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Posts posted by Raider24

  1. 4 minutes ago, JugLine said:

    It’s gonna be more like a sick to your stomach diarrhea feeling about 830 pm when you realize y’all can’t keep up. 

    Keep talkin! Gonna make it all the more enjoyable! Here’s the deal, if we win, it’s a miracle! If y’all lose, it’s a disaster! Either way, we win right! Better than expected for us, disaster for y’all! Who’s the pressure on?  Enjoy! 

  2. 8 minutes ago, bulldog16 said:

    Seed has nothing to do w it.... It's a mutual agreement or a coin flip. In football being visitors during the playoffs really means nothing other than you get to call the coin toss

    Correct. Home vs visitor means nothing other than which side the fans sit on and what color jerseys the team wear (light or dark). Coin toss is 50/50 anyway no matter who calls it.


  3. I can’t tell ya who’s gonna win this game, but I can tell ya that the Raiders will compete and the culture within the program has changed and will continue to as long as Reyes is here. We are more physical than some give us credit for. We are not one dimensional as we were in the past. The better, more athletic team does not always win. Any given Friday! I believe the Raiders win this game and shock BEast Texas. I believe in our coaches to lay out the plan and our boys to execute the plan. #fullthrottle

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