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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Dodd and Frank hosed us with the housing bubble... Bush isn't President and hasn't been for 5 years so just accept it...this is now your guy's mess.
  2. #9 Obama invoked “executive privilege” to help Eric Holder conceal Fast and Furious documents from congressional investigators and the American public.   Always wondered, if he didn't know anything about this as he said, (read about it in the paper, just like the rest of us  :rolleyes: ) why would he need to invoke executive privilege?
  3.   I think many on the right are opposed to the fed gov having huge blocks of land and controlling them, instead of the states/private landowners handling the property themselves.   If the states/private landowners had control, you would most likely see the boom going on in Wyoming and the Dakotas happening everywhere,  even in ANWR.   I think that anyone, left or right, should be concerned with how the Bundy situation was handled.
  4. Anytime a pipeline, power line, etc. is proposed there are multiple, sometimes dozens of alternative routes that are looked at and passed by affected landowners...they will find a route.   Some folks would never want the pipeline on their land and some would love having it for the income it provides.   Looks like these folks won their case...so are you saying the fed gov has given the green light to the Keystone pipeline and private landowners are the only obstacle?   And eminent domain does stink for those affected, but I bet you drive the interstates/highways and use the utilities that were provided by it.
  5. More on the Red river confiscation.   [Hidden Content]
  6. Here's another idiotic question...is the Keystone pipeline completion being held up by the fed gov or private landowners? Please provide a link with your response.
  7.   A very dismal article except for the last statement:   “We will lose seats in the House,” he said. “I am fairly certain of that based on the poll numbers that are coming out from the more experienced pollsters down there, and I think we may lose the Senate.”   :) 
  8.   Here is another one of Obama's "advisers" that comes out well on a delayed Keystone pipeline.   He is even getting his railroad improvements paid for by someone else.   [Hidden Content]   Now if this delay was really about the environment, wouldn't a pipeline be much safer than thousands of railcars?   Buffet bought the railroad in 2010...what a stroke of luck and great timing! 
  9.   No, but if I had my way, there would be no more SS or medicare confiscation.   I am much more capable of providing my own "social security" than the fed gov.
  10.   Reminds me of Ruby Ridge, except no one has been killed...yet.
  11. When you click on the link, go to "Ripped out of the Bible" and it will download a .pdf   Good comparison of the versions...Floyd Jones used to drive to Lamar from Houston to teach.   [Hidden Content]
  12.   I agree that the fed gov should own and maintain missile sights, military bases and other facilities for national security (actually in the Constitution)...I was more referring to the National Forests/Parks, BLM.    I don't think it should have ownership of million of acres that should belong to and be managed by the states.
  13. Yep, National forests should go back to and be managed by the states...the National Forest Service, directed by Congress, does a pathetic job of efficiently managing the timber/assets that could be a tremendous asset for states.
  14. The fed gov has no business owning land...the states should manage all property within their boundaries that isn't private property.
  15. dumocrats, socialists, communists...we can do this all day...kinda silly though.
  16. Oh, now you have a problem with welfare recipients?
  17. One thing's for sure...eric holder won't git him!
  18. Good points, my main point is that there will always be lines but they should never be federally subsidized lines...too large to manage. States, counties, cities, churches,local food banks are all better and more easily managed options.
  19. The BLM is another overreaching fed gov branch that should be abolished.
  20. No, I don't' understand your view that the providers are the problem instead of the receivers.
  21. I have a solution...actually it comes from the Constitution...anybody standing in any line is a state, not federal problem. You still haven't explained how the folks in line aren't the actual problem.
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