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First Texas bus of migrants arrives in NYC


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Washington DC, we have their attention...check, up next, NYC.


From the article:

The first busload of illegal migrants from Texas has been dropped off in New York City.

Roughly 50 migrants arrived at a Port Authority in New York City on Friday. They were greeted and brought into the custody of non-governmental charity workers and volunteers.

The bus of illegal migrants was sent by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who has been shipping border-crossers into liberal cities to bring attention to the issue of illegal immigration in his own state.

Texas is continuing its campaign to get the federal government's attention as more illegal migrants arrive at the nation's capital from Texas by bus.

"In addition to Washington, D.C., New York City is the ideal destination for these migrants, who can receive the abundance of city services and housing that Mayor Eric Adams has boasted about within the sanctuary city. I hope he follows through on his promise of welcoming all migrants with open arms so that our overrun and overwhelmed border towns can find relief."

The latest busload of migrants from Texas arrived in D.C. late Tuesday night. Texas has said they have sent least 5,100 migrants to the nation's capital.

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5 hours ago, Unwoke said:

Need to start shipping them to San Francisco also, specifically to Pelosi’s neighborhood. 

They’ll definitely want to get back on the bus after visiting San Fran 

4 hours ago, baddog said:

The migrants delivered to NYC looked like they wanted to get back on the bus and go home. Lmao. 


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ok mayor

i guess we should expect the immigrants to let Texans know when their coming…..

you are a liberal…you vote liberal…..so now you don’t like what you are and vote for…..Wake Up!

liberals are not smart people….plain and simple….and they put it on display 24/7

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55 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

democrat leadership does not like being victims of their own policies.

Liberals weaken the very internal well being of voters by preying upon human weaknesses and undisciplined nature.  They have dressed it up really good for so long that’s why it’s called indoctrination….the manipulation of the mind.

low info voters + govt teet = liberal platform.

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from the article

While awaiting the arrival of the three new buses early Wednesday, NYC’s Office of Immigrant Affairs Commissioner Manuel Castro accused a "morally corrupt" Abbott of using the bussing of migrants to the Big Apple as a "political ploy" aimed to "foment anti-immigrant sentiment." 

"You cannot take the words of Governor Abbott seriously. He's demonstrated his moral character with these actions, and they're disgusting. We do know that people are arriving with a great amount of needs because of the treatment they've received in the state of Texas," Castro said outside The New York Times building in Manhattan. "Again, this must be condemned. This must be looked into. And our federal government will… take steps to hold them accountable." 

"No one is blaming them, but we are condemning this Governor Abbott's treatment," he said. "If he wanted to help, he would be bussing them to the actual locations that they need to… meet, to be transported to. But he's not. He's transporting people to Washington, D.C. and to New York City without any communication with us, with the intent of forcing as much harm as possible to our cities.



morally corrupt: now that’s funny baby killers

political ploy: not really and definitely not for anti immigrant.  His wife is Hispanic.  It’s more like you voted for it you deal with it.

disgusting:  play on words like the rest of the crap that comes out liberals mouths. There is nothing disgusting about busing people in the ac vehicles to a big city that wants them.

Amount of needs: this is laughable and a lie.They come across the border get on a bus and sent to you. Fabricators 

forcing harm: oh so you do know what the influx of so many immigrants cause.

any liberals got anything to say.





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I think it’s great.  I do think the immigration system and path to citizenship need to be revamped, but the fact that the government has refused to help Texas and expects us to handle it on our own is ridiculous, as is their response when Abbott passes on the problem, so to speak.  How anyone can accuse Texas of being inhumane for trying to keep illegal immigrants from overwhelming our system, but then turn around and cry when a tiny fraction of those immigrants are sent to suck off their system is mind blowing to me. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

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I think this is hilarious.  6K immigrants bussed from Texas to DC and the city is falling apart, but they've criticized Texas' handling of the situation when we face hundreds of thousands (if not more) a year.  At least the govt is consistent and not helping them either, i guess.

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The Administration needs to release El Chapo so he can build a tunnel from Mexico to New York City. That way New York can be on the front line of the Border Crisis.

Better yet just move the White House to the border an the illegal border crossings would be solved immediately! 

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