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  3. If he did the crime and he deserved whatever punishment he had coming, so be it. In the words of biden, no one is above the law. He will just let the next pošŸ’©Dim potus do the deed for him to give the appearance he had nothing to do with it. Now, let me ask you, since you pointed out that it wasnā€™t a violent crime, what violent crime did Trump commit?
  4. I think Joe has done more than enough for his son already. Letā€™s not pretend that he is a loving father doing his duty for his son. This is all criminal behavior that some people condone while wanting the book thrown at others who have committed no crime. Strange people in this world.
  5. You didnā€™t answer my question.
  6. Couldnā€™t they have just used the same districts as football? I know that district schedules and non district schedules for sports have already been decided. At least for volleyball and most of basketball. What am I missing?
  7. You will not find many better ADs at the high school level than Smalley. I donā€™t know the particulars of the reassignment but my guess is Daspit will turn out to be an excellent hire, as almost all of Smalleyā€™s hires are. His track record on hires speaks for itself. And the man truly supports and wants to win in all sports. That is a fact if you know anything about him.
  8. Heard this was the worse kept secretā€¦ that when this job came open it was Ericksonā€™s to lose.
  9. Bout time!! UIL made the best decision todayā€¦ now to clean it up by next realignment.
  10. Yesterday
  11. Do you recall him saying no o e is above the law and he would not do it? I guess one Dim doesnā€™t mind another Dim lying. Typical. How violent was Trumpā€™s ā€œcrimeā€, if thatā€™s the road youā€™re going down?
  12. What would you do for your son if you had the power? It wasnā€™t a violent crime, or moral turpitude. What would you do?
  13. Congratulations to Cutter Lowe, Chesterā€™s first baseman on making the all-state tournament team.
  14. The UIL has approved the proposal to split divisions for the playoffs for volleyball, softball, baseball, soccer, and basketball. This change will create two State Championship brackets (similar to football). This change is effective August 1, 2024.
  15. Legislative Council voted to approve the proposal. Starting this coming school year, will be 2 state champions in each classification for boys and girls basketball, volleyball, baseball and softball. Will be no more regional basketball tournaments and no semifinals played at state basketball, baseball, softball and volleyball tournaments. Only state championship games played at state tourney. Personally, I don't like this at all. Really don't like doing the split after district play. Could have at least waited till next realignment so they could have divisional districts. This also shortens the playoffs by 1 game until next realignment.
  16. Guilty on all counts!!!!! Convicted felon!!!! Hunter Biden found guilty on all counts in gun trial [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  17. May have missed it in here, but saw this topic in other sports. Who's on the move for baseball? SCHOOL - FORMER - NEW PNG - CARTER (retirement) -
  18. I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  19. EXACTLY!! If biden loses or is replaced on the ticket, the last thing he does is pardon hunter.
  20. The names I hear are Erickson and Green.....
  21. I agree with both of you. However I think they are focusing on the gun trial to keep our focus off the laptop and international dealings.
  22. You've made sense at least twice in one day. Perhaps you should lie down... šŸ˜‡
  23. While we don't always agree on political issues, I couldn't agree more. Both trials were just a circus to keep the division alive and the circus in business. Nothing of any substance got resolved today. Media & Politics. The longer they divide us, the more they benefit.
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