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Confederate Flag Flies Because Of The Democratic Party!


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People this flag is a symbol of hatred. This flag has alway been in the corner of racism I  america. It is been flown in every KKK rally I have ever seen and every white supremacist has this or a Nazi  flag to show their loyalty. You have no idea how a African America would feel about this flag u less you are one. The world isn't perfect but when that piece of trash killed all those innocent  people in SC he was repenting this flag and hate. No it won't end racism but this symbol will be dead. No it won't stop ignorant  kids and thugs from sagging in their jeans. The new plantation  in the state pen. It bothers me as an African American to see kids sagging, wearing a bunch of tattoos,  and promoting violence. 


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You can hang whatever flag you want to hang on your property. I could careless but again I have yet to get a answer to why should we honor such evil traitors to this nation. Yet to get a answer in both threads. Why would some feelings change if the Mexican British and other groups flags was hung on Capitol buildings. These were not great Americans. They were the enemy. 

​Gonna give it the old college try...Lets just throw it out in the open...this whole flag thing is about slavery and injustice done to African Americans by their own in Africa, White Euro's and White Americans (TRIANGLE TRADE ROUTE). When I look at the Confederate flag I see age old tradition and a reminder of a time when things were confusing and full of mixed emotions. I see a time when people died for their beliefs and heritage. I see a time people died for moral change change. I see a time that people waged war upon their brother over the all mighty dollar. Evil traitors to a nation? Undying echos of slavery among people who trust it upon the backs of those who have no real ties to that day in time...from a peoples who can't even hardly make blood ties to the past.  Their have been many wrongs done to a many of people and cultures world wide throughout history...too many to list. The confederate flag is more than just a hate rag...it's part of a profound history. It stands for tradition, change, grief, life, religion and yes even freedom, because without the struggles of war many of this countries most influential leaders who fought for civil rights may have never been.  It is our history as a people as a nation. It cant just be about one thing and the past has to start truly being the past if our future is to be what we want it to be.  You Sir are an American and the south, the flag, the everything is a part of your history just like it's a part of mine and we must embrace it and find the good, find the lessons, find the wrongs and let them stand uncovered as the truth to teach us all...God Bless my friend.        

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You no how many links I can post that will claim different. Hippie honestly do you not consider the Confederate states evil traitors. 

​No, I don't. I also don't think of the battle flag as racist......Some will use the KKK of using the flag......but they used the American Flag as well......and slavery was in America, so why don't we ban that one......but to believe all that you have to believe that the Civil War was not about slavery........

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​Gonna give it the old college try...Lets just throw it out in the open...this whole flag thing is about slavery and injustice done to African Americans by their own in Africa, White Euro's and White Americans (TRIANGLE TRADE ROUTE). When I look at the Confederate flag I see age old tradition and a reminder of a time when things were confusing and full of mixed emotions. I see a time when people died for their beliefs and heritage. I see a time people died for moral change change. I see a time that people waged war upon their brother over the all mighty dollar. Evil traitors to a nation? Undying echos of slavery among people who trust it upon the backs of those who have no real ties to that day in time...from a peoples who can't even hardly make blood ties to the past.  Their have been many wrongs done to a many of people and cultures world wide throughout history...too many to list. The confederate flag is more than just a hate rag...it's part of a profound history. It stands for tradition, change, grief, life, religion and yes even freedom, because without the struggles of war many of this countries most influential leaders who fought for civil rights may have never been.  It is our history as a people as a nation. It cant just be about one thing and the past has to start truly being the past if our future is to be what we want it to be.  You Sir are an American and the south, the flag, the everything is a part of your history just like it's a part of mine and we must embrace it and find the good, find the lessons, find the wrongs and let them stand uncovered as the truth to teach us all...God Bless my friend.        

But I'm not saying that. I'm saying it shouldn't be hung at capital building. Texas do not fly Mexican flag it's part of our history no sign of native flags British flags. So do we pick in choose what flag is acceptable to fly if it's ok to fly that battle flag why not the rest.

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Mixed emotions???? SLAVERY was mixed emotions my ass. MF were getting lynched  and hung for the color of their skin. What's mixed about that?? Pure evil and hate. Look at the picture of some of thee racist whites during that time. We have to realize African Americans haven't been viewed as equals but for like 50 years. That's nothing! !! They were slaves for 300 years. 

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Mixed emotions???? SLAVERY was mixed emotions my ass. MF were getting lynched  and hung for the color of their skin. What's mixed about that?? Pure evil and hate. Look at the picture of some of thee racist whites during that time. We have to realize African Americans haven't been viewed as equals but for like 50 years. That's nothing! !! They were slaves for 300 years. 

​i heard someone today say the "get over it" comment today then compared it to sports, nah, not the same. Heard it on the radio as well, but thats the mentality thats out there these days. I didnt know racism was the same as sports, learn something new in our great country everyday. Fact is racism is alive and well today as it was many years before 2015, you can choose to ignore it or downplay it if thats your particular thing to do, and thats fine, but when there is no racism anymore wake me up with a cold brew and I'll return the favor with a hot bbq plate. 

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so worried about a flag....how bout educate. how bout role model. how bout mentor.  so much wasted energy over a flag.....  to busy looking at the negative.

Is that flag committing a crime, is that flag murdering, raping, stealing, molesting....


​This and Washington Redskins high on priority list

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Mixed emotions???? SLAVERY was mixed emotions my ass. MF were getting lynched  and hung for the color of their skin. What's mixed about that?? Pure evil and hate. Look at the picture of some of thee racist whites during that time. We have to realize African Americans haven't been viewed as equals but for like 50 years. That's nothing! !! They were slaves for 300 years. 

​I certainly was not minimizing getting "lynched or hung for the color of their skin" and IMO that right there is half our problem today...people taking things out of context or making bold assumptions instead of just asking someone who was obviously trying to have an intelligent conversation to opine on the statement of "mixed emotions"...although I was not asked I will try and clarify...people were raised in the south under a much different culture than the north and no matter how you look at it slavery was justified all the way from the church house to the state house. Many people in the north saw it as morally wrong and many people did not care about the morals as much as the economic impact based on fair trade, due to the fact that the south produced a product for much less cost due to a much reduced labor cost...ie slavery. That impact effected mans ability to make a living and care for their families. The mixed emotions comment was directed at the culture of the south where slavery was an entitlement and in the north it was a moral and direct economic survival issues. I realize 300years of slavery is unexcusable but nevertheless its all part of our history and my point was we just cant go around deciding what parts to embrace and what parts to hide.  I do believe everything happens for a reason and the African American people suffered not unlike the Jews or the multitudes of others around the world. many positive things were of a direct result of the Civil War and the Civil Rights struggle that later ensued. I wish we would just focus on the here and now and deal with the atrociousness of events effecting the African American people today and I'm not just talking about the current events of lately; I am talking about the crimes being exacted upon the African American people by their own... the thousands of young men dieing needlessly at the hands of their own and nothing of real is being done...Focus on a flag and focus on 300 years of slavery and your future will never be any better than it is today.  I have many friend of color and I hate to even say that because I don't see color in them I see my friend I see men I would stand shoulder to shoulder with as my equal or better...My children have been raised to not see color but see the person. I would never minimize your struggle...but my friend it is our burden as Americans to make tomorrow a better place and it can't happen trying to drive down the road of life looking in the rear-view mirror. My sincerest apologies if anything I said was or is misconstrued to be anything other than genuine, supportive or empathetic.  

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To 97% of southerners, that flag stands for Pride not Prejudice and Heritage not Hate.  IMO the reason the people of the South hold on to the Civil War is due to the U.S. treatment after the war.  We helped rebuild Japan & Germany.  We bend over backwards for Vietnam.  In the long list of wars the U.S. has fought, only two of those have ended with retribution - the Confederacy and the American Indians. 

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I was a member of the Facebook page PA Politics-Keeping it real.......I just removed myself from that group.


Typically the discussions were about the black - white issues in current events.....Some of the people would participate in a constructive debate, while others would continually put Race before logic......Today was the final straw.....

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Out of that entire group, there was only one that condemned  "FINISH THE MISSION, KILL SLAVE MASTERS". The rest brought up Slavery, the racist flag and Jim Crow. They were making excuses for this hate talk. I can't tell you the anger I felt.....

I found out there was a HUGE difference between me and them......and it wasn't color......it was I condemn ALL Hate....I don't ignore or give a pass to some groups like they gave a pass to this idiot.

Now.....they can continue to look at the past and make excuses for where they are at today, It's a free country(at least for awhile) and if they want to cry in their past, that is their choice.....But the group PA Politics and their city is crumbling around them because they can't do anything about the present or the future because they are too busy crying about the past.....a very dead end group and a bunch of racist.....


I feel better.......

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But you are supposed to lay down and take it because you have white privilege . What a crock of BS. Best I can remember is I worked for everything I've got and come from a long line of working hands that never hardly owned a little land much less a slave. Personally I'am really getting sick of hearing it. All those kids my age black white or yellow or red had the exact same opportunities I did and some had more all because of quotas....... 

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