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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. BG, if the President loves the country as you say, then why would he call our Constitution a " Charter of negative liberties?" Explain to me what he could possibly mean by this.
  2. If they go through the proper training, I would have no problem with a holstered weapon, but having a very accessible weapon would be much better than none at all.
  3. Many fire departments are volunteer and they do a great job...imagine that.,
  4. But would he shut them down in all 57 states?
  5.   Every school would have a trained bazooka handler for such scenarios...come on BG, really?   That's like saying I'm not going to wear my seat belt because I might run off the road and drown in a ditch because I can't get it off.   I'm all for teachers carrying on the job ...you're not...let's just agree to disagree.
  6. Wrong...they would simply be armed...no more hours in the day.
  7. Work of two people...lol.
  8. Typical liberal solution...all we need is more money...that we don't have.
  9.   No it's not that simple...police don't work for free and many ISDs could not afford police on every campus.   Pamfam, do you not think that a teacher can be capable or handling a gun?   As sick as it makes me to read about these shootings, it makes me equally as sick to read about these teachers that died that ran TOWARDS the gunfire or try and hold a door to protect these kids without a gun...they are going to try to protect the kids whether armed or not...I would like to give them the option to be able to run towards the gunfire or stand behind the door with a weapon...for theirs and the kid's sake.
  10.   OK...they buy one illegally on the street...we can do this all day but I won't...you don't seem to have any solution to stop a shooter that enters a school.   Arming teachers that are trained is a great solution IMO and if a shooter did enter the school and I had a child in there, I would want someone in the IMMEDIATE area that could stop them...several actually.
  11.   That's your solution...really?   OK, say a student steals a gun rather than gets one from his parents and enters the school...what's your solution to stop them?
  12.   What's YOUR solution?
  13.   You are right and proving my point...when they call it a shutdown and send hundreds of thousands of employees home and the nation continues to function because they keep the essential employees at work...hmmm...seems they may be a tad bloated.
  14.   And there's the problem...too many folks depend on the fed gov for everything they need.   And the fed gov has shut down several times...don't remember too much devastation occurring.
  15.   That is exactly what I am saying...the fed gov has no business in the education business.   The ISDs and states can handle the education of their kids just fine without any interference from the fed gov.
  16.   Here is a breakdown of federal spending in 2007...maybe if we weren't spending money on the items in red we wouldn't have entered a recession (led by Franks and Dodd I might add)   Regardless of who led us there, Obama has kept us there.   $586.1 billion (+7.0%) - Social Security $548.8 billion (+9.0%) - Defense[2] $394.5 billion (+12.4%) - Medicare $294.0 billion (+2.0%) - Unemployment and welfare $276.4 billion (+2.9%) - Medicaid and other health related $243.7 billion (+13.4%) - Interest on debt $89.9 billion (+1.3%) - Education and training $76.9 billion (+8.1%) - Transportation $72.6 billion (+5.8%) - Veterans' benefits $43.5 billion (+9.2%) - Administration of justice $33.1 billion (+5.7%) - Natural resources and environment $32.5 billion (+15.4%) - Foreign affairs $27.0 billion (+3.7%) - Agriculture $26.8 billion (+28.7%) - Community and regional development $25.0 billion (+4.0%) - Science and technology $20.5 billion (+0.8%) - Energy $20.1 billion (+11.4%) - General government
  17.     You are right...he didn't vote for it because he wasn't even in the Senate at that time...smh.
  18. It does say a lot...about the ignorance of many voters that wanted" change" but had no idea what that meant, and when the country was in poor shape after 4 years of this guy, voted for him again. I will agree with you on entitlements getting him lots of votes...as they do many Democrats.
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