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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Fair enough...I'll just have to hope my posts are on the" approved" source list from now on! :)
  2. Yep, that's how it works. When a story is posted either prove it wrong or at least give another viewpoint... it's' called debate. To just dismiss it whether it's right or wrong because you don't like the source is a copout. You leftys really do need falconfanatic.
  3. Yep...that's my only response because if we were to start cherry-picking articles like this that showed whether Bush or Obama was treated fairly, you would lose that BIG TIME, and it would be a useless practice!   And the fact that you think Fox and MSNBC are equal in their critic and the other major news outlets (CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC) offer somewhat neutral coverage is laughable.
  4.   I'm sure Cheney would have appreciated that sentiment when he was having heart problems.   :)
  5. Don't know...I have no doubt a few exceptions for anything can be found but for the most part, do you think Bush and Obama receive/have received equal coverage/scrutiny by the mainstream media outlets?
  6.   Couldn't disagree more...for example, the coverage that this President and Bush received are light years apart...if the left media couldn't tweak it their way they would not report on it or, in some cases, lie!   Take the latest example, you think if John Ashcroft would have "suggested" that state AGs ignore their own laws that the Bush administration disagreed with, the media would not have blown up on it...you know they would have.   Why don't you start disproving these articles you simply blow off (if you can) and that may carry a little weight to your argument.   You guys could sure use another falconfanatic!
  7. Is you are dismissing non-credible news sources, I guess you better put CBS and NBC on the list as well.   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]   My point is take the time to check out a story when it is posted rather than blast the source...even the National Enquirer gets it right sometimes.
  8. OK, we're done high fiving (goofy statement) and the link is to Fox news...can you finally give an opinion on Holder's actions?   My point is not about homosexual marriage, I am talking about Holder suggesting state AGs be dismissive of their own laws.   [Hidden Content]
  9. Show me dozens of bogus posts I have made from bogus sources...and no matter what the source, they are very easy to validate or refute nowadays with a little effort.
  10. Anytime any change is made to voting protocol in any state, the real reason is to always suppress the poor impoverished democrat voter... Everybody knows that! BTW...did you want me to attack the source?
  11. We all know this has happened so let me ask you... Does it concern you that Holder would suggest states ignore their own laws? It was odd to me that you didn't comment on that but on the source NOTB used. I have heard this being referred to as promoting sedition, and I am inclined to agree.
  12. That's your comment on the article? He is asking states to ignore their own laws and you have no problem with it? I was waiting to see what comments would be made on this move and am amazed by the lack of concern.
  13. Bad things happen when you put incompetent, unqualified people in important positions...this administration proves this top to bottom.
  14. Bottom line is the left media has some competition now and doesn't like it.   Time for them to step up, show a little mental toughness,   :D  and compete...put something out that even the lefty viewers want to see.
  15.   Good luck on an answer...the "fairness" policy would only apply to conservative outlets because the liberal outlets can't compete on a level playing field.
  16. For the most part they have fair reporting that allows both sides to be heard and many times it points out the failures of Obamacare and many of his other policies and this is branded unfair by the left because they don't' like to hear it. So rather than make a case of their own and show the great policies that are being put forth by Obama and allow them to stand on their own merit, they choose to bash Fox. Conservatives do not fear the left media and I personally hope they continue to show their true colors...the left would love nothing more than to shut Fox down because they can't beat them when viewers are given a choice of what they want to hear.
  17. Simply saying someone is a Republican or a conservative therefore they can't report the news accurately is a poor argument. I look at the results and Fox isn't afraid to present both sides of an argument. Most of the lefty organizations will not do that, in fact, they spend too much time attacking Fox instead of realizing their skewed views are why their viewership stinks.
  18. Can you post a link where you got that 98% Republican data, I would like to see what % Republican CNN is...and the product is what should be evaluated anyway, not how it's paid for.
  19. Fox is the most accurate and balanced... way more liberal commentators on Fox than conservative commentators on the others.
  20. So Fox is mainstream because it has the most viewers?   Fox has the most viewers because the country is still center right IMO...sadly, many do not make it to the voting booths.
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