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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. He saw it in a movie…turned out fine.
  2. You’re dealing with “45thSucks”. Trump obviously lives in his head.
  3. So every person that was going to buy a gun, you would have someone sift through all their social media to look for any kind of warning sign?
  4. Possibly, but only by law enforcement. Something like this could be weaponized very easily. Maybe TVC can enlighten us as to whether or not this is done already.
  5. It would, I was talking about facebook, twitter, instagram and the like.
  6. Just about every shooter that I can recall had warning signals that those around them should have addressed. Parents or relatives chose to ignore them or didn't know what to do about it. I don't recall reading about a sweetheart of a kid one day just snapping, there were always signs. As far as the guns and kids, I feel you are doing your kid a disservice if you leave them alone with no way to protect themselves, that is of course after you have shown them how to use a weapon. Couldn't agree with you more on the pit bull thing.
  7. No way I would go for this. The last thing I would want is some minimum wage government fool deciding on whether or not my social media (don't have any myself) was acceptable. This would be another tool like the IRS that some administration would use to punish someone that posted they were a Trump fan or that biden is an idiot. No way.
  8. These are the two that "true socialist democrats" seem to attack all the time.
  9. I wouldn't argue with a gun safety class but it will not stop these animals from doing this.
  10. Some of us know our kids are familiar with and can be trusted with guns. I bet the same folks that seem to not trust their kids with a gun are willing to put them behind the wheel of a 5000 pound car at age 15 along with a bunch of other 5000 pound vehicles passing them at 60 mph. If you don't trust your kids with guns, lock them up but don't apply that attitude to everyone. And the Academy thing, that's simply not following the rules we already have, no need for more.
  11. What would you change that would stop this?
  12. Wouldn’t you agree we have enough gun laws in place already?
  13. Sad that when something like this happens, the conversation is immediately focused on guns.
  14. Agree with some of this but not all. My kids were taught respect for guns and how to handle them at an early age. They also had access to them as teenagers but knew not to fool with them unless I was with them. I get what you are saying but if a bad guy came in the house, I wouldn’t have wanted them dealing with them with a butter knife.
  15. Having trouble understanding? The blame for politicizing this event lies on democrats, not the shooting itself. Can’t get out of your own way, can you?
  16. I’ll give you one thing, biden does get lots of votes from folks that want him to have their back. Sad that there are so many losers that are dependent on government, and same losers vote for the crumbs the government gives them so they’ll keep voting for more crumbs . Sad
  17. Where did I blame the democrats for this? Not sure why I would expect anything more from INMAGAWETRUST.
  18. Nobody blaming anyone, simply pointing out the left if using this to push gun control, which if enacted, would cause more damage. This isn’t both sides, it’s all on democrats.
  19. Democrats coming out with their gun control nonsense already. Best defense against a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. They know this.
  20. The democrats are definitely killing this country, no doubt about it. But hey, no more mean tweets.
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