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12 minutes ago, baddog said:

Personally, I wish both candidates would stop slinging mud and tell me what they are going to do about the economy, isis, illegal immigrants, Syrian refugees, oil glut, you know, real issues, not just constant name calling.

We both have a better chance at winning Powerball before that happens. 

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Also, this year may be the election that proves no third party will be a viable option in our lifetimes.  I have said before I identify with many of the Libertarian Party's stances.  And I must say their VP candidate has been one of my favorite Republicans for over a couple of decades.  

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3 hours ago, TxHoops said:

I never thought the GOP would be the mess it is now.  Trump is approaching a 70 percent disapproval rating in some polls.  Many politicos are predicting single women again being the key demographic.  If that plays out, Trump's candidacy will make the Titanic look like a Sunday afternoon sail...

Hoops, I think your description of the GOP as a "mess" was rather generous.  I'm afraid it's comparable to the British Army on the beaches at Dunkirk.  The fact that a rich, brash, historically liberal, businessman from NY (a yankee), won so many primaries in the "heart of dixie", is proof that Joe Repulican is not happy with the Party, or leadership.  Add to that the two best the Democrats had to offer, of Bernie (a socialist) and Hillary (a_______fill in the blank) and one has to wonder about the state of our politics.  Thirty years ago, Mr. Ed would have beaten all three of them.

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1 hour ago, 77 said:

My theory is that the GOP dont want to win the presidency because they know that usually the other party controls the  house and senate and therefore they would lose their jobs and we all know they (on both sides) are only concerned about themselves and their power.jmo

You may be on to something 77.  That never entered my mind.  But it has now lol :) 

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5 minutes ago, new tobie said:

report number 8 or 9

Tobie- Do you believe Mrs. Clinton and Susan Rice were honest with the public when they said the attack was a spontaneous response to a video?  Do you believe Mrs. Clinton was honest with the parents of those slain in Benghazi when she assured them we would "get the guy who produced that video'?

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8 minutes ago, stevenash said:

Tobie- Do you believe Mrs. Clinton and Susan Rice were honest with the public when they said the attack was a spontaneous response to a video?  Do you believe Mrs. Clinton was honest with the parents of those slain in Benghazi when she assured them we would "get the guy who produced that video'?

No and No. And you guys do a very good job of picking and choosing the things with government that you are concerned with and all of them are one-sided. Blame for 911 can probably be pointed at someone in our government. I read where warning signs were there, but were ignored.

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2 minutes ago, new tobie said:

No and No. And you guys do a very good job of picking and choosing the things with government that you are concerned with and all of them are one-sided. Blame for 911 can probably be pointed at someone in our government. I read where warning signs were there, but were ignored.

How can that be?  Weren't there a lot of smart Dems in the government at that time?  Did they miss/ignore those warning signs also?

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34 minutes ago, nappyroots said:

If we would have investigated our government, we probably would have some democrat and /or republicans in jail right now.

There's no doubt in my mind that, for whatever illegal shenanigans, there's a bunch of our politicians that need Orange jumpsuits.  There's a quote attributed to Ronald Reagan that would be appropriate here.

I use to say that Politics was the Second Oldest Profession, and I've come to know it bears a gross similarity to the First.

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