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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. An unbiased observation from 45thSucks, lol. What a joke.
  2. The left will never get behind a Republican, ever! John McCain was the darling of the Democrats UNTIL he ran for President and they savaged him, democrats and the media. And don’t blame it on Palin, simply not true. The middle of the road R&D approved candidate is a myth, doesn’t exist. Not sure what I would compromise on with the Democrats anyway, how many babies to allow killed, how many guns to be able to own, how high to jack taxes up, how many pipelines to shut down, how much money to send Iran or how much military equipment to give the Taliban, how many embassy attacks to lie about. Hard to compromise with socialist fools. And by the way, I don’t care for Trump either.
  3. Safe spaces will be in high demand.
  4. Adam Schiff is on it, somehow this will be Trump’s fault.
  5. He's certainly in your head, all your usernames are about him.
  6. Surely he'll consider the other side, remember, his mind is like a parachute.
  7. Nope, you stated Republicans would never cut their own throat, as if they are the only beneficiaries of cheap labor. Also, 45th sucks is kind of a giveaway. You are obviously a D guy.
  8. Not surprising, check the username, lol.
  9. You seem to be pointing a finger at Republicans only.
  10. Just curious, how are they living off the government? What fund are they pulling from?
  11. So you haven't seen plants go on strike lately?
  12. Agree, liberal policies destroy anywhere they are implemented.
  13. Back in the day we made everything we needed in this country which provided lots of high wage jobs before we outsourced everything because we want it cheap. Unions had a big part in that then but now they do more harm than good.
  14. Impeached by your lunatic party. Just admit you got it wrong, again.
  15. [Hidden Content] Hopefully, new management will stop all this nonsense. From the article: The Biden administration has claimed to fight misinformation at all costs, even establishing a "Disinformation Governance Board," and Big Tech outfits like Twitter have flagged posts they claim contain misinformation on important issues like coronavirus vaccines. Yet while the White House shared bogus info itself on Thursday about vaccines, Twitter has yet to note the inaccurate message to many users. "When President Biden took office, millions were unemployed and there was no vaccine available. In the last 15 months, the economy has created 8.3M jobs and the unemployment rate stands at 3.6% — the fastest decline in unemployment to start a President's term ever recorded," the White House’s verified Twitter account wrote. Observers were quick to point out the COVID-19 vaccine was, in fact, available when Biden took office on Jan. 20, 2021. The same Twitter account even shared a video of then-president-elect Biden getting his second dose a week before Inauguration Day.
  16. Very sad, strength and prayers for the Jones family.
  17. Pretty sure you're the same guy that was absolutely sure that Trump was guilty of Russia collusion. As a matter of fact, you proudly stated that the noose was tightening...how did that prediction turn out, lol. Excuse me if I don't take your election fraud statements seriously, your track record on Trump predictions is not good.
  18. Looks like UT alum isn't following his own advice.
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