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2 hours ago, Englebert said:

Can you name one person he has physically harmed. Don't bother, we all know the answer.

And he is as unstable as Obama. Yes Obama, the one that spent eight years attacking Bush. The one that spent the last eight years attacking all Republicans. The one that spent the last year attacking Trump. So don't talk to me about unstable when your hero is as guilty as Trump but you conveniently give him a pass.

Lol. If you say so. Obama has never gone on Twitter, tweeting at 3 am in the morning when someone disagreed with him to my knowledge 

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10 minutes ago, akifan94 said:

Complete BS. Trump never said all blacks were uneducated and lived in the ghetto. He said the inner cities were a disaster and that is the truth. How many inner cities are composed of mostly white people or even a small minority of white people? The lady who wrote that article spun it in her own words then you took it as a quote. Typical behavior of someone looking for an excuse. Inner cities are a disaster and the black community for the most part turns their head to it to make excuses and place blame other places. 

Did you listen to the audio. You can see and hear him say it. Click the link.

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1 minute ago, Big girl said:

Lol. If you say so. Obama has never gone on Twitter, tweeting at 3 am in the morning when someone disagreed with him to my knowledge 

What does 3am have to do with anything. I was up at 3am Tuesday night...celebrating. Am I unstable for sending a tweet to some friends. Your fake outrage is laughable. And if you think Obama has never lashed out at his detractors, you have never heard any of his speeches over the last eight years.

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1 minute ago, Big girl said:

Lol. If you say so. Obama has never gone on Twitter, tweeting at 3 am in the morning when someone disagreed with him to my knowledge 

Those 3AM tweets got him elected. He spent WAY less money than Hillary and had much less of a ground game......and WON BIG........as he said he would.

So far, he has done everything he said he was going to do. Hopefully he keeps all his promises. 


"Elections have consequences"    Obama Jan. 23, 2009   

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4 minutes ago, Big girl said:

Lol. If you say so. Obama has never gone on Twitter, tweeting at 3 am in the morning when someone disagreed with him to my knowledge 

Probably because he is normally sleeping and getting ready for that early Tee time the next morning.

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12 minutes ago, akifan94 said:

Complete BS. Trump never said all blacks were uneducated and lived in the ghetto. He said the inner cities were a disaster and that is the truth. How many inner cities are composed of mostly white people or even a small minority of white people? The lady who wrote that article spun it in her own words then you took it as a quote. Typical behavior of someone looking for an excuse. Inner cities are a disaster and the black community for the most part turns their head to it to make excuses and place blame other places. 

Did you listen to the audio. You can see and hear him say it. Click the link.

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3 minutes ago, thetragichippy said:

Those 3AM tweets got him elected. He spent WAY less money than Hillary and had much less of a ground game......and WON BIG........as he said he would.

So far, he has done everything he said he was going to do. Hopefully he keeps all his promises. 


"Elections have consequences"    Obama Jan. 23, 2009   

I've been waiting for an appropriate time to use this line. Thanks for spoiling it for me.

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23 minutes ago, Englebert said:

He's been an undeniable successful businessman. How many successful businessmen do you know that are so unstable that they can't be trusted with the nuclear codes. Launching nuclear weapons will result in killing people. Trump has never killed anyone. You can't say that about Hillary.

And so what if he verbally attacks foreign leaders. If they verbally attack him, he should respond with a verbal attack. Or do you want him to draw a line in the sand then run and hide when that line is crossed? Obama has been verbally attacking his detractors for years (well, Republicans). You conveniently fail to recall that. Is Obama so unstable he shouldn't have the nuclear codes.

I'm astonished how you can think that 3am tweets responding to verbal attacks can equate to being unstable. That is the epitome of fake outrage.

And you are right, no one knows what to expect from him. I do know he is a very successful business man that has played the political game all of his life. The unknown might be of concern, but what's really scary is we know exactly what to expect from Hillary...and it ain't good.

Didn't he claim close to a billion dollar loss 20 years ago, in one year? Isn't this the reason he doesn't pay income taxes? How many of his businesses have filed for bankruptcy ?  How many times did his dad have to bail him out? What does being a good businessman(I use that term loosely) have to do with running a country? He doesn't know anything about political matters.

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2 minutes ago, Big girl said:

Didn't he claim close to a billion dollar loss 20 years ago, in one year? Isn't this the reason he doesn't pay income taxes? How many of his businesses have filed for bankruptcy ?  How many times did his dad have to bail him out? What does being a good businessman(I use that term loosely) have to do with running a country? He doesn't know anything about political matters.

Yes...and he still beat Hillary!  Isn't that a shame!?  LULZ

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17 minutes ago, Big girl said:

Didn't he claim close to a billion dollar loss 20 years ago, in one year? Isn't this the reason he doesn't pay income taxes? How many of his businesses have filed for bankruptcy ?  How many times did his dad have to bail him out? What does being a good businessman(I use that term loosely) have to do with running a country? He doesn't know anything about political matters.

Your lack of knowledge of history, even recent history, is astonishing.

He adhered to the tax laws, you know, the ones signed into law by Bill. Do you adhere to the tax laws? That is, do you take deductions you are entitled to?

Many many many successful businessmen have filed for bankruptcy. Stevenash posted a whole list of them not too long ago.

I don't recall his dad ever "bailing him out". But even if he did, Trump is worth around 9 billion dollars today. How many unsuccessful people do you know worth 9 billion dollars? Please list them.

And being a successful businessman in the real estate business in New York requires you to deal with the politics and politicians. So he has plenty of experience in political matters.

And I bet he doesn't rent out the Lincoln bedroom like the last time a Clinton occupied the White House. And after his tenure is complete, I highly doubt he will be ordered to return items he unlawfully removed from the White House. Now these things would be an example of an unstable person.

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30 minutes ago, Big girl said:

Lol. If you say so. Obama has never gone on Twitter, tweeting at 3 am in the morning when someone disagreed with him to my knowledge 

For us educated people, once you indicate a.m. there is no need to say "in the morning".

What do you really care what Trump or anybody does at 3:00 a.m......"in the morning"? Lmao.

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3 minutes ago, Big girl said:

Not really. She won the popular vote. More people voted for her. She is the choice of the people, but it is, what it is. I accept it


Popular vote counts as much as the state has electoral votes, it always has, and always will.  Doesn't sound like your accepting anything currently. 

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2 minutes ago, Big girl said:

Not really. She won the popular vote. More people voted for her. She is the choice of the people, but it is, what it is. I accept it


Not the first time this has happened.  No need in trying to make it an issue.  She lost because of her corruptness, and Obama alienated the blue collar, coal producing states with his policies.

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38 minutes ago, thetragichippy said:

Those 3AM tweets got him elected. He spent WAY less money than Hillary and had much less of a ground game......and WON BIG........as he said he would.

So far, he has done everything he said he was going to do. Hopefully he keeps all his promises. 


"Elections have consequences"    Obama Jan. 23, 2009   

How sad. A Republican has be a lunatic to be elected? (More people voted her her)

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43 minutes ago, Big girl said:

Didn't he claim close to a billion dollar loss 20 years ago, in one year? Isn't this the reason he doesn't pay income taxes? How many of his businesses have filed for bankruptcy ?  How many times did his dad have to bail him out? What does being a good businessman(I use that term loosely) have to do with running a country? He doesn't know anything about political matters.

You have no clue how business works and you keep proving it over and over on this site. 

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2 hours ago, Big girl said:

She won the popular vote, I don't care how she won it. Are you saying that people in California and New York's vote doesn't matter? How would you feel if Trump won the popular vote, but lost the election? 

NO what I am saying is go look at all the red on the map(by counties)across the country....the majority of the blue is Cali and NY high populous along with Miami counties.  There vote does matter, but the fact that two states with a concentrated liberal view can almost select the president for the other 48 states is kinda of  ridiculous.

I would say he lost the election, because that is the system we have in place. And I wouldn't go riot and loot.  When Obama won did you see or hear of any rioting and looting? 

Also let me add I didn't vote for him I voted against her.



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4 hours ago, Big girl said:

I  agree. He made people believe that ALL Muslims were terrorists among other things

Only if they were listening to something that was never said.  For some reason I believe that is entirely true however.

There are plenty of mind reading Democrats out there to believe everything is code.  A person can say anything and yet the Democrats are so smart that they know there's an ulterior motive.  With all the talk of conspiracy theories, the ultimate might be the belief that you can read someone's mind and that everything said by a conservative is evil and you're so perceptive that you know "what he really meant". 

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