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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. On the internet, must be true, lol. Same folks that buy this want to see biden run again.
  2. They’re both very good but they can’t top the king of fake. [Hidden Content]
  3. Nothing. This is the kind of crap we should give no traction and tell the woke crowd to pound sand.
  4. Secretly wishing this would never been been discovered, we’ll see the same shameful hiding when the election fraud is proven, it’s what they do.
  5. Exactly right, the folks that are supposed to investigate this type of activity are corrupt and refuse to do so, unless you’re a Republican in which they’ll go after you for nothing.
  6. Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything. Joseph Stalin Whether or not Stalin actually said it, democrats have figured this one out.
  7. From the article: The final tally of literally everything he put into his body over a full 18 holes: 21 cigs 12 Diet Cokes 6 packs of Peanut M&M's 0.0 ounces of water 😂
  8. Too old to do anything? Seriously? He’s done plenty…made a mess of the Afghanistan withdrawal, destroyed our short stint of energy independence, shut down the wall and made a mess of the border, the list is long of things he’s done, all bad.
  9. Insurrection if it's conservatives, peaceful protest if it's liberals.
  10. I have no problem with righting past wrongs but you use the term atonement as if there are still guilty parties that must atone for past wrongs.
  11. The parachute doesn’t seem to be opening.
  12. Atonement from who? Be specific.
  13. [Hidden Content] Wonder why no one is concerned about violence from those crazy pro-lifers if this doesn't go their way? From the article: President Biden's administration is bracing for a wave of violence from pro-choice activists if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade in June, Axios reported Wednesday. A leaked May 13 memo from the Department of Homeland Security reportedly details ongoing investigations into threats to "burn down or storm" the Supreme Court building, according to Axios.
  14. Not surprising, just look at his political rallies, dozens of folks show up…maybe.
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