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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. That's it...no more Fox news for me!
  2. VA is gov run healthcare...obamacare is gov run healthcare...hmmm.
  3. From the article:    If you give everybody a good government job, there is no crime,” Garcia said.   Unbelievable!
  4. The subsidy receivers aren't going to like this...they would rather have the "wealthy" folks fair share increased than have theirs increase.   Just wait...this is going to be bad for almost everyone.   [Hidden Content]
  5.   Why the change from referring to the conservative south to aledo...Freudian slip, maybe?   In any case, keeping it classy.   :)
  6. It's actually easier to do nothing and belittle those that try minister to others...even if the method isn't always perfect or the message is tough to receive.
  7. He never forced anyone to pay for someone else's stuff either.
  8. I am a small gov guy... the less intrusive we can make gov, the better. The thing that makes me angriest about this article is the legislation from the bench...on ANY subject.
  9.     After reading the post again I see what Bullets was saying...my bad on the interpretation...I will disagree that these were the acts of "good" Christians.   If many of the Muslim countries are going to improve as far as civil rights, they are going to have to adopt a new Doctrine and move away from Sharia law and I don't see that happening.
  10.   I still don't see how I am oppressing someone simply because they aren't buying something they are free to provide for themselves.   Doesn't matter anyway...after a while, employers will drop more and more employees that will go to obamacare and next will be single payer.
  11.   Wow...not sure where that came from.   Muslims that call for the death penalty for adultery and leaving the Muslim faith will get better but Christians will get worse and worse.
  12.   :)   I actually don't think the fed gov should have any business in defining marriage...if anything it should be left to the states.   I would have no problem with the states being out of it as well and letting local churches/institutions marry (and be free not to marry) whom they choose.   Even though I may not agree with the lifestyle, I would not want to legally restrict anyone from living it.   I have family members that are gay and while I don't agree with it (they know it) I still love them the same (they know this also).
  13.   :huh:  Wasn't even posting at you...it was a reply for the in one ear and out the other comment directed at Bullets.
  14.   Why don't you get off the soapbox and do some research on the action of "some" that are occurring in Muslim countries...you might actually learn something.
  15.   So bullets/westend, do you think the Muslim and Christian faiths treat women equally? 
  16.   How are they oppressing them...you want insurance that covers abortion, go and buy it yourself...I should not have to provide it.
  17.   Do you see any Christian nations that are sentencing Muslims to death that became Christians?
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