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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. [Hidden Content] I'll start by saying I can't imagine what this teacher, that lost 11 students went through. He is now blaming the police response for what happened. He had students in his classroom, they heard shots, started to hide under desks and he said he turned around and he (Ramos) was standing in his classroom. After all that we have heard about the metal doors that would be very difficult to breech, why weren't they locked? So a door was left open that the shooter came through and the classroom doesn't look like it was locked but the teacher, along with many others, is saying the police and not enough gun laws are to blame.
  2. Biggest threat to this great country by far, the uneducated (low information) vote....AND the folks that go after them.
  3. [Hidden Content] Liberals live in their own little world...and they're always the victim. Not sure how you say something like this with a straight face. From the article: A new book excerpt from former Obama White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer claimed Monday that Democrats' problems with messaging stem from the fact that they are "out-gunned" because "conservative media dwarfs the progressive media in size and scope."
  4. [Hidden Content] I agree with safety measures like this...I had said in an earlier post making school access similar to refineries in that anyone coming in could be monitored. From the article: Republican Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed an executive order aimed at enhancing school safety and guiding parents on how to weigh in on school building security on Monday. Executive Order 97 creates a guide for parents on how to contact school administrators and local law enforcement to improve security. Lee called on schools to implement "simple practices," such as ensuring a single point of entry to the school and multiple points of exit.
  5. The left is all about free speech...as long as your speech is approved by them.
  6. According to these guys, it makes it look like they could have responded the way they should have. Makes me wonder why the DPS threw them under the bus so early when there was no way they had time to examine events like these guys did.
  7. Thanks for that, unfortunately folks are hearing some of this from some law enforcement, I remember now it was 3 or 4 retired police and military on the “new” Rush Limbaugh show saying this or a version of it, always go in. Us laymen don’t know protocol so this basically adds fuel to the fire for the media, and police critics.
  8. I agree with you on this, to go into a situation that is almost suicidal rather than create a game plan makes no sense to me. But I actually heard this from a retired police officer on one of the cable shows (can’t remember which). This makes the situation even worse when folks hear this from cops, furthering the storyline that these guys MUST have screwed up.
  9. I’ve heard law enforcement folks(that weren’t there) say the first officers on site should do all they could to engage the shooter to make themselves the target rather than the kids, what’s your thoughts on that?
  10. That’s the one folks ought to watch to at least get a better perspective. It looks like there were decisions made that could have been better, even other law enforcement saying so, but I don’t get the media seemingly going out of their way to make the cops look like they just stood around for over an hour doing nothing. I guess they do it because it sells. Bottom line, the truth will eventually comes out, we’re just not willing to wait these days.
  11. [Hidden Content] From the article: Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, said the DOJ, which grew notoriety for leaking under former President Donald Trump, was remarkably silent about the deceased convicted pedophile. "Only thing more remarkable than DOJ not leaking the list is that no one in the media cares," Musk tweeted.
  12. Just one more creative method of wealth distribution, compliments of the democrats.
  13. I can guarantee that the NASCAR crowd will completely disappear if they stay this course.
  14. [Hidden Content] Just take the bacon off the sandwich...good grief!
  15. I never would have thought a remake of True Grit or The Magnificent Seven would have even come close to the original but both were excellent.
  16. Agree, as was Lonesome Dove 2 (Return to Lonesome Dove)
  17. Remember that creepy lawyer was touted heavily as a democrat Presidential nominee…he would have fit right in. Probably would have been better than what we have now.
  18. [Hidden Content] Rittenhouse might be headed for a big payday.
  19. [Hidden Content] Another stellar accomplishment from the democrats. From the article: The worsening staffing crisis at the Seattle Police Department has forced the defunded force to no longer take on new adult sexual assault cases this year, according to a newly revealed internal memo. The Seattle Times first reported Tuesday about the four-page memo, which the sergeant in charge of the Sexual Assault/Child Abuse Unit sent internally to interim police Chief Adrian Diaz on April 11. In the memo, titled "Staffing Issues," Sgt. Pamela St. John said she currently is not able to assign new adult sexual assault cases "because of other statutory requirements." Just three years ago, the unit had 12 skilled detectives, but at the time the memo was written, there are only four remaining.
  20. Yep, gotta sift through 10 stories about that crap unless you’re on Newsmax. ….because it sells.
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