
  17. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from baddog in 70% Of Illegals...   
    Some did.

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  18. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from 77 in Maxine Waters: Another Democratic Dimwit!!   
    California dems...a special breed.
  19. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from baddog in Obama/Dems Plan For Trump to Fail   
    Then all you have to do is wait.
    What is it you want him to fail at...more jobs, better economy, less illegal immigration, better security?
    Which ones do you want him to fail on?
  20. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Hagar in 70% Of Illegals...   
    Why don't you step up and give a Native American your house and land?
  21. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to baddog in The "Affordable" healthcare act   
    Is he on Obamacare?
  22. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from TxHoops in Hit Job On Mike Flynn!!   
    Trump didn't cave, but he was put in a tough position to back Flynn or Pence.
    If he kept Flynn on it would have undermined his VP, IMO.
    Crappy deal, because I think Flynn was perfect for the position.
  23. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from TxHoops in #TrumpLiesMatter!!   
  24. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to TxHoops in #TrumpLiesMatter!!   

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  25. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from baddog in 70% Of Illegals...   
    None of that makes illegal immigration OK...being a millionaire is hard and takes years, can I break the law to short circuit the process?
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