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Should Fat People Be Taxed For Being Fat?

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Rather than taking care of their body, they rather stuff their humongous behind with more whataburger.
These landwhales are not only hogging up the aisles at grocery stores in their fat people scooter, but us hardworking taxpayers will most likely be on the hook for their medical expenses when their body fails.
Should we subsidize their terrible life decisions or should fat people get taxed for being fat?

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If you have a set number of people you would like to debate, then do what I do and only respond to their posts. Instead, you're just egging it on with those sarcastic remarks.


I want you to go on your profile and click the link to all of your posts. Look at the last fifty or so, and then ask yourself who you're responding to in those posts. If you really only want to have a debate with the prescribed list you've given above, you sure aren't acting like it.


In his defense you can get sucked in.......I've sworn to myself at least 10 times I would not respond to BigGirl......

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I guess it's my compassionate side that gets the best of me. I try to enlighten some of the uncivilized posters here but they lack critical thinking skills.

You're right. I need to give up on the teabagger brigade. They are too far gone.

If you have a set number of people you would like to debate, then do what I do and only respond to their posts. Instead, you're just egging it on with those sarcastic remarks.
I want you to go on your profile and click the link to all of your posts. Look at the last fifty or so, and then ask yourself who you're responding to in those posts. If you really only want to have a debate with the prescribed list you've given above, you sure aren't acting like it.

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ECO- Could you please show me the link that provides your credentials that qualify you for determining the intelligence level of others, particularly when said evaluation is based only upon a few posts on an entertainment message board? Just this one time, I would like to see some documentation in lieu of non validated bluster. For once. please bring it and don't sing it. As for the truth, the man in the head office is the one who wouldn't know the truth if it slapped him in the face. Wait- let me retract that- He would know the truth if it slapped him in the face but he is still willing to lie instead.
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ECO- Could you please show me the link that provides your credentials that qualify you for determining the intelligence level of others, particularly when said evaluation is based only upon a few posts on an entertainment message board? Just this one time, I would like to see some documentation in lieu of non validated bluster. For once. please bring it and don't sing it. As for the truth, the man in the head office is the one who wouldn't know the truth if it slapped him in the face. Wait- let me retract that- He would know the truth if it slapped him in the face but he is still willing to lie instead.

it appears to me that you are describing yourself: )
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