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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Not a JW...just a Christian called to spread the Good News, just like all Christians.
  2. Nice try...it will fool the masses anyway.
  3. That you refer to the American people as" the mass" says it all.
  4. Like I said earlier, you guys really need a decent news outlet to call your own.
  5. The lefties really need a decent news outlet so they can stop being so jealous of Fox's success...kinda feel sorry for you guys.
  6. Simply witnessing to someone is not forcing your beliefs on them.   As Christians we are commanded to tell the Gospel to others...but never to try to force it on someone.
  7.   A Jesus lesson in one post followed by an expletive in another...hmmm.
  8. And don't forget the Angels and Padres.
  9. My blessings don't come from a news channel...do yours?  :)
  10. That's it...no more Fox news for me!
  11. VA is gov run healthcare...obamacare is gov run healthcare...hmmm.
  12. From the article:    If you give everybody a good government job, there is no crime,” Garcia said.   Unbelievable!
  13. The subsidy receivers aren't going to like this...they would rather have the "wealthy" folks fair share increased than have theirs increase.   Just wait...this is going to be bad for almost everyone.   [Hidden Content]
  14.   Why the change from referring to the conservative south to aledo...Freudian slip, maybe?   In any case, keeping it classy.   :)
  15. It's actually easier to do nothing and belittle those that try minister to others...even if the method isn't always perfect or the message is tough to receive.
  16. He never forced anyone to pay for someone else's stuff either.
  17. I am a small gov guy... the less intrusive we can make gov, the better. The thing that makes me angriest about this article is the legislation from the bench...on ANY subject.
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