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New health care bill


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I would love for Shauna to comment on how many millions of people effectively lost their health coverage after Obamacare was implemented.

And where does she get these numbers...from the Congressional Budget Office. The same CBO that said premiums would be reduced by 2500.00 per family under Obamacare? The same CBO that said Obamacare would cut the deficit by $120 billion? And who are these 14 million that would lose their coverage? What is in the new healthcare proposal that bans them from getting coverage? Why are they not able to buy their coverage like everybody else? Is Shauna just trying to use scare tactics and misleading statements to attack a plan that I assuming she knows nothing about?

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50 minutes ago, TxHoops said:

You guys are focused too much on Shauna.  I was more enlightened by Don Don's preformulated responses!

I look at Trump's quoted comments just like some of Obama's campaign statements...he really meant them at the time he said them (not like the blatant lie of "You can keep your doctor" or "You can keep your healthcare plan"...but akin to "I will close Gitmo in my first year"). Shauna is just a liar that probably knows she's lying but harbors so much hate for Trump that she will say anything that she thinks will make him look bad. Frankly I'm pissed that the GOP hasn't just repealed Obamacare then moved on to the next issue. This obsession with "replace" is making all the GOP look like major RINOs. Shauna is a typical Liberal spinning and offering misleading statements in an effort to undermine Trump. Zach The Future is not worth mentioning. If you quizzed him on what "horrible things" Trump has done, I bet he would answer with his feet...running back to his safe space as fast as he could. So yeah, if we were to grade the three people in your thread, I would rate Shauna as the worst, then Trump, and Zach will remain unworthy of response.

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Remember when the poor sick woman touched the hem of Jesus's robe and he told her if she wanted to be healed then she needed to get a job and her own Healthcare? And remember when He said, 'the poor will be with you always, so tell them to quit being lazy?' My favorite sermon was "Blessed are those who are sick of taking care of orphans, widows, the poor and the meek. Only those who can take care of themselves and are perfectly healthy and rich may enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

Or maybe I have that all wrong...

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3 minutes ago, TxHoops said:

Remember when the poor sick woman touched the hem of Jesus's robe and he told her if she wanted to be healed then she needed to get a job and her own Healthcare? And remember when He said, 'the poor will be with you always, so tell them to quit being lazy?' My favorite sermon was "Blessed are those who are sick of taking care of orphans, widows, the poor and the meek. Only those who can take care of themselves and are perfectly healthy and rich may enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

Or maybe I have that all wrong...

Don't forget this one.

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you: that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

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Even for those who struggle with comprehending what they read, these should be easy enough...let's gooo!


Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy

  — Proverbs 31:8-9

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