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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1.   PAMFAM, make an argument.   Post some links where gun control laws have been successful.
  2.   Oh, I understand completely...that's why I'm not going HaHa about our current situation.
  3.   Heard that one before...in 2008.   Then 2010 happened.
  4. This must be a new tactic added to the latest edition of the lefty handbook. Don't' like the source / the footage must have been edited.
  5.     :D   Seriously...looks like Chicago needs a whole lot more legal guns with good guys carrying them.
  6. It's only free to those that haven't paid into the system (taxes) which I would bet dustoff03 has paid his share.   Too many people have the mindset that the fed gov is doing them some kind of favor when they return a tiny portion of what you paid in.   I say get all you can when you can...you'll never get your "fair share" back but the more you can get will leave less to be wasted by the fed gov.
  7.   You missed my point...I was talking about you pointing out that it is hypocritical of Christians to single out homosexuality as a far worse sin than others but you seem to have no problem with the media holding up Sam as some sort of hero simply because he's gay...at the same time admitting that you yourself see it as sinful behavior.
  8. Give it up guys...there is not enough evidence.
  9. Pure politics is nothing being done about this and the cover-up that followed.
  10.   So no matter what he finds, it will be dismissed because he was a "meanie" to the administration and the media that is in the tank for them.   :rolleyes:   I don't think so!
  11. So is Tiger Woods a Pioneer for his numerous mistresses...I don't remember him being praised in the media for his sinful behavior. You yourself said it was hypocritical for Christians treating homosexuality any worse than adultery and I agree...shouldn't the media be held to the same standard?
  12. Well, we seem to be short on Democrat" heroes" that want to seek justice for what happened.
  13. Wow...finally, doing what this weak administration wouldn't.
  14.   I know we are joking here but that is the thought process of many in the anti-gun crowd.   If the banning ever gets started it will be difficult to stop.
  15.   Tebow did get a lot of attention for who he was and when he put up poor stats but continued to win for a while, he got even more attention from both sides...some were simply rooting for a strong Christian and others they felt like he was getting playing time simply for who he was...and there were a lot of folks that were very pleased when he failed.   Sam may prove to be a great player but the majority of the attention he is getting right now is because he is gay, not because of his football abilities...just like Tebow.   What is sad is that Sam seems to be held in higher esteem BY THE MEDIA for his lifestyle than Tebow was.
  16.   And only available in the 10 ounce can rather than the big 20 ounce!
  17.   Better educated often does not mean smarter...the current administration is a perfect example!
  18.   Nope, you have it wrong...there were many folks and some on this board that bashed Tebow because of his play (and rightfully so) but also said it was ridiculous how he was getting so much attention for being a mediocre player simply because he was a Christian.     If you are going to say it, own it.
  19.   Being politically correct, Joe did suggest using a double barrel...much less lethal than the dreaded "assault" semi-automatic.   :rolleyes:
  20.   ...or a shotgun you dove hunt with.
  21.   Ever watch MSNBC...what's your opinion of their "mess"?
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