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Small schools


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I know I'm going to get ripped for this one.. but oh well.  Here goes:

I was watching last night's debate and I began thinking about all of the ways that the government spends and wastes money unnecessarily.  I got me thinking about public education.  Me personally...I think a lot of money in education is wasted also.  My biggest complaint:

I think that the state/country should do away with small schools.  I think that any high school with less than 500 kids should have to consolidate with neighboring towns/school districts.  I think that kids do not learn what it takes to compete in life.  The lack of competition provided athletically, academically, and socially is (in my opinion) contributing to the weakening of society. These small town kids and their idiot parents just cant believe that they don't get accepted in certain schools, get certain jobs, or get scholarships (athletic/band/academic) after being an absolute super star at a school with 150 kids.  Well...there's a big world out there outside of your little town.  Especially when you start having to compete with the Kingwood, Katy, Houston, Austin, Dallas...areas of the world.

Also...every school has a superintendent, principal, asst principal, (most likely), ath. director.... even schools with between 100 and 200 kids.   So a school with 150 kids is paying (minimum) 4 salaries at anywhere from 60-100 thousand dollars a year....and so is a school with 1000 kids..?  I think that's a monumental waste of money. 

Anyway..go ahead and let me have it.  

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I know I'm going to get ripped for this one.. but oh well.  Here goes:

I was watching last night's debate and I began thinking about all of the ways that the government spends and wastes money unnecessarily.  I got me thinking about public education.  Me personally...I think a lot of money in education is wasted also.  My biggest complaint:

I think that the state/country should do away with small schools.  I think that any high school with less than 500 kids should have to consolidate with neighboring towns/school districts.  I think that kids do not learn what it takes to compete in life.  The lack of competition provided athletically, academically, and socially is (in my opinion) contributing to the weakening of society. These small town kids and their idiot parents just cant believe that they don't get accepted in certain schools, get certain jobs, or get scholarships (athletic/band/academic) after being an absolute super star at a school with 150 kids.  Well...there's a big world out there outside of your little town.  Especially when you start having to compete with the Kingwood, Katy, Houston, Austin, Dallas...areas of the world.

Also...every school has a superintendent, principal, asst principal, (most likely), ath. director.... even schools with between 100 and 200 kids.   So a school with 150 kids is paying (minimum) 4 salaries at anywhere from 60-100 thousand dollars a year....and so is a school with 1000 kids..?  I think that's a monumental waste of money. 

Anyway..go ahead and let me have it.  

Consider yourself ripped,,,lol

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You said Kingwood and Katy area like they are major cities lol. No I am with you, the state needs fiduciary committees to look into how to be more efficient with money in public education as far as school size. If there are small school districts right next to each other and it is financially more feasible to combine they should. The only saving grace to small schools is the transportation costs would skyrocket if schools were to combine.

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You have killed off every school from about 4A DII down.  So what would you tell the parents that have to drive 60+ miles to school each morning.   I can assure you kids from small schools compete just fine because they are going to the same University's as those big high school kids.   I also disagree with the experience.  At a large school they may have to choose one focus and can't enjoy the diversity of multiple sports and academic events.  But, I don't totally disagree with your assessment.  There are some small school (100 kids or less) within a few miles of other schools that could be combined in some capacity.  

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You have killed off every school from about 4A DII down.  So what would you tell the parents that have to drive 60+ miles to school each morning.   I can assure you kids from small schools compete just fine because they are going to the same University's as those big high school kids.   I also disagree with the experience.  At a large school they may have to choose one focus and can't enjoy the diversity of multiple sports and academic events.  But, I don't totally disagree with your assessment.  There are some small school (100 kids or less) within a few miles of other schools that could be combined in some capacity.  

Hey if you don't mind...go ahead and make me a list of schools (East of I35) that are 60 miles to the closest school/town.  Because I'm interested to see that list.  Now towns out west..that literally are hours away from the closest town.  Well now exception would probably have to be made.  Other than that there is no reason these small schools that are pretty close to other schools shouldn't consolidate.  

And experiencing multiple sports is for intramural and church leagues.  UIL competition is not a joke...or shouldn't be.  But kids that try to play 4 sports make it that way because instead of trying to be good at something..you're being mediocre at everything.  It's very possible doing 2 sports, but 3 is a stretch big time.  Anybody playing more sports than that is just doing it to say they did.  Just putting patches on the letter jacket, or being in as many pictures in the yearbook as possible.  Hence...don't learn how to compete for something.  Big school kids don't play just 1 or 2 sports because it's what they want.  If they don't focus on just that they won't play anything. 

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Hey if you don't mind...go ahead and make me a list of schools (East of I35) that are 60 miles to the closest school/town.  Because I'm interested to see that list.  Now towns out west..that literally are hours away from the closest town.  Well now exception would probably have to be made.  Other than that there is no reason these small schools that are pretty close to other schools shouldn't consolidate.  

And experiencing multiple sports is for intramural and church leagues.  UIL competition is not a joke...or shouldn't be.  But kids that try to play 4 sports make it that way because instead of trying to be good at something..you're being mediocre at everything.  It's very possible doing 2 sports, but 3 is a stretch big time.  Anybody playing more sports than that is just doing it to say they did.  Just putting patches on the letter jacket, or being in as many pictures in the yearbook as possible.  Hence...don't learn how to compete for something.  Big school kids don't play just 1 or 2 sports because it's what they want.  If they don't focus on just that they won't play anything. 

Anybody?? smh

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Because big school districts like BISD and PAISD never waste money.....give me a break.... I guarantee that most small districts (as a whole) are more "thrifty" and responsible with their budgets and monies than the big districts...Your other argument about kids playing multi sports effects you personally how?? 

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Because big school districts like BISD and PAISD never waste money.....give me a break.... I guarantee that most small districts (as a whole) are more "thrifty" and responsible with their budgets and monies than the big districts...Your other argument about kids playing multi sports effects you personally how?? 

It doesn't effect me personally other than having to deal with a generation of people who think they should have some type of special pass because they or their kid was the quarterback, point guard, starting pitcher, anchor leg of the 4x100, and captain of the golf team at Podunk High School.  Did you not read my original post... I said that these small schools were a waste of public education funds AND kids do NOT learn to be competitive in any aspect of life.  If you have everything given to you as the stud of a class of 30 then you have not learned to earn anything.

This subject is so ridiculous it warrants having the thread deleted.

To be honest I wouldn't expect any different.  We wouldn't want to hurt someone's feelings anyway.

By the way I haven't done anything wrong according to the site rules.  I'm not singling anyone or any school out. 

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I know I'm going to get ripped for this one.. but oh well.  Here goes:

I was watching last night's debate and I began thinking about all of the ways that the government spends and wastes money unnecessarily.  I got me thinking about public education.  Me personally...I think a lot of money in education is wasted also.  My biggest complaint:

I think that the state/country should do away with small schools.  I think that any high school with less than 500 kids should have to consolidate with neighboring towns/school districts.  I think that kids do not learn what it takes to compete in life.  The lack of competition provided athletically, academically, and socially is (in my opinion) contributing to the weakening of society. These small town kids and their idiot parents just cant believe that they don't get accepted in certain schools, get certain jobs, or get scholarships (athletic/band/academic) after being an absolute super star at a school with 150 kids.  Well...there's a big world out there outside of your little town.  Especially when you start having to compete with the Kingwood, Katy, Houston, Austin, Dallas...areas of the world.

Also...every school has a superintendent, principal, asst principal, (most likely), ath. director.... even schools with between 100 and 200 kids.   So a school with 150 kids is paying (minimum) 4 salaries at anywhere from 60-100 thousand dollars a year....and so is a school with 1000 kids..?  I think that's a monumental waste of money. 

Anyway..go ahead and let me have it.  

You are truly unbelievable with that statement! My oldest son graduated in a class of 65. He was never a superstar athlete, but he worked his tail off in the classroom and football field. He earned an athletic and academic scholly. He was never given a scholarship, he had to earn it by his play on the field and his work in the classroom.

There are hundreds or thousands of kids that have earned the same thing.

Oh by the way, my wife nor I are idiots.

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You are truly unbelievable with that statement! My oldest son graduated in a class of 65. He was never a superstar athlete, but he worked his tail off in the classroom and football field. He earned an athletic and academic scholly. He was never given a scholarship, he had to earn it by his play on the field and his work in the classroom.

There are hundreds or thousands of kids that have earned the same thing.

Oh by the way, my wife nor I are idiots.

You obviously did not understand.  THESE kids and idiot parents THAT CANT BELIEVE their kids didn't get this or that.  Did I say every small town kid and parent.  No..I said the ones that feel they should have something because Jr was a superstar in a small school.

If your son earned an athletic and academic scholly the both he and his parents should be extremely proud.  Which I'm sure you are.  But make no mistake...if he did that in a class  of 65...he would've done it in a class of 150.  But...he would be better for it, and probably better off.  He would've seen tougher competition and more of it.  Both athletically and academically.

Obviously an impression was made that I think all schools with less than 500 should be shut down..well if you have 1 school with 250, 1 with 150, and another with 100 within 20 or so miles of each other...then there should be one school of 500.  Don't shut them down...nor keep them going.  Consolidate them.  That would save millions in unnecessary salary/operating costs. 

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I can't leave this one alone, I have you to know my son goes to a small school and yes plays everything and is very good at each sport. With that being said about playing no competition and how your child may look like a stud because hes only in a class of 30 is a bunch of crap. No we dont play 4 and 5A schools. But he does when he plays select baseball and in the Premier league he plays in mind you, he starts over your 4 and 5a players and competes against big Houston schools all the time and hes not the only one at our school like this either. WE choose our small school to stay out of the big school issues they have! I always smaller school less problems, and it shows by how many transfers we recieve every year from bigger schools. We know scouts rarely come to high school games , they are at showcase tournaments so thats where we get seen , by D1, D2 and D3 colleges. Also our school is on top of there school finances and where the money goes, you can bet on that! So your the idoit parent that don't know what the heck your talking about! Everyone always assumes smaller schools have no talented athletes , but they are so sadly mistaken!!!!

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I teach Economics at a Community College. I have students that come from both large and small schools. A large percentage of my students are Dual Credit high school students taking college classes. On the individual level there are achievers and underachievers from both large and small schools. However, if you look at overall performance of students from large schools versus overall performance of students from small schools, the students from small school kick the students from large schools arses every semester. This is of course my experience with the students I actually teach, I personally know of no study that compares the performance of students from large and small schools across the country (not that they aren't out there, I just have never seen one). The idea that students graduating from smaller schools are unprepared and unable to compete in the "big" world is absurd at best.

I would agree that, if reasonably close to one another, consolidation could reduce administrative costs and allow more money to be spent on instruction and even extracurricular activities. That being said, only Nevada, Arizona, Oklahoma, and Mississippi, spend less per student on education than Texas. It's not like we are throwing a lot of money at education to start with.

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Because big school districts like BISD and PAISD never waste money.....give me a break.... I guarantee that most small districts (as a whole) are more "thrifty" and responsible with their budgets and monies than the big districts...Your other argument about kids playing multi sports effects you personally how?? 

I am for small town USA programs.  Yes, they do not have the facilities, opportunities, etc... that larger schools have BUT if they keep it in context they can really participate and enjoy.  Understanding the post High School opportunities will be limited academically and athletically.


BUT most small districts waste money on brother in law stipends etc... one district in Hardin/Tyler Co. pays their HS principal $90,000 or so a year to supervise about 250 kids.  REDICULOUS, and  from your posting name you must know of this.  Nederland and PNG Principals make not much more for supervising about 1,600 kids.

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Newton co. is 78 miles long. Three high schools. Our kids catch the bus at 6 am in the morning. We could consolidate and our kids could get up and leave at 4 am in the morning and get home at about 8pm. By the way, Newton co. only has about 13000 people in the entire county. Deweyville H.S. 232 kids Newton 284 and Burkeville 91 kids. Total 607 kids. Having several HS's is for the convenience of the kids.

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I can't leave this one alone, I have you to know my son goes to a small school and yes plays everything and is very good at each sport. With that being said about playing no competition and how your child may look like a stud because hes only in a class of 30 is a bunch of crap. No we dont play 4 and 5A schools. But he does when he plays select baseball and in the Premier league he plays in mind you, he starts over your 4 and 5a players and competes against big Houston schools all the time and hes not the only one at our school like this either. WE choose our small school to stay out of the big school issues they have! I always smaller school less problems, and it shows by how many transfers we recieve every year from bigger schools. We know scouts rarely come to high school games , they are at showcase tournaments so thats where we get seen , by D1, D2 and D3 colleges. Also our school is on top of there school finances and where the money goes, you can bet on that! So your the idoit parent that don't know what the heck your talking about! Everyone always assumes smaller schools have no talented athletes , but they are so sadly mistaken!!!!

Once again, the communication process has been broken down.  Did I say there were no talented kids at small schools?  Because I'm pretty sure I didn't.  I said they don't learn to compete.  And that's true..I don't really care (nor have I ever) what anyone thinks about it.

But...for the 99% of small schools that don't have a kid make it.  Even tho he/she is the stud...it's because everything is relative colleges don't look for the stud of a school.  They look for capable students or athletes.

And problems are also relative.  It's all about percentages.  All problems are pretty much the same...but 10% of 500 kids doing drugs is a lot more kids than 10% of 130.  But don't worry...the problems are still there.  With the exception of inner city problems of course.  Those are different types of problems.

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I teach Economics at a Community College. I have students that come from both large and small schools. A large percentage of my students are Dual Credit high school students taking college classes. On the individual level there are achievers and underachievers from both large and small schools. However, if you look at overall performance of students from large schools versus overall performance of students from small schools, the students from small school kick the students from large schools arses every semester. This is of course my experience with the students I actually teach, I personally know of no study that compares the performance of students from large and small schools across the country (not that they aren't out there, I just have never seen one). The idea that students graduating from smaller schools are unprepared and unable to compete in the "big" world is absurd at best.

I would agree that, if reasonably close to one another, consolidation could reduce administrative costs and allow more money to be spent on instruction and even extracurricular activities. That being said, only Nevada, Arizona, Oklahoma, and Mississippi, spend less per student on education than Texas. It's not like we are throwing a lot of money at education to start with.

Keep in mind you are at a Community College and probably have the lower end of the big school kids and the upper end of the small school kids simply because the rural kids are too far from major Universities therefore go to a Community College first

National Merit  Scholars, etc... go directly to a 4 year University 

Fact is Community College is more like grade 13 NOT repeat NOT the same as UT, TT, A&M, Lamar, etc...

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I teach Economics at a Community College. I have students that come from both large and small schools. A large percentage of my students are Dual Credit high school students taking college classes. On the individual level there are achievers and underachievers from both large and small schools. However, if you look at overall performance of students from large schools versus overall performance of students from small schools, the students from small school kick the students from large schools arses every semester. This is of course my experience with the students I actually teach, I personally know of no study that compares the performance of students from large and small schools across the country (not that they aren't out there, I just have never seen one). The idea that students graduating from smaller schools are unprepared and unable to compete in the "big" world is absurd at best.

I would agree that, if reasonably close to one another, consolidation could reduce administrative costs and allow more money to be spent on instruction and even extracurricular activities. That being said, only Nevada, Arizona, Oklahoma, and Mississippi, spend less per student on education than Texas. It's not like we are throwing a lot of money at education to start with.

Yeah...your point would absolutely be null and void if you compared the top 10% at big and small schools.  Not only the academic preparation..but the quality of schools those kids go to.  Obviously there are always exceptions...but the typical top 10 student at a big school is getting a lot better education than a top 10 student at a small school.  And getting into probably a lot higher quality university.

I'm not being judgmental toward community or junior colleges because I think they're absolutely necessary.  And a great option for most.  But that's not a fair comparison..that's not showing the whole picture I promise.

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Yeah...your point would absolutely be null and void if you compared the top 10% at big and small schools.  Not only the academic preparation..but the quality of schools those kids go to.  Obviously there are always exceptions...but the typical top 10 student at a big school is getting a lot better education than a top 10 student at a small school.  And getting into probably a lot higher quality university.

I'm not being judgmental toward community or junior colleges because I think they're absolutely necessary.  And a great option for most.  But that's not a fair comparison..that's not showing the whole picture I promise.

This is just not true.  I went to Cameron (now 3A), so you are telling me that I would have been better off if I went to Temple (now 5A)?  

The fact of the matter is, regardless of where you go, if you have a passion for something you're going to make it happen through hard work.  It does not matter that my Algebra teacher was Mr. Jones (3A) or Mr. Jones (5A).  

I managed to get my self into NHS in high school, attend a private 4-year university, and now have a great job.  How did that happen....I'm not the smartest guy out there, but I worked for it.  Does that make me better than the community college kid or lower than the Harvard graduate.....I think not.  Regardless of where you go to school (high school or college) or what you do in life, hard work and dedication can lead you anywhere.  


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Any state legislator or senator who voiced the opinion that oldfart just did would be committing political suicide.......it ain't gunna happen..........so this topic is a huge waste of time.......typical of the vast majority of his topics........

Do I post a lot of topics?..for you to say that most are a waste of time?  I make comments sure...

I think you're just upset because Colmesneil was my new HD for a couple weeks.

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